Kapitel 6 - iLrn Ersatz
1. Most students will learn much more from iLrn than from this worksheet. BUT:iLrnis no good if you hate it. If you have a good sense of what helps you learn, you can learn A LOT from doing this worksheet thoughtfully. Think carefully about what helps you learn, and what you need to work on. Keep your sentences simple and have fun!
2. The great advantage of iLrn is that you get immediate feedback on all your work. Your instructor will not be able to grade this worksheet in comparable detail, but s/he will give you some feedback on things s/he notices
FILL the rest ofthis page & at least one more page as described below. Label the sections A, B & C.
- You will get two "check" grades: one (top left of this sheet) for Sections A & B, one (top right) for Section C.
A. Grammatik (&Vokabeln)
Write your own sentences to practice the Kapitel 6 grammar. For inspiration, review the examples in the video lecture, review relevant overheads, and look at the examples and exercises in Vorsprung. Try to include some Kapitel 6 vocab in your sentences (see Kapitel6CEM.docx for usage info!). These topics are covered in Kapitel 6:
- ***Dative Case (including the information on adjectives and idiomatic expressions with the Dative!)
- ***Dative Prepositions (aus, außer, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu - see Kapitel6CEM.docx!)
- **Dative Verbs (gefallen, gehören, danken, schmecken, helfen - see Kapitel6CEM.docx!)
- *Der-words (Review the "Der-Wörter" overhead!)
B.Vokabeln (&Grammatik)
Write your own sentences to practice the Kapitel 6 Vocabulary. Keep them simple!!Try to include some Kapitel 6 grammar in your sentences. ***PLEASE review the usage notes/examples in Kapitel6CEM.docx for each vocab word you use, (a) for inspiration/ideas (b) in order to avoid "practicing mistakes"!!***
C. Listening Practice
Spend an hour or morelistening to German and write down all the German you hear (anything: words, phrases, sentences etc.). Don't worry about mistakes; omit what you can't understand. Listen to each clip you choose multiple times to improve/add to your notes. Ideas: Early episodes of The Lernen To Talk Show (remember the German in these videos is not perfect!) ( Kapitel 6 Videos zum Spaß ( look for "Piggeldy und Frederick" or "Sesamstraße" on YouTube; watch Tagesschau in 100 Sekunden on