Ashley Sanders

Long Range Plans

First Grade


Daily Schedule

7:30-7:45 / Breakfast/Morning Work/Morning Procedures
7:45-8:15 / Morning Meeting/ Calendar Math
8:15-9:15 / Math Block
9:15-9:35 / Word Work
9:35-9:50 / Shared Reading
9:50-10:30 / Writers’ Workshop
10:30-11:30 / Guided Reading/ Literacy Centers
11:32-11:57 / Lunch
11:57-12:10 / Restroom/Read Aloud
12:10-1:00 / Related Arts:
Monday: Art
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: Computer Lab
Friday: PE
1:00-1:20 / Recess
1:20-2:00 / Science/ Social Studies Read Aloud
2:00-2:15 / Pack Up/ Jobs
2:15-3:30 / Dismissal/Teacher Preparation

1.  A description of the students being taught.

Homeland Park Primary School is a Title I School.

Males / White Females / Black Males / Black Females /

Hispanic Males


Hispanic Females


Mixed Males


Mixed Females

Kaeden Brown / Amber Thomas / Camarian Allen / ZeAndrea Merriweather / Jesus Hernandez / Dylan Dale / Ashlyn Lewis
Matthew Huffman / Katelyn Butler / Zymire Bennett / Zykeria Clayton / Nathan Lopez / Kieren Martin / Ava Harsey
Evrett Dyar / Madison Padgett / Ilekae Armstrong / Harmony Jackson
Kaylynn Wray / Onea Palmer
Mariah Thompson
Totals: 3 / 4 / 3 / 5 / 2 / 0 / 2 / 1

My first grade class is composed of 11 females (4 white, 5 black, and 2 mixed) and 10 males (3 white, 3 black, 2 hispanic, and 2 mixed) for a total of 21 students. The ages of my students are 6 and 7 years old. 17 of my students attended Kindergarten at Homeland Park. Two of my students attend Reading Recovery. When identified some of my students will attend the ERI program taught by Lori Neal and Ruby Banks daily. Four of my students attend ESOL twice a week.

The results of the initial DRA testing will help me to identify where to place students in reading groups according to individual abilities.

My students are eager to learn new concepts. They enjoy being read to and participating in our class activities. Some of their interests enjoyed by this class are drawing, playing with small toys, riding bikes, and playing their game systems.

2.  A statement of the learning and developmental goals for students.

Developmental Goals for Students:

  Students will acquire and practice gross and fine motor skills.

  Students will show an increased responsibility level.

  Students will become increasingly more independent learners.

  Students will develop listening and speaking skills.

  Students will work and play in a cooperative manner.

  Students will show empathy and consideration for others.

  Students will model being a good citizen.

Learning Goals for Students:



  Students will consistently apply reading decoding and comprehension strategies in order to become more fluent and independent readers. The goal by the end of the year will be a Reading Recovery Level 18.

  Students will be exposed to a variety of literature (fiction and non-fiction).


  Students will write legibly.

  Students will consistently form letters correctly.

  Students will use correct spacing between words.


  Students will follow the writing process to create stories.

  Students will communicate their thoughts and ideas so that others can understand them.

  Students will use complete sentences.

  Students will use correct punctuation and capitalization.

  Students will gain an understanding of the writing rubric.


  Students will build a writing vocabulary of basic sight words (World Wall Words).

  Students will apply spelling patterns to form new words.

  Students will use their spelling words when writing independently.


  Students will understand and apply basic numeration concepts.

  Students will recognize and create patterns.

  Students will become proficient at computational skills in addition and subtraction.

  Students will be able to identify simple fractions.

  Students will be able to apply problem-solving strategies.

  Students will become proficient at using units of measurement in time, length, and volume.

  Students will recognize three dimensional shapes.

  Students will understand and use the Mathematical vocabulary.


  Students will use the Scientific Process.

  Students will use process skills such as observation, classification, measurement, and communication.

  Students will explore motion, habitats, solids, plants, soil, sand, water, rocks, the sun and moon.

Social Studies:

  Students will be able to recognize the differences between themselves and others.

  Students will be able to distinguish things they can do now that they couldn’t do as babies.

