Lois & Glenn Bennett (613) 395-3723

Rules and Regulations

All entries MUST be in place by 10:00 a.m. Friday

All exhibits MUST remain in place until 4:00 p.m. Sunday

Prizes are sponsored by Stirling & District Horticultural Society

Only one entry per exhibitor is allowed in each section

Any exhibit, even though it is the only entry in its class, will be awarded a prize only if it possesses sufficient merit.

All exhibitors are advised to send flowers and plants in plain receptacles. The Society will not be responsible for jardinieres broken or lost. Attach entry tags to articles (elastics, pins, etc.)

The Elsie Armstrong Memorial Award: will be awarded to the “Best Arrangement” in Class 108B (Judge's Decision)

The Doug Brasier Dahlia Special Awards: will be presented to the winners of Class 108A Section 16. Prizes: 1st $10.00, 2nd $6.00, 3rd $4.00



All cut flowers must be in suitable containers.

All flowers must be shown with own foliage.

Flowers and foliage must be grown by the exhibitors

Potted Plants must have been in the exhibitor's possession for at least 3 months prior to showing

Prizes: 1st $3.00, 2nd $2.50, 3rd $2.00, 4th $1.50

  1. Three stems Petunia, same variety
  2. Three stems Cosmos, same variety
  3. Three stalks Celosia, same variety
  4. Three stems Snapdragons, same variety
  5. Three blooms Zinnia, same variety over 3”
  6. Three blooms Zinnia, same variety under 3”
  7. Three blooms Marigold, same variety, over 3”
  8. Three blooms Marigold, same variety under 3”
  9. Three stems Rudbeckia, same variety
  10. Three stems Coneflower (Echinacea),same variety
  11. Three stems Annual Phlox, same variety
  12. Three stems Lavatera, same variety
  13. Three stems Salvia, same variety any colour
  14. Bouquet of Nasturtiums, same variety
  15. One flowering branch, named
  16. One bloom Dahlia, any variety
  17. One stem/spray Rose(s)
  18. One bloom, Begonia with own foliage, in a low dish.
  19. One stem/spray Clematis
  20. One spike Gladiolus, white
  21. One spike Gladiolus, yellow
  22. One spike Gladiolus, mauve or purple
  23. One spike Gladiolus, red
  24. One spike Gladiolus, pink
  25. One spike Gladiolus, any colour not listed
  26. One stem/spray Sunflowers, grown for beauty
  27. One stem any Annual not listed, named
  28. One stem any Perennial/Biennial, named
  29. One Coleus plant in suitable container
  30. One Cactus or other Succulent, named
  31. One Houseplant grown for bloom, named
  32. One House plant grown for foliage, named
  33. One container of Baby Tears, not over one year old.
  34. Patio Planter, sitting or hanging type.



Home grown flowers and wild flowers are permitted.

Accessories may be used in all fresh flower arrangements

Suitable foliage may be used unless stated otherwise

THEME: Celebrating 100 Years of 4H in Ontario

(head, heart, hands, health)

PRIZES; 1st $4.00, 2nd $3.50, 3rd $3.00, 4th $2.50

  1. ‘Go Wild and Celebrate’ -your choice
  2. ‘Congratulations on Your 100 Years of 4H.’ - a traditional design
  3. ‘Hats Off to You!’ -a design in a hat
  4. ‘It's Good for Your Heart’ - your choice
  5. ‘I'm Hands Above You ’ - a vertical design
  6. ‘ Exercise for Healthier Living’ - a design showing movement
  7. ‘Hands to Larger Service’ -a 'hand held' design -stand in a container of water for the Fair)
  8. ‘Here's to Your Health!’ -a design in a champagne glass (or wine glass etc.)
  9. ‘Head to Clearer Thinking’ - an underwater design
  10. ‘Loyalty’ - two identical designs joined in some way
  11. ‘Living Better Simplistically’ - a simplistic design
  12. ‘Take Time to Relax’ - your choice
  13. ‘Smile - Make the World a Better Place’ - a design using bright colours
  14. ‘No Wild Oats Here’ - your choice
  15. ‘Good, Better, Best’ - a triple design



Prizes; 1st $3.00, 2nd $2.50, 3rd $2.00, 4th $1.50

Prizes are sponsored by Stirling Horticultural Society.

The Glenn & Lois Bennett Award: will be presented to the person obtaining the highest number of points in the Garden Vegetable Section (Class 109)

-All exhibits MUST be in place by 10:00 a.m. Friday.

-All exhibits MUST remain in place until 4:00 p.m. On Sunday.

Only one entry allowed in each Section by each exhibitor.

Any exhibit, even though it is the only entry in its class, will be awarded a prize only if it possesses sufficient merit. All exhibits are to be shown on a suitable plate. Attach entry tags to articles (elastic, pins, etc.)

