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Title:Healthwatch Derbyshire Executive Board Meeting
Subject/Title: / Healthwatch Derbyshire (HWD) Executive Board Meeting
Held On: / Monday 12 June, 2017
Time: / 1.00pm – 4.00pm
Venue: / Suite 14, Riverside Business Centre, Foundry Lane, Milford, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 0RD
Chair: / John Simmons

Minutes prepared by:

/ Tammi Wright
Distribution: HWD Board Members, HWD Team, HWD Website
Name / Dept / Organisation / Attended / Apologies
John Simmons (JS)
Madeleine Fullerton (MF) / Chair
Vice Chair Executive Board Member / √

Helen Barker (HB)
Emma Hyde (EH)
Sonia Rafferty(SR)
Trevor Ride (TR)
David Roulston (DR)
Carolin Shearer (CS) / Executive Board Member
Executive Board Member
Executive Board Member (Treasurer)
Executive Board Member
Executive Board Member
Executive Board Member / √

√ / √

Karen Ritchie (KR)
Tammi Wright (TW)
Staff Representative: / HWD Chief Executive
HWD Office Manager
Tanya Nolan / √
√ / √
No / items / Action
1. / Welcome:
JS welcomed all attendees to the meeting and advised as to a slight alteration to the agenda with item 9, being moved to the start of the meeting.
9. / Results of Cultural Questionnaire:
DR presented an overview of the results of the questionnaire completed independently by the Board and then staff members. The analysis shows no major difference in terms of perspectives on the culture of the organisation, with Board and staff returning very similar results.
A copy of the full analysis presentation will be provided to all. / DR-TW
2. / Apologies:
As above.
DR informed the group that he will be returning to live in Scotland. He thanked members of the staff team for the support and information they had provided him with when he took up a role with Healthwatch Oxfordshire. He also thanked the current Board and staff team for their ongoing support whilst he has been a member of the HWD Board.
In turn, JS thanked DR for his help and commitment to HWD.
DR will advise the Board as to when he will actually be moving.
3. / Declaration of Conflicts of Interest:
None to declare.
4. / Minutes/Matters Arising:
Minutes agreed as a true representation of the meeting that took place on Monday 10th April, 2017.
-DR will prepare a paper in time for the next Board meeting regarding the STP meeting which took place on Thursday 23 February, 2017.
-Strategic Plan Review – amendment made to Main Aims 1 section.
-No comments were received in respects of the Service Improvement Plan circulated to Board members.
-JS will re-contact Mary Dyer regarding obtaining details of all PPG chairs. / DR
5. / Meetings attended and feedback:
-SR advised that two SDCCG meetings had been cancelled.
-TR advised that he had attending a Public Voice meeting in the north looking at streamlining the emergency abdominal surgery for the south east sector of Greater Manchester.
-JS advised that both he and KR will be attending the next Health & Wellbeing Board (HWB) on 29 June.
-JS advised that HWD had been invited to attend a day conference in Durham looking at national research into the value of HWBs.
-JS advised that Joy Hollister will be attending the staff meeting being held on Thursday 15 June at 2.00pm. Board members invited to attend.
6. / Policies and Procedures:
-Escalation Procedures: Recommended by the Governance subgroup to the Board. Agreed by the Board.
-Complaints Policy
Item 5: Wording to be amended in order to clarify that an appeal can be made to ‘establish if fair process was undertaken to resolve the complaint’, not to appeal the actual decision made.
Board accepted the policy with this amendment.
7. / Financial:
Accounts/Budget monitoring Healthwatch 2017/2018: SR advised the meeting that the Finance & Audit (F&A) subgroup are happy with the accounts and propose that the Board accepts them as a true and accurate record of past accounts and the future budgeting. Board agreed. JS to sign.
-Budget monitoring Mental Health Service: SR advised that this budget is to be managed and kept separate to the HWD budget. The F&A subgroup accepted the budget and the Board agreed to continue with separate budgets.
8. / Annual Report
TW advised that this year’s annual report is currently with the designers for setting and an initial copy for proofing will be made available on Thursday of this week (15th).
The report will be ready, as required, for publishing on 30 June 2017.
10. / Sub Group updates and reports:
-Finance and Audit: Previously discussed in Financial section above.
  • Annual Survey: JS provided an overview on the analysis of the annual feedback survey (distributed to service providers, commissioners, professionals and the voluntary/community sector to complete). In the main, feedback was very good, with 69% reporting a positive responses to the questions.
  • It was acknowledged that there were two negative responses.
  • It was encouraging that almost 93% returned a positive response when asked, ‘Are you confident that HWD operates independently?
-IIA: Nothing to report as no recent meeting has taken place and EH is currently on annual leave. Date of the next IIA meeting is Thursday 13 July, 2017.
11. / Manager’s Report
-Information regarding this year’s AGM had already been circulated to staff and Board members. Board members ask to let TW know of their availability for the event. (Friday 6th October, AM, Matlock).
-Following overview provided by KR:
-Recruitment of the Mental Health Engagement Service (MHES) team has been successful, with the exception of the Service Manager’s role. Additionally, the vacant HWD Engagement Officer role, as a result of Jane Birch retiring, has also been filled.
-Lots of networking work has already taken place in respect of the MHES.
-The first meeting of the MHES steering group is to take place on Wednesday 21 June at the Lion Hotel, Belper from 1.00pm – 3.00pm to discuss three main aims:-
  • Development of the service
  • Analysing the intelligence and agreeing actions
  • How to evaluate the service.
It is important that a strong link is established between the HWD Board and this steering group. Board members invited to attend this meeting if available.
-The first meeting of the MHSE coordinating group, which is being set up by the commissioners is taking place on Thursday 22 June at the Strutts Centre, Belper 1.00pm – 3.00pm. This meeting is around setting priorities for the MHSE.
-Mental Health Action Group (MHAG) are set to move over to the MHES on 3 July, along with Niki Glazier under TUPE arrangements.
-A Consultation Checklist has been completed to accompany the Best Practice Guide. This has been checked by the Consultation Institute and Claire Haynes from Southern Derbyshire CCG has agreed to ‘test out’ the document by completing it for the Belper Hospital Consultation.
There are current another two HW organisations interested in this best practice guidance.
-Current reports:
  • LGBT+: Currently waiting for responses to be submitted. Key theme identified was sexual health.
  • Maternity Services: Has gone to a working group that sits under the Sustainability Transformation Plan (STP). Key theme identified was tongue tie.
  • Accessibility Information Standard engagement activity has ended and Helen Hart (now Helen Henderson-Spoors) will compile a report once she returns from annual leave.
-The current work priority is CAMHS. This is a revisit to the work HWD did some 2.5 years ago, although early signs indicate little change.
-The following work priority is dementia which will commence in September.
-Pension auto-enrolment: Staff members that are currently not in the company pension scheme will be auto enrolled, unless they opt out. / BOARD
12. / Risks
-Risk Register amendments/new risks to consider: The Board agreed that the register be revisited in 2/3 months’ time in light of the onset of the MHES, as this will naturally identify additional risks and opportunities at it becomes established.
-Health and Safety: Risk Assessments reviewed and updated accordingly.
13. / Any Other Business:
None to report.
14. / Confidential Items:
Minuted separately.
15. / Date of Next Meeting:
Monday 14 August, 20171.00pm – 4.00pm.
(Staff Representative: Daniel Pidkorczemny – new engagement officer for Healthwatch replacing Jane Birch).
Minutes checked and signed by HWD Executive Board Chair
John Simmons:

Date: 19 June 2016


V1 Board Minutes 12062017 TW