  Students will recognize the traits of a good citizen.

  Students will recognize rules and consequences.

  Students will be able to tell the difference between needs and wants.

  Students will understand basic American history, symbols, customs, economics, government (voting and taxes), holidays, and heroes.

  Students will learn differences and similarities in various cultures.

Computer Technology:

  Students will develop primary skills of computer literacy.

  Students will use appropriate software.

3.  The units of instruction that will be taught during the school year.

See Timeline for Units of Instruction in Curriculum Notebook.

4.  The sequence for which units will be taught.

See Timeline for Units of Instruction in Curriculum Notebook.

5.  The timeline for covering the units of instruction.

See Timeline for Units of Instruction in Curriculum Notebook.

6.  A plan for ordering and obtaining key materials and resources.

Key materials and resources will be obtained by the following:

1. Textbooks and consumable workbook for mathematics will be requested from the Assistant Principal.

2. Leveled texts for reading will be requested from the Instructional Specialist. All leveled texts are located in the leveled text room of the library.

3. Classroom supplies such as handwriting paper, drawing paper, construction paper, sentence strips, pocket charts, etc. will be bought with money given to the teachers by the State of SC ($280)and Title I money. These monies are used for additional supplies as well as manipulatives for the classroom.

7 & 8. An overall plan for assessing and evaluating students’ progress. A description of the record keeping system, including grading procedures, the teacher will use to maintain student assessment results.

Initially, first graders’ reading abilities are based on a DRA and DIBELS assessment. Students are placed in leveled reading groups based on this information. Students who qualify will also be placed in Reading Recovery or the ERI program at this time as well.

While most of the grading in first grade is determined by teacher observation, achievement will also be determined by class work pages, practice skills pages, skills tests (teacher-made, textbook produced, and Curriculum Notebook produced), Word Wall Word spelling tests, and oral reading. These factors are considered equally to determine the appropriate grade as stated on the Anderson District Five’s First Grade Report Card.

Students will also be assessed using a national norms test, MAP, three times a year. Students will be assessed on standards taught each quarter using a benchmark test.


First Grade Grading Scale
93-100 / E
85-92 / S+
76-84 / S
70-76 / N
0-69 / U
ELA: Reading (50%) and Writing (50%)
Reading / 50% / Guided Reading Level (See DRA grading scale, next page)
50% / Reading Comprehension Activities/Tests
Writing / 50% / Writing
30% / Spelling
20% / Handwriting
Math, Social Studies, and Science
Tests / 40%
Quizzes / 30%
Class Work / 30%
DRA (Reading Level) Grading Scale
Midterm 1st Nine Weeks / First Nine Weeks
4 & / E / 6 & / E
2-3 / S / 4-5 / S
1 & ¯ / N / 3 & ¯ / N
Midterm 2nd 9 Weeks / Second Nine Weeks
10 & / E / 11 & / E
5-8 / S / 8-10 / S
4 / N / 5-6 / N
3 & ¯ / U / 4 & ¯ / U
Midterm 3rd Nine Weeks / Third Nine Weeks
12 & / E / 15 & / E
10 / S / 12-14 / S
8 / N / 8-10 / N
6 & ¯ / U / 6 & ¯ / U
Midterm 4th Nine Weeks / 4th Nine Weeks
16 & / E / 18 & / E
12-14 / S / 16-17 / S
10 / N / 12-14 / N
8 & ¯ / U / 10 & ¯ / U

Grading Procedures

Record Keeping System/Grading Procedures

Grades for each subject are kept in the teacher’s PowerTeacher grade book. The grade book is labeled by subject areas. Each grade is recorded and labeled. Teacher observation and checklists are kept in a notebook.

Students’ behavior calendars and parent signatures on behavior calendars are kept in the students’ test files at the teacher’s desk. Homework completion records are kept in the students’ test files at the teacher’s desk.

Major graded tests will sent home on Tuesdays to be signed by parents and then returned to the teacher for future reference. Weekly papers that have been graded will be sent home. Writing samples will also be maintained in a writing file by the teacher.

The method of assessing grades is described in my Long Range Plans, Assessing and Evaluating. Report cards will be issued each nine weeks. Midterm grades will also be issued at the half way point of each nine weeks.