  1. Sunflower Head, one large specimen (a type grown for seed)
  2. Cabbage, one specimen any variety
  3. Squash, one of any variety, named, if possible.
  4. Pumpkin, one of any variety, named if possible.
  5. Kohlrabi, two of the same variety.
  6. Eggplants, two of same variety, named, stems attached.
  7. Zucchini, two of same variety, approx. 7”-8”, stem attached
  8. Swiss Chard, three stalks in a container of water.
  9. Onions, three of same variety, not peeled, tops cut 1/2” above crown
  10. Garlic Bulbs, three of same variety.
  11. Leeks, three of same variety.
  12. Corn, three cobs, same variety, one third of each cob husked, named.
  13. Cucumbers, three specimens of a slicing variety (over 6”) 1/4” stem left on.
  14. Peppers, three of the same variety.
  15. Small garden fruit not listed, minimum 3 specimens, same variety, named
  16. Tomatoes, four table type (slicing) must have calyx attached.
  17. Tomatoes, four ripe paste, same variety, calyx attached.
  18. Beets, five round, same variety, topped 1/2” above crown
  19. Beets, five cylindrical, same variety, topped 1/2” above crown
  20. Potatoes, five white, same variety, named
  21. Potatoes, five red, same variety, named
  22. Carrots, six of one variety, topped 1/2” above crown
  23. Beans, six specimens of one yellow variety, 1/4” stem left on.
  24. Beans, six specimens of one green variety, 1/4” stem left on
  25. Beans, six of a novelty variety, 1/4” stem left on, named
  26. Cucumbers, six specimens of pickling variety (2-4”) 1/4” stem left on.
  27. Any other Vegetable not listed, named.
  28. Herb Collection, one each of five different types, in water, named
  29. Pepper collection, one each of three different hot &/or sweet varieties, named
  30. Tomato collection, one specimen of three different varieties, named
  31. Potato Collection, one each of four varieties, named
  32. Pickling Vegetable Collection, one each of six varieties, plus one dill head.



Kim Finkle 395-5159

Prizes: 1st $4.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd $2.00

Seeds should be shown in a pint jar with lid.

Sheaves must be tied together.

Hay, haylage, ensilage etc. Must be enclosed in plastic bags or wrapper.

Entries must not be more than a year old.

  1. Pint - Wheat Seed, variety named
  2. Pint - Oat Seed, variety named

3. Pint - Rye Seed, variety named

4. Pint - Barley Seed, variety named

5. Pint - Buckwheat Seed, variety named

6. Pint - Mixed Grain Seed

7. Pint - Hay Seed, named eg, red clover, alfalfa, timothy etc.

8. Pint - Soybean Seed, named

9. Pint - Grain Corn Seed, dried, shelled

10. Sheaf of Grain, named eg., wheat, oats etc.

11. Sheaf of Ensilage Corn – 6 stalks

12. Sheaf of Grain Corn – 6 stalks

13. Six Cobs Field Corn in an appropriate container

14. Soybeans – 6 plants with root attached, tied or in a suitable container

15. Mixed hay – (approx. 15” x 15” x 4”) in a clear plastic bag, sealed

16. Legume hay - (approx. 15” x 15” x 4”) in a clear plastic bag, sealed

17. Haylage – (approx. 3 kg) in a clear plastic bag, sealed

18. Corn Ensilage - (approx. 3 kg) in a clear plastic bag, sealed


THEME: Celebrating 100 Years of 4H in Ontario

President: Julie Brasier 613-395-1146

Section Directors:

Hand Knitting, Crochet & Sewing: Linda Bogart 395-3607, Dee Sinclair 395-5051,

Jayne Thomas 613-392-8104

Creative Crafts & Christmas Corner: Helen Thompson 395-3071,

Valerie Sills 962-6253

Afghans & Quilts: Geraldine Logan 395-0867, Vicky Cusack 395-1929

Culinary Arts: Fay Grant 395-2079, Valerie Wilson 395-0415

Betty Redcliffe 395-3004, Joanne Savage 395-0614

Youth & Junior: Kim Finkle 395-5159, Julie Brasier 395-1146,

Liz Ross 613-395-5543

Arts & Hobbies: Jesse Bush ( 613)242-5678, Mary Brodie 613-848-8391

Homemade Wine: Linda Bogart 395-3607, Julie Brasier 395-1146

Horticulture: Lois & Glenn Bennett, 395-3723

Honourary Directors:

Doris McAdam Beatrice Harry Hazel Aikins Rosellla Clancy

Knitted Knockers

Knitted Knockers or Tit Bits are breast prosthesis that have been knitted for cancer patients and survivors. The Homecraft Division at the Stirling fair will be taking up a collection of them in 2015. The donations will be sent to Canadian Cancer Society and distributed to Cancer Support Groups or Oncology Offices.

