Larry McDonald, President
Lonnie Vanderwerf, Property Manager
Office: 321 939 3289 Cell: 407-209-7504

The Terraces Association’s Board of Directors will be conducting a regular quarterly meeting on Monday, July 18th, at 6:30pm in the CelebrationCommunity Center located at 851 Celebration Avenue. Terraces unit owners and residents are always encouraged to attend and participate.

Bids or proposals for the following projects will be discussed and considered for approval by the Board during the upcoming July 18th meeting: Mailbox Replacement, Gutter System Repair or Replacement, Landscape Plant Replacement, Parking Area, Street, and Driveway Pavement Repair and Sealing, Lantern Light Repair or Replacement, Elevator Circuit Board Replacement, and Street Light Fixture and Sign Pole Painting. Once approved, our property manager will pursue getting these projects completed as quickly as possible. Advance notice will be provided when resident assistance is required, and we will attempt to complete the work with as minimal inconvenience as possible for our unit owners and residents.

Once again, we have been experiencing garbage bags and larger items being left on the concrete outside of the dumpsters. This not only creates an unsightly mess and health hazard when animals seeking food tear open the garbage bags, but also forces the Association to pay the added costs of having the mess cleaned up. When our housekeeping staff can determine which unit is responsible, the owner will be billed for the additional clean up costs. Please help keep the Terraces clean and safe for all to enjoy!

All Terraces unit owners recently received and notice form CROA related to a revision of the Celebration covenant Exhibit C-Rule 6: “Leasing of Units”. This rule now stipulates that “no single rooms or other fraction or portion of a unit constituting less than the entire dwelling may be leased”, and also that “all leases shall be for an initial term of no less than one year”.

All of the condo associations within Celebration are required to adopt and follow the covenant restrictions as approved by CROA. While theycannot be less restrictive, the Associationsdo have the option of being more restrictive than CROA.

Terraces covenants now require that all leases must be for an initial term of only 6 months, so once the CROA change becomes effective on July 11th, the Terraces will automatically begin to comply with the CROA change and require a minimum initial lease term of 12 months.

CROA’s change notice also states that “no unit shall be leased to more than two separate tenants in any 12-month period”. This conflicts with the Terraces’ more restrictive covenant which stipulatesthat “a unit can be leased only once in a 12-month period”. Therefore, the Terraces’ existing requirement will continue to be enforced by the Association.

In summary, after July 11th, all unit leases must have an initial term of 12 months, and only one lease will be permitted within any 12-month period.

Terraces unit owners who lease their units need to be aware of these required lease terms and conditions, and have the responsibility to insure thattheir leasing agents understand and comply with the revised lease requirements.

Please note that all existing Terraces’ lease approval requirementsremain in effect, and are not affected by the recent CROA changes.

CROA also revised the language in Rule 12 entitled: “Personal Nature of Monetary Obligations to the Association”.

The rule now stipulates that: “any owner, tenant, guest, or occupant of a unit that owes any monetary obligation to the Association (CROA) is subject to suspension of the right to use the Common Area facilities. The suspension of use rights shall continue until the entire monetary obligation is paid.”

Unit owners should be mindful to keep both their CROA and Terraces fee accounts current and paid in a timely manner. While CROA can now suspend the privilege to use the community’s common area facilities, the Terraces has always had the right to suspend the issuance of parking decals and other benefits to those unit owners who are not in good standing with the Association.

The severe weather season is approaching. If you are planning to be away for an extended period of time, please be sure to remove all furniture and other items from the balconies and patios. These can become missiles in severe high-wind conditions.

Please understand that these measures are a community-wide requirement when Celebration decides to declare an approaching weather-related emergency.

Note: The installation of window safety film is governed by both Celebration and the Terraces. If you desire to have this safety film installed on your windows, please check the Celebration Front Porch for information on the type and tint limitations, and the approval process. Go to the Celebration Front Porch, click on “My Front Porch”, log in using your CROA user name and password, under “Committees” click on “ARC”, and under “Windows” click on “Film & Tinting”. Please note that the type and tint requirements are the same for both Celebration and the Terraces. TerracesAssociation approval is required before applications are submitted to Celebration ARC.

The installation of security latch-guards is only permitted on storage room doors within the Terraces. However, some unit owners have installed security latch-guards on their entry-way, balcony, or patios doors. Installing these security latch-guards on balcony or patio doors does constitute an architectural change to the exterior of the building, which is not permitted under the Terraces and Celebration covenants.

Terraces’ “Rules and Regulations” Section 19 states that “the number of persons occupying a dwelling unit shall not exceed two (2) per bedroom in total. Occupancy is defined to mean staying overnight in a dwelling unit more than thirty (30) days in a six (6)-month period.”

Terraces governing documentsalso prohibitsub-leasing a unit, and renting a single room is now a violation of both the Terraces and Celebration covenants.

All vehicles parked on the Terraces property after normal business hours, must have a parking decal or visitor tag displayed. Any vehicle determined to be in violation of this policy can be removed from the property without further notice.

Please contact the property manager to obtain parking decals for your vehicle(s). Under the current policy, two parking decals and one visitor (mirror-hanging) tag are provided to each unit owner at no charge. Unit owners, who rent their units, are responsible to insure that their tenant’s vehicles are registered with the association and have the parking decals properly displayed.

Note: Displaying a Celebration issued community parking decal is a separate requirement, and vehicles parked on the association’s property must also have a Terraces parking decal or visitor tag.

Please contact Mr. Lonnie Vanderwerf, Terraces Property Manager, at the Celebration office: 321-939-3289, or by cell: 407-209-7504, or email to:

Also, please check the Terraces webpage located on the Celebration Front Porch. There you will find the Terraces’ governing documents, approved policies, and other useful information that may answer your questions about the Terraces.