Loggerheads Community Fire Station
Market Drayton Road, Loggerheads, Shropshire, TF9 4EZ
Telephone: 01630 673426
Web: www.loggerheadsparishcouncil.co.uk
At Ashley Methodist Church
PRESENT: J Hodgkins (Chair)
D Butterworth P Chamberlain
G Hughes J Vallings
L Gibson G Sedgley
M Stokes M Hodgkiss
S Fox J Knight
J Friend P Henshaw
V Door A Swetman
B/Cllr P Northcott, B/Cllr B Panter, B/C/Cllr Loades
I Douglas, E Martin, J Pimlott, R Claydon
There were no members of the public in attendance.
Cllr Swetman agenda items 7 (i) and 7 (iii) and Cllr Hodgkiss agenda item 7 (iii)
(i) The meeting considered the following applications and commented as noted:
Application No: 16/00994/FUL Applicant: Aspire Housing Group Proposed Development: Removal of condition 17 (provision of affordable housing) of planning application 14/00662/FUL – The construction of 6 new 2 bed 4 person semi-detached dwellings and associated site works including access road Location: Land off Rowney Close, Loggerheads
OBJECTION – Affordable housing needed in Loggerheads, as identified in Housing Needs Assessment for Neighbourhood Plan.
Application No: 16/01023/FUL Applicant: Mr & Mrs C Hingley Proposed Development: Retention of New Access and Garden room/Shed Location: 126 Jug Bank, Ashley
Application No: 16/01024/FUL Applicant: Mr & Mrs C Hingley Proposed Development: Retention of brick boundary wall and fence Location: 126 Jug Bank, Ashley
NO OBJECTION – subject to confirmation no issues on highway
Application No: 16/01033/OUT Applicant: Miss S, H & L Scragg Proposed Development: Erection of dwelling (resubmission of 16/00682/OUT) Location: Site 2 Pinewood Road, Ashley
OBJECTION – Outside village envelope, Loggerheads Housing Needs Assessment shows a need for small houses.
(ii) The meeting noted the following applications have been permitted by NuLBC:
Application No: 16/00817/FUL Applicant: Mr D Bailey Proposed Development: Erection of a ground floor side extension Location: 50 Chestnut Road, Loggerheads.
Application No: 16/00848/FUL Applicant: Mr & Mrs A Weatherhill Proposed Development: Single storey and two storey front side and rear extensions Location: Badgers Wood, Birch Rise, Loggerheads.
(iii) The meeting noted the following application has been refused by NuLBC:
Application No: 14/00854/NMA Applicant: Mrs B Flackett Proposed Development: Non material amendment to planning permission 14/00854/FUL for additional windows to gable and dormers to roof space Location: The Owl House, Tower Road, Ashley
(iv) The meeting noted the following applications are being appealed:
Application No: 16/00343/OUT Appeal Reference: APP/P3420/W/16/3158659 Applicants: Mr & Mrs Cooper Proposed Development: Outline application for the erection of a detached dwelling Location: Highdown, Elder Tree Lane, Ashley Appeal start date: 25th November 2016
Application No: 16/00629/FUL Appeal Reference: APP/P3420/W/16/3161622 Applicants: Mr MS Cole Proposed Development: Conversion and alteration of existing disused telephone exchange into single dwelling Location: Former Telephone Exchange, Blore Road, Hales Appeal start date: 1st December 2016
The meeting resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 21st November 2016 be adopted and on the proposal of Cllr Chamberlain and seconded by Cllr Stokes that the Chair be authorised to sign them as a correct record of proceedings.
