Head teacher: Heather Cawkwell

Class 4 Curriculum Letter

Date: 15th April 2016

Dear Parents and Carers,

To keep you informed of the curriculum focus for each subject this term we have compiled this summary for you. The following also includes PE days, as well as important dates for your diary and suggestions about how you can support your child at home in the homework box.

Summer Term 2016 Topic: Mighty Mountains and More
Teacher: Mrs Huxtable/ Miss Evans
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Butler and Mrs Clarkson
We will be following objectives from the new curriculum.
·  Fiction – We will focus on writing adventure stories.
·  Poetry – We will look at traditional poems and performance poems.
·  Non-Fiction – We will be writing information and explanation texts linked to our topic work.
There will also be a focus on spelling, punctuation and grammar. The children will continue to refine their handwriting skills. / Maths:
We will be following objectives from the new curriculum, which focuses on using and applying and improving mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
·  Number and place value
·  Addition and subtraction
·  Multiplication and division
·  Statistics
·  Geometry
·  Fractions and decimals
·  Measure
Science: SE
Our topics this term are states of matter and understanding plants.
Within the states of matter unit we will be classifying materials into solids, liquids and gases, looking at temperature and how to use a thermometer, investigating changes of state and looking at the water cycle.
In the understanding plants unit we will be looking at the structure and function of plants, photosynthesis and the plant life cycle.
We have also signed up to an exciting experiment organised by the RHS and UK/European Space Agencies called ‘Rocket Science’. The children will take part in a controlled experiment to test whether seeds taken into space by astronaut Tim Peake can germinate back here on Earth! / Topic: KH
Our topic work begins by focusing on the continent of South America. We will be learning about the countries and identifying main physical and human characteristics. The children will carry out research to investigate which type of South American environment (desert, mountain or rainforest) they think is more favourable for humans. To build an overview of world history we will be learning about two of the most dominant and advanced civilizations that developed in the Americas prior to the arrival of the Europeans: the Maya and the Inca.
The children will then focus on physical geography, learning about the formation of mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes. They will also revise geographical references such as: continents, hemispheres, tropics and time zones whilst learning about mountain ranges around the world.
Summer Term 2016
Games- Monday
Active Sports (outdoors) – Wednesday
PLEASE ensure the children have their correct kits, with appropriate footwear, in school on Monday and keep them in until Friday.
PE this term will include striking and fielding games such as rounders. Children will develop key skills to enable them to play with greater control and accuracy. This year we will be following more structured rules whilst maintaining the emphasis on ‘fair play’.
Later in the term children will be preparing for Sports day and their Summer Fayre dance performance! / Modern Foreign Language: KH
The children will continue to have a focused lesson each week. They will develop vocabulary for basic French conversation using the Niveau Bleu programme.
Computing: KH
This term we will be developing children’s understanding of e-safety to ensure that they are able to protect themselves online. We will also be covering lessons on cyber bullying, copyright and use of passwords and security.
Within our English/Topic work we will also be looking at a range of ways to communicate ideas, work and messages. A main focus will be using email whilst developing an understanding of how information is sent across the internet.
We will be studying textiles this term. We will be looking at different sewing techniques and making a simple bag.
In food technology we will be making flapjacks and practicing the bridge and claw cutting techniques and grating. / Music: KH/AC
This term we will develop an understanding of the basics of the STAVE and other musical notations. The children will learn the notes EGBDF and FACE and perform simple tunes using recorders. We will be learning to recognise the symbols for a minim, crotchet and semibreve and say how many beats they represent.
This subject filters into every aspect of school life and assemblies. There will still be a focus this term on British Values. We will also be studying sex and relationships education this term. / RE: KH/AC
This term we will be considering how religious belief guides and influences a person’s lifestyle. We will be looking at different religious buildings and objects and learning about their significance for their users.
Whilst we are aware that the children are very busy and need time to relax, socialise and play, a small amount of homework will help them to develop independence and time management.
·  Daily reading- 10 minutes
·  Daily spellings and times tables- 5/10 minutes
·  Weekly task (Maths or English) - 30 minutes. Sent home Wednesday; due in on Mondays. / Important Dates:
Week beginning May 30th – half term
June 15th – Class R assembly
Week beginning June 20th – Curriculum Week
June 28th PM – Sports day
June 29th – Class 5 assembly
June 30th PM – Sports day reserve
July 1st – Summer Fayre – 5-7pm
July 8th – Reports out
July 21st – End of term church celebration service
July 22nd – Break up for summer

We hope you find this information useful in supporting your child at home. We are looking forward to working with you in supporting your child this term and I sincerely hope it will be full of success and enjoyment!

Yours sincerely

Katrina Huxtable & Sharon Evans

Class Teachers