Holy Royal Arch Chapter Narmada No 134, Jabalpur
Chapter meets on every 1st Sunday of Jan (I), April (R), July (R), &October (E).
1st Principal-Z
E.Comp.Chetan Jaiswal
Imm Past Z
E.Comp. I.S.Ruprah
2nd Principal-H
Comp.M.P. Pahwa
3rd Principal-J
Comp.A.N. Bhargava
Principal Sojourner
Comp.Mandhir Singh
1st Assist. Sojourner
Comp P K Malhotra
2nd Assist. Sojourner
Comp Vaibhav Agrawal
Comp Sameer Kanade
E.Comp.Tarun S Shrivastava
Asst DoC
ME Comp S F Dordi
/ Convocation No 19
Sunday4th Feb 2018
At Freemason’s Hall,
Near Circuit House No 1,Jabalpur
Dear Sir and ME/E/Companion
You are summoned to attend the Regular and InstallationConvocation of HRA Chapter Narmada No.134, Jabalpur at Freemasons Hall, JabalpurSaturday4th Feb’2018 at 6:30pm sharp.
20th Jan’2018 / Yours fraternally
Comp. Sameer Kanade
Dress Code: National / Evening / Lounge Suit
(Full White Shirt, Tie, Formal Black Trousers, Black Shoes) Companions are requested to put on the Jewel of the Order.
Membership Details
1. Opening Number of Companions as on 31-11-1715
2. Exaltation:00
3. Joining / Rejoining00
4. Cessation / Resignations / Deaths/ Exclusions00
5. Closing Number of Companions as on 31-12-1815
6. Working at the Last Meeting:Election
7. Last Date of Exaltation03-05-14
Treasurer's Request:
Please pay your dues of Rs 1000 for the current year and previous year if not already paid
Note : Members in arrears cannot propose or second any proposal and not eligible for any post.
Secretary's Request:
Please update your mobile numbers and addresses with secretary for prompt delivery of summons and messages.
Special :
As no summons will be send from now onwards, only the “Message” will be sent. All are requested to download it from website
Companions of HRA Chapter Narmada No 134, Jabalpur
S.NoNameMobile No
1E.Comp. Tarun Suryakant Shrivastava 9422126376
2M.E.Comp.Zawareh H Wadia9426101881
3E.Comp. Sarosh F Dordi7709045158
4E.Comp. Mangesh Y Shastri9822201553
5E.Comp.Chetan Kumar Jaiswal9425806900
6E.Comp.Inderpal Singh Ruprah9425160137
7Comp.D K Saxena9826811364
8Comp.Prem Kumar Malhotra9425156535
11Comp.Mandhir Singh9827094066
12Comp.Vaibhav Agrawal9425385820
13Comp.Sameer Kanade9329418420
14Comp S P Gautam 9425800525
15Comp.U K Sharma9425155826
- To open the Chapter
- To read the summons of the Convocation No 18.
- To read, confirm and sign the minutes of the last Regular and Election Convocation of the Chapter.
- To receive the Report of the Chapter Committee Meeting held if any, and to vote severally on any recommendations contained therein.
- To read the accounts of the quarter ended Dec’ 2017.
- To Install E.Comp. M.P.Pahwa as 1st Principal
E.Comp. A.N.Bhargava as 2nd Principal
Comp. Mandhir Singh as 3rd Principal
and rest of the Officers for the year 2018.
- To circulate the charity box.
- To transact such other business as the ME may permit to be brought before the Chapter.
- To Close the Chapter.
National Anthem