LOCATION: Centennial Collegiate, Sewing Arts Room
ATTENDEES: Lisa Bolton, Marieke Knight, Glenda Clezy, Jered Heigh, Erica Verity-Osicki, Mellissa Glab, Stephanie Hnatiw. Stacey Waters, Shane Armstrong, Cassandra Williamson, Connie Tenaski, Neil Harmon, Tamara Larre, Luc Gauthier,
- Call to order at 7:32 pm
- Adopt Minutes from Previous Meeting:
· Motion by Lisa, 2nd by Erica
- Adopt this meeting’s Agenda: (call for new business)
· Addition to Agenda: Earth Day, Insurance, and Fundraising (New Business)
· Motion to adopt the amended agenda: Tamara, 2nd by Luc, all in favour
- Guest Presenters:
- School principals
Shane Armstrong:
- Was in the school on Thursday and it looked good, many things yet to accomplish to finish on time
- Physical education equipment, textbooks, technology all being purchased, costs are high
- Having student meetings, which are fun
- Mentioned meeting to discuss the playground and starting of the Willowgrove School Parent Council
Connie Tenaski:
- Because of anticipated delays in construction, the day care is encouraged to develop a contingency plan for September
- Day care is currently looking at other facilities in the area to host the program until the school opens
- Lisa, from the day care, is to submit a pre-school contingency plan on Thursday April 17th
- A traffic radar trailer will be set up this summer to make drivers aware of their speeds as they pass the school zone
- Also participating in community and school engagement
- One event will be the Holy Family Community BBQ held (tentatively on June 5th) in Willowgrove square. Application has been submitted and approved current date is tentative. Goal is to create excitement about schools; signage will go up prior to event.
- Fundraising for playground: mentions that Holy Family is in a different situation than the public school since their playground will be on school land, which is different when fundraising than Public system.
- Mentions that schools need to collaborate to fundraise.
- GLENDA: mentioned that a separate group needs to be created outside of the CA regular meeting to discuss this
- GLENDA: Suggested Malvina, Cassandra, school principals and herself be the working group
- GLENDA: Mentions that her neighbour had questions/concerns about enrollment in Willowgrove school and is considering moving her child to Holy Family
- SHANE: states that enrollment is fairly similar between two schools at this point.
· Create fundraising working group including Malvina, Glenda, Shane, Connie and Cassandra
- President Report:
· Glenda wants to say thank you for all of the hard work everyone is doing
· Mentions how busy soccer is currently, so thank you also to that group of people.
- Correspondence:
· Glenda: Contacted by people wanting to advertise a diabetes fundraiser. Is this the sort of thing that we would put on the website?
· Should WUHCA post only for community related activities?
· STACEY: Thinks non-profits can post on the website
· TAMARA: Post all non-profit requests until a time that WUHCA is overwhelmed then re-evaluate, general show of consensus around this decision
- City Councilor Report: (Zach Jeffries)
· Not Present, no report
- Treasurer Report: LUC
· Cheques to:
- Tamara: $28.06
- Luc (mail box): $215.25
- Glen Der (Ballroom): $360.00, discussion about why it is not $400.00 this year (Erica) as per usual.
- Krista $60.00
- Magnet Signs: $321.00
- Glenda: Ball refunds for 50% off (2)
- Erica $462.00
· LUC: $43128.14 Bank reconciliation at the end of March
· Current discrepancy over $25.00 fee being looking into by RBC
· WUHCA will lose money this fiscal year, July 1-June 30th
· $15,000.00 is the fixed expenses so to profit WUHCA must bring in $15,000.00 which is not occurring.
· Some possibilities around savings money include: $2000.00 for the storage locker, $2000.00 for magnet signs per year, Fun day costs usually about $5000.00, so could reduce all of the above
· JERED: Mentions using the concession as a fundraiser for WUHCA instead of Aurora Soccer.
· JERED: reminds everyone that when equipment is purchased, it may still only be good for one year- so need to budget yearly for upgrades- i.e. nets, jerseys
· DISCUSSION IN GENERAL: some programs are losing money, some break even. Need to get a firmer grasp on what program fees need to be
· TAMARA: mentions the need to increase soccer fees
· LUC: big revenue generators include soccer and membership fees.
· STACEY: website advertising is catching on, so increased return in the coming years
· Motion to accept treasurer’s report made by Jered, 2nd by Lisa, all in favour, passed.
