6 May 2014, 7pm at 4 The Yarn Store

Committee present: Barry Leach, Treasurer; Lynne Newton, Secretary; Sheila Dwyer-Richmond, Adrian Danks, Dez Rolfe.

Apologies for absence: Don Clark, Anne Hawker, Helen Joyner.

1) Minutes of the last meeting

These were approved.

2) Matters arising from the last meeting:

a) Easter Egg Hunt. This was discussed and was deemed to have been a success. It appears that personal contact close to the event was the best form of communication. AH had knocked on doors on the morning of the event with most children from those households attending. Despite the weather all seemed to have had a good time. Committee needs to be well organised for any future event. There were eggs left over (we had 72 crème eggs) and these have been donated to a charity for young people. Photos have gone on the website.

b) Parking.LN had seen Jane Forsyth when she was visiting site and mentioned the on going situation to her and followed this up with an email. It was decided that LN should contact the DVLC at Swansea in general terms to see if there was anything else that could be done.

c) Website. GE has recently updated the website and corrected a link.

d) Satellite system.No news on this yet. GE dealing.

e) Rubbish collection and storage. There don’t appear to have been any recent incidents of bags being split open by animals. Residents seem to have got the message that they should use bins with lids.

3) Directorship of the LM1 Board.

As we have not had a reply from Builders Ede regarding this, it was discussed and decided that we should proceed with the election of someone to sit on the board on the assumption we would be allowed to do this at some point. LN to contact Flat Managers to see if Jane Forsyth would be in attendance at the AGM and could help with informing non LMRA members of the AGM and elections. Due to data protection laws we would not be able to have a list of non-member names and addresses.

4) AGM.

The order of the evening on June 17 was discussed and it was decided to offer wine and cheese from arrival, followed by the business of the AGM and then any talks. Talks to be limited to 20 minutes each with 10 minutes for questions. Representatives from Stroudwater Textile Trust will be speaking, and it is hoped that Jonathan and/or Daniel Ede will attend to talk of their proposals to complete the development. LN to contact GE to see if he has had any word from these people. DR to provide LN with Miles Owen’s email address so he can be invited and can answer any questions on the water power possibility. LN to send the order of business and agenda to the potential speakers.

BL will give a short summary of the accounts and the subscription for next year will be determined at the meeting. Alsoto be determined is the subscription for any tenant who wants to join the association. The suggestion is that they pay half of the owner subscription. DC will also give an introduction to the evening and summarise what LMRA has achieved this last year.

DR is buying the wine and LN will sort out the cheese. LN to check with The Hub on what is available for us to use there. On the night we will need people on the door and to serve the food and wine.

The paperwork for the AGM needs to go out by 20 May to allow proxy forms and nomination forms to be returned. We are asking anyone who wants to stand for the directorship to put in their nomination and statement by 3 June so we can get them out to residents.

5) Membership.

One lapsed member has now paid a year’s subscription, therefore it was decided that they should be made a full member again and the ‘missing’ year’s subscription not be requested.

A new owner had expressed an interest in joining the committee but had asked that he and his wife could be joint committee members. This was discussed and it was decided that only one person could stand for election to the committee. However if that person could not attend the committee meeting, the other was welcome to attend as an observer or to help with events etc. as some committee member’s partners do now. It was pointed out that often committee members were unable to attend meetings but that minutes were circulated. DC had told this owner we would contact him after the meeting, therefore LN will do this.

6) Grounds and Maintenance.

Things are quiet at the moment. DR is thinking of organising another volunteer day, so any ideas for what needs doing to be put forward. This can be advertised on the website and it would be useful to have a link there for people to put forward ideas. Nothing seems to be happening about the seeding of wildflowers on the bank although we did agree the quote. It could be too late for this year. The dredging of the stream is waiting for the person who quoted to return from holiday. DR to follow these up.

7) A.O.B.

Future social events were discussed and it was decided that a Pimms and picnic should be held again this year and incorporate some kind of Treasure Hunt on the same day. A provisional date of Sunday 13 July was made. DR to speak to the family who won the Treasure Hunt last year as they had said they would help with the next one.