Lois Jackson Memorial Scholarship
Application Deadline: March 30
Lois Jackson was a long time educator in Louisburg, Drexel and Osawatomie schools. She devoted her entire life to teaching. This scholarship will honor her memory, and will be designed to recognize high school seniors who will be pursuing a college degree in education. The scholarships will be awarded annually, one each to Louisburg USD#416, Osawatomie USD#367, and Drexel, Mo school districts. Selection shall be made by the three individual disbursement committees. Each school’s committee shall include the high school principal, high school counselor, and one community member.
Three scholarships of $1000.00 will be awarded to high school graduates of Louisburg, Osawatomie and Drexel high school who will be pursuing a degree in education. The awards will be forwarded to the college for the benefit of the awardees upon proof of enrollment.
Each application should include the scholarship application form, current transcript, and three letters of reference – two from school personnel and one from a non school person.
The selection criteria will be divided equally between grade point average, extra-curricular activities and leadership, character, community service and ACT scores.
Applicant may attach additional pages if space is needed.
Please submit applications to:
Amy Wright, Counselor
Louisburg High School
PO Box 399
Louisburg, KS 66053-0399
Lois Jackson Memorial Scholarship
Phone Number: ______
Name and address of college(s) you plan to attend:
1st choice:
2nd choice:
List 2nd semester Senior Year Classes:
List extra-curricular activities, including years of participation and offices held or other responsibilities:
Lois Jackson Memorial Scholarship
List any honors or awards you have received:
How many months have you been employed during the last 12 months? ____
List those Jobs:
How many hours (on the average) have you worked per week?
_____0 hours _____1-10 hours _____11-20 hours _____over 20 hours
Describe any community involvement or related service activities:
Lois Jackson Memorial Scholarship
Why did you choose a career in education?
Please use the remaining space to mention anything that might help the committee in their choice of you as a winner of this award.
Submit three letters of reference. Have them SPECIFICALLY address examples that illustrate your character, community service, and leadership potential. Two of these letters must be from school personnel – one must be from outside of the school system. All recommendations should be mailed or given directly to:
Louisburg High School Counselor
PO Box 399
Louisburg, KS 66053-0399