Locust Grove Board of Education
419 N. Broadway
Locust Grove, OK 74352
MAY 13, 2013 6:00 p.m.
The Locust Grove Board of Education met in regular session on May 13, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. at the Superintendent’s Office in the Administrative Office Building.
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by the President, Rick Condit and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call:
Members Present: Rick Condit, Andrew Snell, Mike Stone, Rick Pierce, Cyndi Moore
Members Absent: None
There were no speakers for Open Forum.
Employee of the month presentation for April and May will be done at June meeting.
Superintendent’s Report:
1. Revenue Chart 6. Grant Award
2. Cash Flow 7. Video Editing Award
3. Child Nutrition 8. Farm to School pricing
4. State Revenue 9. New State Laws 2013
5. State Budget Report
Motion made by Rick Condit and second by Mike Stone to approve Technology Update and Report presented by David Berns. Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
Ben Parker gave technology demonstrations and conducted discussion on Chromebooks for Education.
Sealed bids on the surplus buildings were opened by the President, Rick Condit. Motion made by Mike Stone and second by Andrew Snell to accept bid of $350.00 from Terry Woolman for the Car Port. Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
Motion made by Rick Pierce and second by Cyndi Moore to accept bid of $2,157.00 from Floyd West for the Kindergarten Building. Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
Motion made by Rick Pierce and second by Andrew Snell to accept bid of $502.50 from Speedy Maner for Awning on the Records Room. Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
Motion made by Rick Condit and second by Mike Stone to accept bid of $2,550.55 from Corey Packard for the Transportation Building. Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
Motion made by Andrew Snell and second by Mike Stone to approve open transfers for 2013-2014. Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
Motion made by Mike Stone and second by Cyndi Moore to adopt 24/7 Tobacco Policy. Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
No action taken on High School Girls’ request for fundraiser.
Motion was made by Rick Condit and second by Mike Stone to approve addition of Seniors 2017 Activity Fund Account #878. Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
Discussion on new High School Plans and options for footprint
Motion made by Rick Condit and second by Rick Pierce to enter executive session at 8:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussing reemployment of certified personnel and negotiations, pursuant to Oklahoma Statute 25, Section 307 (B)(1) and (2). Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
Those present in executive session were board members:
Rick Condit
Andrew Snell
Mike Stone
Rick Pierce
Cyndi Moore
Also present was David Cash, Superintendent.
The board met in executive session to discuss hiring of certified personnel for 2013-2014 and negotiations, as authorized by Oklahoma Statute Title 25, Section 307(B) (1) and (2)
No action was taken by the board of education and the board returned to open session at 9:45 p.m.
Motion made by Rick Condit and second by Mike Stone to accept resignation of James Snider, Ken Mustain and Marsha Whalen. Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
Motion made by Andrew Snell and second by Rick Pierce to approve employee’s request for permission to ask for donated sick days. Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
Motion made by Mike Stone and second by Rick Condit to approve employment of Marsha Whalen as Part-Time employee for 2014. Motion carried 4-1. Pierce, no; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
Motion made by Cyndi Moore and second by Mike Stone to employ Ben Parker as Technology Director for 2013-2014. Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
Motion made by Rick Pierce and second by Andrew Snell to employ Daniel Stokes as High School Dean of Students for 2013-2014. Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell; yes; Condit, yes.
Motion made by Rick Condit and second by Andrew Snell to employ Jamie Rice as Upper elementary Counselor/Dean of Students for 2013-2014. Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
Motion made by Andrew Snell and second by Mike Stone to employ Matt Hennesy and Ronnie Maple for 2013-2014 Extra Duty Assignments per attached list. Motion carried 4-1. Pierce, no; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
Motion made by Rick Condit and second by Cyndi Moore to approve remaining list of extra duty assignment for 2013-2014 per attached list. Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
Motion made by Mike Stone and second by Rick Pierce to approve consent agenda items A-E:
a. Minutes of April 8 and April 19
b. Treasurer’s Report
c. General Fund Encumbrances # 579 to 626 and changes for a net increase to $11,644,550.94 for 2012-2013
d. Building Fund Encumbrance #19 and changes for a net increase to $61,651.25 for 2012-2013
e. Locust Grove ISD-17 Activity Fund Report for April
Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
No new business
Motion made by Mike Stone and second by Rick Pierce to adjourn at 9:53 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. Pierce, yes; Moore, yes; Stone, yes; Snell, yes; Condit, yes.
Rick Condit, President Mike Stone, Clerk
Minutes Clerk