Minutes of a Meeting

of Loddon Parish Council

held in The Library Annexe
on Thursday 9 July 2015 at 7pm

Present: Councillors Ray Lumley, Sarah Colman, John Bussens, Paul Clemence, Margaret Wallace, Sophie Garrett, Darron McLoughlin, Keiron Gray and Gary Knights

Also present were Christine Smith (clerk), Karen Read (finance officer) and four members of the public

50.  Welcome – Chairman Ray Lumley welcomed those present.

51.  Recording of Meeting – it was CONFIRMED that no-one present wished to record the meeting

52.  Apologies – were received and accepted from Cllr June Strickland and District Councillor Colin Gould

53.  Declarations of Interest – Cllr Sophie Garrett declared a pecuniary interest in agenda items 7a and b (planning applications at 7 Church Plain), Cllr Jane Hale declared a personal interest in agenda item 16 (Old Town Hall) and Finance Officer asked for her personal interests to be noted on agenda items 12 (Taylor Wimpey development) and 23 (provision of leisure land)

54.  Previous Minutes – the minutes of a meeting held on Thursday 10 June 2015 were circulated, APPROVED and signed

55.  Planning Decisions – the following decisions were NOTED;

a)  2015/1088 - Mrs Katja Mahnkopf, Leman House, 18 High Street, Loddon - Proposed replacement of single glazing to double glazing within existing frames - Listed Buildings Consent – APPROVED with conditions, delegated

The following item was received after publication of the agenda:

b)  2015/0782 – Mrs M Sergeant, 37 Bridge Street, Loddon - Replace existing windows like for like on first floor front elevation – APPROVED with conditions, delegated

56.  Planning Applications – having declared a pecuniary interest in the following two items, Cllr Sophie Garrett left the meeting:

a)  2015/ 1296 – Miss Sophie Garrett, 7 Church Plain, Loddon - two new pedestrian gates at the front of the house; one replacing an existing, the other to fill a gap in the railings to a side entrance. Alterations to create a shower room on the first floor - APPROVE

b)  2015/1297 – details as for ‘a’ above – Listed Buildings Consent - APPROVE

Cllr Sophie Garrett rejoined the meeting

c)  2015/1300 – Mrs Linsdey Todd, Saxon House, Kittens Lane, Loddon – Replacement windows and conservatory , in UPVC, to same design as existing timber conservatory – REFUSE; the windows and conservatory should be replaced like-with-like in wood, not UPVC

d)  2015/1333 – Ms Rowena Arden, 11 Beccles Road, Loddon – replace roof light with new dormer window in bathroom - APPROVE

e)  2015/1334 – details as for ‘d’ above – Listed Buildings Consent

f) 2015/1325 – Mrs A Titchener, 1 Market Place, Loddon – change of use from former kitchen showroom to dwelling - APPROVE

g)  BA/2015/0182/COND – Mr Raymond Hollocks, Riverside Cottage, Bridge Street, Loddon – removal of condition for planning permission 97/90/0263/F (granted 20 August 1990) relating to the dwelling having to be occupied by the site manager - APPROVE

h)  2015/1390 – Mr A Pennington, 1 Church Plain, Loddon – additional works to roof and walls following planning permission 2014/2200 – Listed Buildings Consent - APPROVE

The following items were received after publication of the agenda; the clerk was delegated authority to respond with the council’s views:

i)  2015/1383 – Mr Thomas Coulby, Wood Farm, Bungay Road, Loddon – replace existing timber fence with new timber fence and to raise to six feet in height - APPROVE

j)  2015/1479 – Mr & Mrs Banham, 13 High Street, Loddon - Works to trees in Conservation Area (for information only) - NOTED

57.  Planning Correspondence – none received

58.  Police Report –No police attendance: the appointment of a new Beat Manager, PC David Reeve, and the receipt of weekly crime reports were NOTED

The meeting was adjourned for public participation at 7:40pm and reconvened at 7:50pm

59.  Chair’s Report – the chairman stated his shock at the sudden death of County Councillor Derek Blake and offered the parish council’s condolences to his family and friends at this difficult time.