· All coordinators must prepare a detailed budget, Luc states if you spend or receive money you need a budget
· Complete all budgets by May meeting.
· Include all anticipated expenses for next year- look at what was spent this year and guess what you need for next.
- Community Consultant Report:
· See attachment
· Discussed the Survey Monkey that Silverwood heights completed to assess what their community wants to see and do in their neighbourhood.
· Rink update: Getting water to the rink in Foster Park will cost about $40,000.00, must tap into city water source, and trench down 9 feet to below the frost line.
· Site has been approved (Foster Park) if community agrees to sign a lease and acknowledges that flooding is a risk.
- Get a copy of the monkey report for WUHCA to potentially adapt and use to poll the neighbourhood to ask around priorities for programming, rink, park developments etc.
- Will be in touch with Neil to provide a detail of the work that needs to be done to get water to the rink
- Task Force Leaders Report:
· Vice President Report: Not present
· Program Coordinator Reports (ball, soccer, football updates)
Aurora Rep (Stephanie):
- Outdoor Reg 297 kids
- SYS grant for soccer from aurora for coaching
Kinder sports (Stacey):
- Around 157 kids, soccer pick up at Stacey’s first Sunday after Easter, 14 teams of 11 or 12 kids
- ERICA: suggests providing a map so that people know which section of each field they are playing on.
U6 (Tamara):
- All teams but 1 are full, 153 players, 17 teams, coaches are all found, Carla is setting up equipment pick up
U8 (Erica):
- 90 players 10 teams
U10 (Lisa):
- 45 players, 3 teams, large teams but SYS said it would work
· Indoor Coordinators: Not present. Marieke mentions the joint program meeting is May 8th and final program summaries for LF due end of May.
- Marieke mentioned how the LG is only one option to advertise programs but not required. 90% of WUH residents polled used the LG to find out about programs
· Stacey: Media Coordinator Report (including newsletter / web)
- 22nd from 10am-2pm going to be in Park for clean-up (Earth Day Celebration)
- Councillor Jeffries will be there
- Marieke Knight will bring a tent to set up
- Organizer got a hazard sharps container.
- $100.00 budget being adhered to
- Media: Community Voices working well, Ken Cheveldayoff has contributed
- Stacey’s husband is doing updates for the website and making it tablet and phone compatible
· Lisa: Social Coordinator Report, table at day in the park discussion / garage sale
- Received $500.00 SK Lotteries grant
- Family day is 2nd Saturday in September
- Magnet sign is up and spelling error “WHCA” has been changed to WUHCA
- Garage sale is 9-10th of May
- GLENDA: Note that Thursdays have typically been included in garage sale, so think about this for next year.
- Not advertising in star phoenix
- Motion to pay up to $20.00 for a kijiji ad for the garage sale, 2nd Luc, all in favour
- Day in Park: Lisa is given up to $3000.00 to spend for the fun day. Will return in May with a budget.
- Cassandra volunteered to assist Lisa with the Fun Day
ACTION ITEMS: Marieke will send out Special Events Application form.
· Membership Coordinator Report: NA
· Rink Update: Neil, going to start fundraising, will contact Remple Brothers and others for in kind donations.
· Glenda: Ball
- Revenue is over $4000.00 but will spend on bats and jerseys for 2 oldest ball groups (teams) about 24 jerseys at a cost of $28.50-43.50 per jersey, and $80-120 per bat and.
- Glenda will get an additional quote from Olympia sports
- Needs $1400.00 for equipment (bats) and jerseys and
- Melissa made a motion to approve up to $1500.00 for equipment and jerseys, 2nd by Lisa, all in favour
- Need Luc to write a check for $1731.00 to SMSL
· Jered: Present with nothing to report.
11. New Business:
- Storage locker: NA
- Softball/Football:
- Carla will return to do be the equipment coordinator next year but will not be available for meetings.
- Needs for fall registration: NA
- Spring registration refunds: NA
- Ways to use our volunteers (should they be MAL’s): NA
- Insurance: Cassandra will take this over from Malvina
- Fundraising: Cassandra re-iterates the importance of working together to fundraise as groups could potentially be asking the same people for over $600,000.00 with both school playgrounds and rink
ADDITION: Prior to adjourning Neil mentioned about a speeding bus driver who take Padget. Erica has noticed the speeding as well. Call 1st Student to report at 306-343-2125
12. Adjournment at 9:35 p.m. with motion from Erica.
Action Items:
- See in body of minutes for agenda items below each topic listed.