9. A description of the rules and procedures for managing student behavior.

Classroom rules and procedures are given out and explained to parents at Open House. The parents must read, sign, and return a copy of the rules and procedures. School rules and procedures are listed in the Homeland Park Parent/Student Handbook. Classroom rules are posted and read to students everyday during the first two weeks of school. The rules are reviewed with the students as necessary.


* Our class rules were developed by a committee last school year to improve student behavior and reduce student discipline referrals.

*Come to school prepared and ready to learn

*Follow Directions

*Bekind to others
*Keep our classroom and school neat and clean
*Always do your best

Rules and Procedures for Managing Student Behavior

Behavior Clip Chart

The teacher will use a colored “clip chart” to monitor behavior and choices. The students will have a clip that they will physically move up or down the chart, depending on their choices. The chart below explains how the clip chart works.

Behavior Clip Chart Explanation
Outstanding / If you move to Outstanding, you’ll get a Tiger Ticket and take a happy note home!
Great Job / As you continue to make good choices, you’ll advance to “Great Job!”.
Good Day / Making a good choice will help you move up to the yellow section of our chart.
Ready to Learn / You will get to start out each day on “Ready to Learn”. You will move your clip up or down depending on your choices each day.
Think About It / If you receive a warning, you will move your clip down to help you remember to think about your choices.
Teacher’s Choice / If you continue to make poor choices, you will move to “Teacher’s Choice”. You will receive a consequence of the consequence menu.
Parent Contact / If you still choose to make bad decisions, you will move to “Parent contact”. You will receive a consequence of the consequence menu and complete a “Behavior Reflection” for mom or dad to sign.

Consequence Menu:

·  Time Out

·  Apology Slip

·  Better Choices Sheet

·  Working Recess (at recess, but doing a teacher-directed activity or walk laps around play area)

·  Loss of privilege

Positive Behavior Plan

·  Students who are on green, yellow, orange, or red all week will be able to choose a classroom coupon on Friday. These coupons may be used any day within the classroom.

·  Students who earn a yellow or orange during the week will earn a tiger ticket. Students who earn a red during the week will earn two tiger tickets.

·  Students will be chosen to receive a piece of “brain food” (skittles/m&m’s) for good behavior, being on task, etc.

·  Students will earn “Tiger Tickets” from me and other teachers in the school for displaying PAWS behavior from the “Paws-itive” Behavior Expectations on p. 18 of the student handbook. The students may trade these Tiger Tickets in for a prize from the principal.

·  Students will earn Tiger Paws from other teachers as a class for displaying great behavior in the halls, lunchroom, restrooms, and related arts. The classes will earn class rewards for different amounts of Tiger Paws earned.

Students color a Behavior Calendar daily so that parents will know student’s behavior for the day. Parents must initial their child’s behavior calendar daily.


10. A description of the procedures for carrying out non-instructional

activities in the classroom.

·  Beginning of the Day: Students eat breakfast in the lunchroom. Students use the restrooms across from library after eating breakfast (restroom break is taken as a class). As the students enter the classroom, they place their blue folder, money, papers, notes, and /or “Take Home Books” in the green basket located on the teacher’s table. Students place their book bags on their hook, make their lunch choice, and then begin completing their morning work.

·  Lunch Money: Parents send lunch money in envelopes marked with the child’s name. Lunch money is taken any day of the week. The assistant will place lunch money in small brown envelopes provided by the lunch clerk. The small brown envelopes will then be placed in a large brown envelope marked with the teacher’s name. The assistant will turn in any lunch money to the lunch assistant manager.

·  Other Money: Any money turned in must be in an envelope marked with the child’s name and what the money is for.

·  Attendance: Each morning, attendance is taken in the computer by the teacher.

·  Take Home Books: Students will receive a Take Home Book and a reading bag. Students are to read the book and/or have the book read to them each night. Take Home Books are to be placed in the students’ cubby each morning.

·  Homework: Students will be provided a homework folder to turn homework in and to receive new assignments. Homework assignments are listed on the Weekly Newsletter that is sent home each Monday.