The chair also noted that the Playing Field Committee had agreed to open the tennis courts at the Jubilee Hall for free tennis on weekday mornings during the school holidays to encourage sports and active play.

60.  Finance Update – the finance officer reported that due to the cost and running issues with the system currently being used, in future a spreadsheet would be used to record financial transactions and produce reports for the council. It was planned that 15-20 minutes before the start of each full council meeting, the bank account signatories would meet with the finance officer for an update and review of accounts. Having investigated the CCLA Public Sector Deposit Fund, it was recognized that this wasn’t suitable for the requirements of Loddon parish council at this time.

61.  Adoption of Open Spaces on Beccles Road Development – it had been AGREED in principle at the June meeting of the council that the parish council would adopt the playground and footpath and bank to the west of the Taylor Wimpey development, subject to the commuted sum being confirmed. This confirmation had now been received and the previous decision was RATIFIED.

62.  Tree Work at The Old Hockey Field – after consideration of quotes, the contract was awarded and the work AGREED

63.  Pond Area at The Old Hockey Field – a report from the Tree Warden Michael Roe and parishioner Peter Whittaker was tabled, giving suggestions of possible improvements to the pond area on the Old Hockey Field. It was AGREED that up to £1,000 be made available for the officers to use during the summer to carry out work as they considered necessary. The council would be kept informed.

64.  Skate Park and Playing Field – it was reported that the RoSPA inspection of both the play area and the skate park had taken place and the reports were awaited. It was anticipated that the reports would state that some play equipment would require replacement. It was AGREED that up to £1,500 be made available for the officers to use during the summer to carry out work as they considered necessary.

65.  Loddon Buildings Preservation Trust Grant Application Update – Cllr Jane Hale, as a Trustee to the Loddon Buildings Preservation Trust (LBPT), reported that an application for funding for the Old Town Hall was being prepared for submission on 10 August 2015. She was not aware that the grant submission required the LBPT to have either ownership or a long lease on the property to apply for the grant. Cllr Hale added that the windows in the Library Annexe were to be repaired during July 2015.

66.  Parish Council Pensions Policy –the personnel committee had met to discuss the scheme and put forward a proposal of a policy to be adopted, including that a pension should be offered to all council employees on a permanent contract; the council AGREED to accept the proposed scheme

67.  Norfolk County Council Parish Partnership Scheme – this was NOTED but was not considered appropriate for any scheme in the parish

68.  Councillors’ Reports – Cllr Gary Knights reported that the recently appointed Jubilee Hall caretaker had settled in well and a previously proposed extension to the main hall was being considered again.

Cllr Margaret Wallace stated that she had relinquished many of her responsibilities at the Jubilee Hall since the appointment of the new caretaker and reported that new signage and an outside cigarette disposal bin had been installed. Work continued on establishing emergency evacuation points outside the building.

Cllr Jane Hale informed the council that the Playing Field Committee had met and that the establishment of the Deed of Trust with Chedgrave parish council was progressing.

Keiron Gray reported that an overgrown laurel hedge in Bridge Street, which had been causing problems to pedestrians, had now been cut back.

Cllr Sophie Garrett reminded all present that a networking event, organized by Loddon & District Business Association, would take place the following week. She also stated that the Beccles Area Community Transport Scheme would be taking over the Loddon surgery drivers’ role from September.

69.  District Councillor’s Report – a report from District Councillor Gould was tabled in his absence and NOTED

70.  Correspondence – NOTED

71.  Next Meeting – it was confirmed that the next scheduled meeting of the parish council would take place on Thursday 10 September 2015 at 7pm unless an additional meeting was required before that date.

The following item was CONFIDENTIAL


LPC 2015 7 Minutes