Location and Design ReportP.I. # #######






FILE / P.I. Number / OFFICE
Project Number
County / DATE
Project Description
FROM / Office Head (Submitting Office)
TO / State Design Policy Engineer/Attn: State Conceptual Design Group Manager
SUBJECT / Request for Location and Design Approval

Description and Project Proposal: Provide a brief general description of the project including the length of the project, beginning and ending points, and a general location of the project including any city and county limits or proximity there to and describe the proposed typical sections and other major improvements to be constructed.

Concept Approval Date: For this date, refer to project files or the Project Management System.Include date of approval of original concept and any revision dates.

Concept Update: The Location and Design Report can be utilized to update the approved Concept. Describe briefly any project changes made after the approval of the latest Concept Report or Revised Concept Report. Be specific and attach appropriate up-to-date cost estimates. The L&D approval will also serve as approval of the Revised Concept.

Environmental Document:Refer to a Project Management System or contact the Office of Environmental Services for this information.

Document Type: Document TypeApproval Date:

Temporary State Route Needed: No Yes Undetermined

By State Code (32-5-2), federal and state transportation funds cannot be used to procure rights-of-way for off-system routes. To utilize federal or state funds for off-system routes, a temporary State Route number must be assigned to the county road or city street before purchasing right-of-way. Contact the System Highway Coordinator in the Office of Transportation Data () if more information is needed. If a temporary State Route is needed, please identify the roadway and approximate limits.

Public Involvement: (Refer to the project files or the Office of Environmental Services documentation for this information)

  • Public Hearing Open House Results summary:
  • Report the date and location of the public hearing and briefly summarize the significant comments offered by persons attending the hearing
  • The total number of comments received
  • Report the number of comments opposing or supporting the project
  • The total number of attendees including any public officials in attendance, and
  • Briefly describe any significant project changes made as a result of the comments received at the public hearings.
  • Public Information Open House summary:
  • If any public information open house meetings were held for the project, provide a synopsis of the results of those meetings similar to the comments made for public hearings.

Consistency with Approved Planning: The design description as presented herein and submitted for approval is consistent with the approved Concept Report.

Recommendations: Recommend that the location and design for the project be approved and that the attached Notice be approved for advertising.

GDOT Director of Engineering
GDOT Chief Engineer / Date
(To be entered by State Conceptual Design Group Manager)


  • Sketch Map
  • Construction Cost Estimate (Note: Cost estimates attached to approved reports are utilized by the Office of Financial Management to update programmed costs. A cost estimate is not required unless L&D Report is being utilized to make changes to the project. If changes are not being made to the project, the L&D Report may be utilized to update the programmed project cost. Cost estimates submitted should comply with current GDOT practices for content, age, etc.)
  • Other attachments as needed (e.g. updated utility or mitigation costs, typical sections, or other additional information)
  • Notice of Location and Design Approval (Note: When submitting the Location and Design Report, please include a Microsoft Word compatible version of the Notice of Location and Design Approval with the report for use in creating the required advertisement.)




Notice is hereby given in compliance with Georgia Code 22-2-109 and 32-3-5 that the Georgia Department of Transportation has approved the Location and Design of this project.

The date of location and design approval is: ______ (Date to be inserted by the State Design Policy Engineer or his designee after approval by the Chief Engineer.)

The Project Manager is to use this paragraph to give a basic overall description of the project and the county or counties and the Land Lots or the Land Districts wherein it is located. All numerical units shall be in English units.

The Project Manager is to use this paragraph to describe the proposed construction, be brief but be specific. Please remember this ad is to inform the general public about an upcoming project – overly technical language and lengthy descriptions should be avoided.

Drawings or maps or plats of the proposed project, as approved, are on file and are available for public inspection at the Georgia Department of Transportation:

Area Engineer’s Name (For Local Let projects, a county or city office may be used)

E-mail Address

Street Address

Telephone number

Any interested party may obtain a copy of the drawings or maps or plats or portions thereof by paying a nominal fee and requesting in writing to:

Office Head’s Name

Office Name

Attn: Project Manager’s name (optional)

E-mail Address

Mailing Address

Telephone number

Any written request or communication in reference to this project or notice SHOULD include theProject and P. I. Numbers as noted at the top of this notice.