Logical Fallacies Jigsaw (50 pts)

Directions: You will be asked to work with a small group to complete the definitions for the logical fallacies in the chart below. Then you will share the definitions you developed with others who have not worked on those definitions.

• If your last name begins with a letter from A–J, define the first three logical fallacies.

• If your last name begins wtih a letter from M–Z, define fallacies 4–6.

Note: if you download the chart from http://word-crafter.net/CompII/LogicalFallacies_outside.doc, it will grow to hold your definitions. If you don’t download the chart, use another document and bring your notes to the first class after Memorial Day.

Definition from InfoTrac

http://infotrac.thomsonlearning.com/infowrite/ex_argu.htm /

Another definition or explanation(use Google or another search engine)

/ Example (from Internet or from your experience, such as a commercial)
1. Absolute statement (also known as black-or-white)
2. False dilemma
3. Basing arguments on personalities (also called ad hominem)
4. False analogy
5. Hasty generalizations
6. Begging the question

Available at http://word-crafter.net/CompII/LogicalFallacies_outside.doc