The meeting was updated Cllr Friend had met the new rector in Ashley to discuss the newsletter and would meet again with Cllr Vallings with a possibility to join the parishes to form a Loggerheads Benefice newsletter. Mucklestone WI had expressed an interest in adopting the BT phone box in Mucklestone. The drainage issues in Mucklestone were ongoing and C/Cllr Loades added he had chased for an update today. While the Post Office in Loggerheads was being refurbished in February 2017 there would be a mobile pharmacy and the Finance Committee had agreed to recognise the community service of the outgoing post masters. Following the refurbishment the Pharmacy would operate the Post Office. Witness Statements for the Tadgedale appeal were complete and Cllr Swetman would deliver them to the Planning Inspector at Bristol on 29th December (due date 27th December is a bank holiday so moved to 29th). An electronic exchange on 23rd between the Appellant and the Borough Council had yet to be agreed. A Statement of Common Ground had been received, from the Appellant, had been reviewed, amendment proposed would be returned before the end of the week. The appeal is being held at the Civic Offices on 24th January 2017 for 4 days and the Borough Council has sought a 3 day extension to the hearing. Cllr Loades advised he had written to the Borough and Planning Inspector asking why and if so then proposing that the Borough Council should pay the additional costs of the Parish Council.
19/12/6 REPORTS
6.1 County Councillor’s Report – C/Cllr Loades updated the meeting that Highways continue to have concerns that the stones around the planter on Wesleyan Road may cause damage to vehicles and that a verge is needed to stop them moving on to the road in wet conditions. This was challenged and C/Cllr Loades would email in support of a licence being issued. C/Cllr Loades also reported Highways would contact the Parish Clerk regarding the planned closure of the A53 to discuss diversion arrangements.
6.2 Borough Councillors’ Reports – B/Cllr Panter reported the Open Space and Green Infrastructure Strategy had been debated and the Planning Committee had considered and permitted the application at The Wrekin, Mucklestone Wood Lane to cut down trees. Trees on the roadside are the responsibility of Staffordshire County Council and C/Cllr Loades confirmed that there was no need for them to be cut down to widen the road or provide services. B/Cllr Northcott reported Newcastle under Lyme had launched a local lottery to raise money for local charities. Stoke on Trent is going to bid for the 2021 City of Culture. Newcastle Housing Advice Service has had its contract extended for 3 years and there have been 14 recommendations regarding car park charges which will be considered by the Borough at a future meeting.
On the proposal of Cllr Vallings, seconded by Cllr Fox the meeting resolved that the following invoices be paid:
Date / Details / Amount / Approved15/12/2016 / Carrera Website Hosting – November / £72.00
19/12/2016 / K Watkins Clerk Salary December including Honorarium / £1,673.90
18/12/2016 / K Watkins – Expenses / £8.79
05/12/2016 / R Latham – November / £75.82
29/11/2016 / No 5 Chambers – legal advice / £300.00
15/12/2016 / No 5 Chambers – legal advice / £900.00
30/11/2016 / P Martin – play area inspection November x 3 / £120.00
01/12/2016 / Taywaste Consultancy – planning advice / £1,120.00
02/12/2106 / BT Internet / £27.60
18/12/2016 / A Swetman – Expenses / £138.48
08/12/2016 / Matthew Marsh – Computer service email / £60.00
18/12/2016 / Autela Payroll / £71.40
18/12/2016 / Cheshire Landscapes – Knighton fencing / £220.00
19/12/2016 / HMRC – 3rd quarter 2016/17 / £743.62
17/12/2016 / Cheshire Landscape Services – repair Knighton fencing / £220.00
An up-dated income and expenditure account for the month of November 2016 was noted.
The meeting considered the recommendation of the Finance Committee with respect to an application under section 137 from Ashley Memorial Hall for £2,140.00 towards the cost of repair of wooden block flooring in the hall. The meeting supported the recommendation as part of the on-going refurbishment programme at the village hall. Cllr Fox expressed concern that the next meeting of the Memorial Hall Committee would consider excluding the Junior Youth Club from use of this facility due to damage to the hall which is disputed. Cllr Fox proposed that this application be considered in January when the outcome was known. On the proposal of Cllr Friend and seconded by Cllr Vallings this application will be considered at the January meeting.