While there are medically manufactured prosthesis, these medical breast prosthesis are usually uncomfortable, heavy, hot, and can irritate sensitive tender skin. A patient who has undergone a mastectomy can not get a permanent one immediately so hand knit breasts are in great need. When placed in a bra, these knitted breasts take the shape and feel of a real breast. They are lighter and more comfortable than silicone prosthetic breasts. The knitted fabric breathes and prevents the heat rash experienced by many women wearing the silicone ones. They can be made out of any natural fiber yarn and are very quick to make. We request that you leave the boobie unstuffed and do not close up the opening. Also, attach a small tag so that the recipient knows what kind of fiber has been used, and how to care for her new breast.

Free patterns can be found online at (search for “knitted knockers”) and at (search for the author “Beryl Tsang”)

Any questions or for a pattern, please call Jessie Ruttan at 613-242-5678

For each Knitted Knocker donated your name will be included in a draw for $20.

Rules For Entries

  1. All adult exhibitors must pay a $5 membership fee to the Stirling Fair.
  2. There is no charge for Junior or Youth exhibitors unless exhibiting in an Adult class.
  3. All entries are accepted in the Curling Arena between (a) 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Thursday evening and (b) 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Friday morning. Doors close promptly at 10:00 a.m.
  4. Judging begins at 10:30 a.m. Friday morning.
  5. Only one entry per section of each class permitted.
  6. All entries must be of prize-worthy condition appearing NEW, CLEAN and UNWORN.
  7. Any exhibit, even though it may be the only entry in its class, will be awarded a prize only if it possesses sufficient merit.
  8. Make sure all collections are uniform. Attach or package collections of craft and sewing securely together.
  9. Entries must NOT have been shown in the Stirling Fair previously to this year.
  10. Print entry tag numbers carefully. See sample tag for details
  11. The judges are experienced in their fields of interest and are not members of this fair board.
  12. Entries may not be removed until after 4:00 P.M.Sunday afternoon, .

Note: Men may enter any adult category in this prize book!

Please Note: At 3:00 P.M. Sunday the Curling Arena will be closed. Our Homecraft members will take time to carefully bundle up participants' enries. At 4:00 P.M. The building will re-open for exhibitors to pick up their items. We ask that each exhibitor spend a moment to check their items against their entry list which will be attached to their items.

***** check for changes at fair.com *****


Theme: Celebrating 100 Years of 4H in Ontario

(head, heart, hands, health)

Please consider the theme as you make your entries.

CLASS 119:


Dee Sinclair 395-5051, Linda Bogart 395-3607

Rules and Regulations

All entrants into the contests must submit entries that were made using the

sponsor’s product.

A product label must accompany each entry, as proof of purchase. ACH Foods

will require only one proof of purchase from either Mazola Corn Oil or Bee

Hive Corn Syrup.

All entries will be judged on appearance, texture, creativity of recipe and

presentation. Decision of the fair judge(s) will be final.

Each entry must have the entrant's full name and complete address.

All entries must include recipe, & proof of purchase.

Note: First place winners will have their picture taken, holding the winning

item, at pick up time on Sunday.

At that time, release forms will be signed, giving permission to the sponsors for

use of the winner’s name, recipe and/or photograph in any other advertising or

publicity without payment.

NOTE: Please check for changes in the Country Fair Baking section. The industry may change their classes or regulations.


ROBIN HOOD FLOUR Prizes: 1st - $25. in product certificates,
2nd - $10. in product certificates
1. 3 Biscotti
ROBIN HOOD FLOUR FAMILY Best Lunchbox Snack Prize: $15
-no proof of purchase needed, but recipe must include at least one
Robin Hood product -underage entrants must have parent or guardian sign
2. 3 Cookies

CERTO Prizes: 1st - $20 product coupon, 2nd -$10 product coupon

3. Marmalade

FLEISCHMANN’S YEAST Best Bread Contest Prizes: 1st -$20. plus gift
4. 1 Loaf Rye Bread (not machine)
FLEISCHMANN’S YEAST “Beginners Best Bread Youth” Contest
-entries by those 18 & under, age on tag. Prize: $15
5. 1 Loaf White Bread (not machine)
FLEISCHMANN’S CORN STARCH Best Short Bread Cookie Contest
Prize 1st - $15
6. 3 Shortbread Cookies
Homemade Cake Loaf Contest Prizes: 1st - $15. plus gift, 2nd $10. plus gift
7. 1 Loaf Apricot Quick Bread
CRISCO FAMILY FAVOURITE RECIPE Prizes: 1st -$25 product certificate,
2nd -$10 product certificate
8. 1/4 of 8”x8” pan Johnny Cake

NOTE: Please check for changes in the Country Fair Baking section. The industry may change their classes up until June.




