Location #1: Other

Location #1: Other

Teaching Rules

Lesson Plan

Location #1: Other

Location Rules:
(from 4B chart) / Positive Example: / Non-example:
Paladins walk directly to their classroom using the shortest route. / Paladins use the most direct route to their classes. / Paladins tarry/walk/hang-out with friends in areas that are away from direct location of their classes
Paladins comply with the directives of school staff the first time. / Paladin will immediately follow directives from a school staff. / Paladin ignore repeated directions by refusing to follow or argue (back and forth) with staff.
Paladins use the facilities properly while keeping it clean and free of graffiti. / Paladins do not write on walls or throw items to deface walls or school ground. / Paladins write on walls in the stairwell, hallways, and others areas of the school.
List 2 resources (website addresses, curriculum with location, books with page numbers, programs with lesson plan number, etc.) you will use to teach this lesson plan. Be specific enough so the resources can be located by anyone.
2. Book that teach self control: The Middle of Somewhere by Cheaney, J.B. Knopf
List the steps of this lesson plan (Include lesson format, activities, and materials). Be detailed enough so the lesson can be implemented by anyone.
1. Read the story to introduce the topic (self-control) to the class. Lead class in a discussion on self-control and have class give examples and non-examples of showing self-control.
2. Write "STOP, THINK, CONSIDER CHOICES, EVALUATE, ACT" on the board. Teach students the following: "When you get mad, STOP. Don’t act yet. THINK. What CHOICES do I have? EVALUATE the choices. Then you can ACT."
3. Give students this example: “You see another student defacing the wall with sexually explicit drawings. How can you use this technique? Stop and think: I could put him down or I could walk away. If I put him down, I could get into trouble. If I walk away, I could stay out of trouble and report what I saw to an adult on staff. What do I want? Act on it.” When problems occur in the hallways, classroom etc. encourage students to problem solve using this process.
4. Students will break into teams and create a skit (2-3 mins.)to model examples and non-examples of self-control. The teacher will facilitate.
5. Each team will then introduce their skit to the whole classroom. Exceptional skits will may be performed on the morning announcements. Students will participate in Classroom Meetings to discuss and model self-control, even when it delays gratification.
WHEN will this lesson plan be taught?
Beginning of school year date(s) and time(s): / August 26, 2017
After long holidays / Use your quarterly team meetings to not only review and analyze your behavior data, but to plan and develop additional lesson plans you will use throughout the year to re-teach and reinforce this locations rules.
3rd quarter
WHO will teach this lesson plan? / WHERE will the lesson plan instruction occur?
Instructional Staff / Classroom

Teaching Rules

Lesson Plan

Location #2: Hallway

Location Rules:
(from 4B chart) / Positive Example: / Non-example:
Paladins use appropriate language and demonstrate awareness of personal space and property. / Sit or stand away from traffic lanes. / Sit or stand on the stairs to obstruct traffic.
Paladins only enter the hallway if they are assigned a class in that area, passing through the area, or have received permission to be in the area. / Arrive to class on time each day. / Meet up with friends during hall change and banter, rough-house, or tarry to arrive tardy to class.
Paladins use equipment properly and follow facility rules. / Replace gym equipment in proper location after use. / Leave gardening tools in garden rather than in storage location.
List 2 resources (website addresses, curriculum with location, books with page numbers, programs with lesson plan number, etc.) you will use to teach this lesson plan. Be specific enough so the resources can be located by anyone.
LEAPS Lesson: I'am Responsible for Me (K=2) The Rights and Responsibilities of a Student (3=5)

List the steps of this lesson plan (Include lesson format, activities, and materials). Be detailed enough so the lesson can be implemented by anyone.
Introduce the topic responsibility using one of the above resource.
Develop a “T” chart with class to list what responsibility looks like, sounds like and feels like. Ensure the student recognizes that responsibility includes helping, making good choices, completing tasks and being a good “citizen.”
Direct each student to fold a paper in fourths and unfold it to make four sections in which to draw.
Instruct the students to draw themselves acting responsibly in four different situations.
Encourage the students to label or write a caption to describe each picture.
Writing: Write three sentences that describe responsibilities that you have at home and/or at school. Think about ways you could be more responsible. Write a goal in each area and a plan of action that would make it easier to meet that goal.
Enrichment- Other ideas to practice and reinforce responsibility by Allowing students opportunities to work independently or in a group on a task.
WHEN will this lesson plan be taught?
Beginning of school year date(s) and time(s): / August 30, 2017
After long holidays / Use your quarterly team meetings to not only review and analyze your behavior data, but to plan and develop additional lesson plans you will use throughout the year to re-teach and reinforce this locations rules.
3rd quarter
WHO will teach this lesson plan? / WHERE will the lesson plan instruction occur?
Instructional Staff / Classroom

Teaching Rules

Lesson Plan

Location #3: Classroom

Location Rules:
(from 4B chart) / Positive Example: / Non-example:
Paladins will form a line according to their arrival time. / Stand behind the student who arrived to the area prior to you. / Skipping in front of student(s) who were in the line before your arrival.
Paladins will pick up and discard trash appropriately before leaving the classroom. / Looking around your seating area for any garbage and discard it in the trash can. / Leaving chairs pulled out and garbage in your seating area.
Paladins avoid horseplay by keeping hands, feet and objects to themselves. / Keeping hands and feet under your desk. / Disturbing others with loud singing or noise during class.
List 2 resources (website addresses, curriculum with location, books with page numbers, programs with lesson plan number, etc.) you will use to teach this lesson plan. Be specific enough so the resources can be located by anyone.

Three Pebbles and a Song by Eileen Spinelli, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis (Low and Mid-Level reading scale).
List the steps of this lesson plan (Include lesson format, activities, and materials). Be detailed enough so the lesson can be implemented by anyone.
Teacher and students will discuss the meaning of being accountable for your actions and your success. What does it mean? What does it look like by discussing the definition of accountability.
Teacher will read a story or show the video on tolerance and/or kindness and introduce the topic of being accountable for your actions.
Teacher will explain that all individuals are accountable of showing kindness and tolerance to others. Students can verbally give examples and non-examples of being accepting to others.
Allow students to Share-Out stories of how they have been accepting of others.
Ask students to draw symbols that represent acceptance. Instruct students to create social stories that incorporate their symbol to demonstrate acceptance.
Enrichment: All Classes will make a poster listing ways they can show acceptance, be a helper, and be kind.
WHEN will this lesson plan be taught?
Beginning of school year date(s) and time(s): / Sept. 1, 2017
After long holidays / Use your quarterly team meetings to not only review and analyze your behavior data, but to plan and develop additional lesson plans you will use throughout the year to re-teach and reinforce this locations rules.
3rd quarter
WHO will teach this lesson plan? / WHERE will the lesson plan instruction occur?
Instructional Staff / Classroom