The meeting considered the recommendation of the Finance Committee with respect to a request from Staffordshire County Council to contribute to costs of Debt Benefit and Consumer Advice currently commissioned from Citizens Advice at an annual cost of £439k. Cllr Vallings updated the meeting that Staffordshire County Council had written to only 30 Parish Councils in Staffordshire. C/Cllr Loades advised the letter should have been sent to all Parish Councils, the Fire Service and the Police and the request relates to the Drugs and Alcohol Treatment Service for which the funding would be withdrawn from April 2017. The meeting resolved to request more information from Staffordshire County Council.
19/12/8 BUDGET & PRECEPT 2016/17
The meeting considered the budget for 2016/17 and the options for the budgetary requirements and precept, and the implications of the potential withdrawal of the concurrent allowance by Newcastle Borough Council (£7,512 in 2016/17). On the proposal of Cllr Swetman and seconded by Cllr Fox the meeting adopted the recommendation of the Finance Committee for a 0% increase in the precept with the precept being retained at £21.08.
The meeting noted the Borough Council’s proposal to move to all-out (whole Council) elections with effect from the elections to be held in May 2018 and 4 yearly thereafter.
Cllr Swetman had met with Urban Vision and they had started a grant application to prepare a business case for a community facility. Ashley Surgery was considering a site in Loggerheads and Cllr Swetman had arranged to meet them to see if this could be in the community facility.
The meeting was updated the pre-submission consultation for the draft Neighbourhood Plan had not started as planned. The Borough Council Planner had changed their opinion about the need for a Strategic Environmental Assessment from a “not needed” to “one was needed”. Without reference to the Parish Clerk NULBC had gone to the 3 Statutory Consultees and so far English Heritage have replied advising a strategic environment assessment was needed. The Parish Clerk would be seeking a consultant who can undertake this. This requirement would set the timetable back a minimum of 2 months. The process is facing regular delays and Cllr Loades suggested the 3 Borough Councillors write to NULBC to express concern at the lack of support being received from them.
To receive an update, if any, from the following Committees/Groups:-
12.1 Highways Committee – No update
12.2 Footpaths and Environment Committee – Cllr Henshaw thanked Cllrs Butterworth and Chamberlain for their work on the Hungersheath Loop and the next steps would be the work on the cost for posts and the production of a map and leaflet.
12.3 Youth Sub-Group – Cllr Fox advised a small but enthusiastic group reopened on 10th November and after Christmas they would meet to draw up an action plan for 2017. Cllr Loades confirmed the Youth Fund grant application had been authorised.
12.4 Working group on strategic planning matters – The Parish Clerk reported amended plans for the reserved matters relating to 78 units at Mucklestone Road were expected shortly and when received the case officer Rachel Killeen would consult on them before going before the Planning Committee in February.
12.5 Community Transport Working Group – Cllr Knight updated the meeting a questionnaire has been sent to local groups to gauge interest in use of a community bus. 11 groups had said yes which amounts to between 90 and 122 days a year. Also possible to run a weekly visit to Market Drayton for the elderly on market day. The availability of a grant was being explored although feedback from Staffordshire County Council was there are 3 existing schemes. Cllr Loades had written this evening advising this would be looked on favourably.
12.6 Parish and Town Council Forum – The Parish Clerk confirmed this meeting had been moved to twice yearly and would be minuted by NULBC.
A summary of correspondence received at the Parish Council office between 22nd November and 19th December 2016 was noted including a Christmas card from the Mayor.
The following matters were considered: Cllr Sedgley advised he had reported fly tipping on the Winnington to Napley Road and that the sign for Napley Road remained unresolved; Cllr Friend reminded the meeting that the drainage problem at Mucklestone remained unresolved. .
Monday 16th January 2017 at Loggerheads Community Fire Station.
The Chair had the pleasure of presenting Service Recognition Certificates to Cllrs Sedgley and Vallings for serving as Parish Councillors for at least 20 years.
Meeting Closed at 8.30pm
Minutes 19.12.2016