Use of Bernardin Mason Jar/Snap lid must accompany each entry, as proof of


Bernardin Jam/Jelly award requires Bernardin Pectin package or UPC as proof of

purchase and recipe.

Each entry must have the entrants' full name & address. All entries must include

recipe, & proof of purchase.

All first place winners must submit proof of purchase, photograph and signed

release form giving the sponsor (Bernardin) permission to use, without payment,

the winner’s name and/or photograph in any other advertising or publicity.

Note: First place winners will have their picture taken, holding the winning

item, at pick-up time on Sunday.

At that time, the releases will be signed.

BERNARDIN BEST OF SHOW Prize: $30. Gift certificate & Ribbon
Chosen from the 1st place winners in Class 121, 122 and 123 which met
the Bernardin entry requirements.
 Prize: $20. Gift certificate & Ribbon
9. Best Gift Pack using Bernardin Mason Jars and Snap Lids. Judged on creativity,
quality of home canned products, perceived value and appropriateness of
presentation. Must include 5 or 6 jars.
No more than 2 purchased items may be included as gifts in the basket.
If bought items are included, they are to be under $5 each.
Note: Itemized description//cost must be included for judging.
BERNARDIN JELLY AWARD Prize: 1st $20 Gift certificate & Ribbon
10. Grape Jelly using Bernardin pectin
Prize: 1st $20. Gift Certificate & Ribbon
11. Best decorative or functional homemade craft made using a Bernardin
mason jar(s) and/or 2 piece Snap Lid

NOTE: Please check for changes in the Country Fair Baking section. The industry may change their classes up until June.


Directors: Fay Grant 395-2079, Valerie Wilson 395-0415,

Betty Redcliffe 395-3004, Joanne Savage 395-0614

GUIDELINES Squares and cookies are to be placed on styrofoam trays in plastic bags. Cakes are to be placed on styrofoam trays and pies in no bigger than an 8” plates in plastic bags. Please attach Entry Tag to plate, not plastic bag.



Prizes: 1st $6.00, 2nd - $5.00, 3rd - $4.00

THEME: Celebrating 100 Years of 4H in Ontario

(head, heart, hands, health)

Please consider the theme as you make your entries.

Class 120 PIES:

Enter ¼ of pie on aluminum pie plates in plastic bags.

(only one entry per household in each section)

  1. Double Crusted Rhubarb Pie
  2. Double Crusted Peach Pie
  3. Raisin Pie
  4. Double Crusted Bumbleberry Pie
  5. Double Crusted Raspberry Pie.



10 Wellmans Road, Stirling. (613) 395-2395

Prizes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd. – Gift baskets and ½ bushel of apples

Double Crusted Apple Pie

Class 120 MUFFINS

3 on a tray in a plastic bag, no baking cups.

Prizes: 1st $4.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd $2.00

(one entry per household in each section

7. Carrot Muffins

  1. Bran Muffins with fruit and nuts
  2. Zucchini Muffins
  3. Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
  4. Apple Cinnamon Muffins
  5. Blueberry Muffins
  6. Date Muffins
  7. Scones



33 Mill St., Stirling (613) 395-3397

Prizes: 1st - $12., 2nd - $8., 3rd - $5.

Butter Tart Muffins

Class 120 LOAVES:

Prizes: 1st $4.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd $2.00

(one entry per household in each section)

Loaves must be baked in a 5”x 9”(13 cm. X 24 cm) or 6”x3” (15cm x 9cm) loaf pan. Enter ½ loaf.

  1. Banana Loaf
  2. Dark Fruit Cake Loaf
  3. Pumpkin Loaf
  4. Lemon Loaf
  5. Chocolate Zucchini Loaf
  6. Cherry Loaf
  7. Cranberry Banana Loaf



51 Mill St., Stirling (613)395-2461

Prizes: 1st - $12., 2nd - $8., 3rd - $5.

Date and Nut Loaf


238 Maple Road, Stirling. (613) 395-3643

Prizes: Gift Certificates: 1st – 1 bushel of apples 2nd – ½ bushel apples, 3rd – 10 lbs. of apples

Apple Coffee Cake


5 on a rectangular tray in a plastic bag.

(one entry per household in each section)

Prizes: 1st $4.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd $2.00

25. Peanut Butter Cookies

  1. Date Squares
  2. Chocolate Chip Cookies
  3. Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
  4. Brownies with nuts, no icing



1 West Front St., Stirling, (613) 395-3350

Prizes: 1st $10.00, 2nd $6.00, 3rd$4.00

5 Shortbread


65 Forsyth St., Marmora (613) 472-2245

Prizes: 1st - $12., 2nd - $8., 3rd - $5.