30th April 2015

1. The 2015 ABF Devon Charity Golf Day will once again take place at Dainton Park Golf Club,
Ipplepen, NEWTON ABBOT on Wednesday 17th Jun 15. Individuals or teams are invited to
take part. There will be four Stableford competitions: Individual Men, Individual Ladies, Men’s
Team of Three and Ladies’ Team of Three each over 18 holes off full handicap with teeing off in teams of three. The programme for the day will be:
a.Reception open from 0900 hrs.
b.Coffee and bacon roll from the Bar once registered at Reception.
c.Reserved tee from 1000 hrs onwards.
d.Two course carvery meal plus coffee from 1630 hrs to include prize giving.
2. There will not be a central briefing. An A5 Briefing Sheet with all key points will be included
with each player’s score card collected at Reception. This Sheet will also be displayed on the Bar
TV Screen and other display screens in Reception and the Pro Shop. Any resulting questions to Trevor Ongley.
3. Competitions and Prizes:
a.Individual Men 18 Hole Stableford: Prizes for 1st and 2nd(Yellow Tees).
b.Individual Ladies 18 Hole Stableford: Prizes for 1st and 2nd(Red Tees).
c.Men’s Team of Three 18 Hole Stableford: Prize for Winning Team.
d.Ladies’ Team of Three 18 hole Stableford: Prize for Winning Team.
e.Golfers Lucky Dip Envelope: Cash Prizes for drawing the player finishing
1st, 2nd, 6th and 8th.
f. Waterloo Putting Challenge: Prize for Lowest Score.
  1. Beat the Pro(BP)(8th Hole): Prize for Winner to be drawn at prize giving from Pro’s
list of those who have succeeded.
  1. Longest Drive(LD)(12th Hole): Prize for both Men & Ladies’ Winners.
  1. Nearest Bull(NB)(14th Hole): Prize for Winner only.
  2. Nearest Pin(NP)(15th Hole): Prize for both Men & Ladies’ Winners.
  3. Nearest Pin in Two(NP2)(18th Hole): Prize for Winner only.
  4. Various Reward and Consolation Prizes.
4. The Golfers Lucky Dip Envelope is a competition costing £5 per player which buys a
sealed unmarked envelope on arrival at Reception which contains the name of one of the golfers playing that day. If that name finishes 1st, 2nd, 6th or 8th in the Individual Men 18 Hole Stableford Competition then you are a winner. Half of the monies taken will be returned as graduated cash
prizes to the 4 winners & half goes to ABF Devon. The Waterloo Putting Challenge costs £1 per player. This competition on the carefully reset practice putting green is a gentle reminder that both pace and line will be needed later. Similarly, the Beat the Pro competition costs £1 per player. Those surpassing the Pro’s shot to the green will be entered in a draw to take place during the prize giving.
5. The aim is to again have an enjoyable day on this beautiful golf course and partake of the club’s excellent bar and dining facilities whilst also raising money for ABFDevon. Please note that both
the Men’s and Ladies’ Team of Three 18 Hole Stableford competitions will be all 3 players’ individual scores added together which will not only reveal the complete performance of the team
but also ease the task of marking the cards. Individuals not bringing others to make up a team of
three are asked to nominate on the Application Form with whom they would like to play.
6. The breakdown costs for coffee/bacon roll on arrival, 18 holes of golf plus a 2 course carvery
meal with coffee is £38 for non members and £20 for members, Golfers Lucky Dip Envelope £5
for all players and both the Waterloo Putting Challenge and Beat the Pro £1 each for all players.
Total cost for the day therefore being £45 for non members and £27 for members.
7. Those wishing to play should complete the Application Form enclosed and return it to me at
my home address shown at the top of the Form. Applications close at COP Mon 15 Jun 15.
Please be aware that cheques will not be cashed until after the event has taken place; those
who have paid but cannot attend due to unforeseen circumstances will have their cheque(s)
8. Players wishing to bring a spouse, partner or friend to the carvery supper at a cost of only £11 per person should indicate their requirements when completing the Application Form. Similarly, those wishing to reserve a buggy(at a special discounted price of £20) should indicate such on the Application Form.
9. It would be helpful to return your completed application/cheque at your earliest convenience
to assist the planning of tee off times. Ring me on my home number 01803 813588 if you have
any queries or wish to request a specific tee time.
ABF The Soldiers’ Charity is a registered charity in England and Wales (1146420) and registered as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales (07974609).
Registered Office: Mountbarrow House, 6-20 Elizabeth Street, London, SW1W 9RB. T 0845 241 4820 F 0845 241 4821 E W soldierscharity.org
Her Majesty the Queen / President
Sir Eric Dancer KCVO CBE JP
HM Lord Lieutenant / CountyChairman
Brigadier Christopher Lunn / Regional Director
Col Robert Jordan MBE
Wyvern Barracks, Exeter, EX2 6AR