Local Program Review Instrument
Date of Program ReviewDate of LastReview
AspireProgram Name
AspireProgram Administrator
State AspireProgram Manager
Reason(s) for Program Review / Two years of Not Acceptable on the Desk Review or other performance metrics
Key personnel changes (such as new organizational leaders, Aspire administrator and/or fiscal officer)
Change in organization of the program such as merger, consortia, or change in governance
Newly approved program
Excessive carryover or unexpended funds (over 15%) over a two-year period
Time since last review
Ohio Department of Higher EducationAspire Program
25 South Front Street, 2nd Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-4183
Telephone: (614) 466-5015
Aspire Program
Local Program Review Instrument
Purpose and Goals
The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, is designed to assist adults in becoming literate and obtaining knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency, obtaining necessary educational skills to become full partners in the educational development of their children, and completing secondary education or its equivalent. The goals of local program monitoring visits are to:
- Ensure that programs meet AEFLA and state requirements
- Continuously improve the quality of federally and state funded activities
- Provide technical assistance in identifying and resolving compliance/accountability issues
- Ensure the accuracy, validity, and reliability of data collection and reporting as well as currency of policies and procedures
- Interact with program administration, staff, students and stakeholders to get a more detailed perspective of a program than just the annual Aspire Local Program Desk Review data
- Providean opportunity for professional growth and continuous improvement
- Two consistent years of “Not Acceptable” on the Desk Review or other performance metrics
- Key personnel changes (such as new organizational leaders, Aspire administrator and/or fiscal officer)
- Change in organization of the program such as a merger, development of a consortia or change in governance
- Newly approved program
- Excessive carryover or unexpended funds (over 15%) over a two-year period
- Time since last review
The Review Instrument is separated into two main sections. The first section is a list of documents applicable forthe on-site review. The state Aspireprogram manager will review each of the documents to ensure they are complete and in compliance with the Aspire requirements. Part of the required documentation relates to fiscal accountability and will be reviewed with appropriate local fiscal and administrative staff.
The second section consists of threecontentareas, which represents an integration of components of the Ohio Performance Accountability System (OPAS): 1) Administration; 2) Staff Development; and3) Student Experience Model. In each of these areas,the local administrator will provide the name of the supporting documentationthat will demonstrate program compliance. The last column is for the state Aspireprogram manager to enter relevant notes.
Directions for Local Aspire Administrative Personnel Completing the Local Program Review Instrument
Step 1 – Gather Documentation
The first step is to gather the documentation, in paper or electronic form, necessary for showing that current grant-approved policies and processes are being implemented. Previous Local Program Review Reports (within the last four years) should be reviewed to identify any outstanding areas of a program’s formal ContinuousImprovementPlan. Local administrators should organize documents and have them easily availablefor the state Aspireprogram manager at the time of the review. These documents can be in either paper or electronic form.
Step 2 – Review the Evidence Related to the Required Documents/Policies and Determine the Program’s Compliance
The next step is to review the evidence that corresponds with the required program documents/policies. The local administrator needs to indicate if the local program has the required documentation and has implemented a specific policy or process by indicating “Yes” or “No.” If “Yes”, providesupporting documentation. If “No”, be prepared to discuss this with the state Aspireprogram manager during the on-site review. The completed Local Program Review Instrument is to be returned to the state Aspire program manager two weeks before the review.
Step 3 –Staff and Student Surveys
The local administrator is to distributethe appropriate survey form to a random selection of students, staff, and volunteersprior to the review. The confidential surveys are to be sent to the state Aspireprogram manager as part of the pre-review documents. These surveys providethe state Aspireprogram manager feedback from the student, staff, and volunteers about the programand will be used as part of the review process.
Checklist for Program Review Documents
These are documents the state Aspireprogram manager has access to and will review prior to the On-Site Review. / State Aspire Program Manager Comments
- Grants and any revisionsfor current and previous year
- ABLELink data for individual students and overall program performance for current year
- Local Program Data Certification Checklist from previous year
- MOUs/agreements, e.g. Aspire-postsecondary, One-Stop, Aspire consortium, if applicable
- Desk Reviews for last three years
- Program Improvement Consultation Plan (PICP) for current year
- LD Plan developed using the LD Planning and Policy Guide
- Schedule A and Addendum for last fiscal year
- Final Expenditure Report (FER) for last fiscal year
- Corrections Education FER for last fiscal year, if applicable
- Evidence of Distance Education class(es) set up in ABLELink, specific to software used
- Verification of required trainings for affected staff (electronic PD history)
- Evidence of meeting the Technology Standards
- Single A-133 audit report for most recent audit.
- Ensure that all required documents have been received on time and completed accurately.
- Check local program’s Aspire website for accurate, up-to-date information and branding
Pre-Review Documentation – Local Administrator
Below are the documents the local administrator needs to send to the state Aspire program manager at least two weeks prior to the On-Site Review. The documents can be mailed such as on a flash drive or in paper format. / State Aspire Program Manager Comments
- Staff certifications, as applicable to positions
- Employee policy handbook
- Job descriptions for all staff positions
- Advisory meeting agendas, minutes, and committee contact information for current and previous years
- Staff meeting agendas and minutesfor current and previous years
- Current physical inventory reconciled at least every two years with the property records. Equipment/inventory report to include all non-consumable items purchased with a cost of $500 or more.
- Documentation of a control system developed to ensure adequate safeguards such as property tagsto prevent loss, damage, or theft of the property
- Documentation/Explanation of the most current schedule A (i.e. how in-kind amounts were determined)
- List of students who were surveyed for the core indicator of performance of placement in postsecondary education or training, including completed survey forms
- Aspire Student Handbook, if available
- Staff and student feedback (program review surveys and program specific surveys)
- Written policy for staff who do not meet PD requirements
On-Site Documentation – Local Administrator
These are documents that the state Aspireprogram manager will need to check during the on-site review. Please have the documentseasily available in electronic or paper form. / Available
Y/N / State AspireProgram ManagerComments
Program Information
1.Staff evaluations
2.Community agency/support services informational materials for students
3.Sample recruitment materials (i.e. pamphlets, flyers, website) with approved logos and accurate information
Fiscal Information
4.Accounting and budget/fiscal management reports that include:
Aspire-funded staffs’ attendance records documentation and time and effort sheets for current and previous year
Student Information
5.Portfolios for several students including:
a. Student Portfolio (non-secured) that includes:
(1)Individual Learning Plan (ILP) with:
Student Name
Teacher/Site Name
Instructional Implications from a Learning Styles Inventory and Learning Disabilities Screening, if applicable.
(2)Student work to document beginning, progress toward and mastery of standards and benchmarks.
- Administrative File (secured) that includes:
(2) Standardized Test Scores
(3) Release of Information Forms
(4) Screenings and Inventories such as LD screening and Learning Styles Inventory
(5) Any Student-Identifiable Information
- Administration
Please review the statements below and indicate if the local program has the administrative policy or process in place by placing a “Y” or “N” in the column marked “Y/N”. If the answer is Yes, place the name of the document demonstrating this in the column marked “Supporting Documentation” and have the document available for review.
The local program: / Y/N / Supporting Documentation / State AspireProgram Manager Comments
- Maintains strong partnerships and collaborations with community stakeholdersthat facilitate students’ persistence and transitionto post-secondary education/training and employment.
- Has a process in place for determining why absent students are not attending classes and strategies to re-engage students in the program.
- Has a process in place for securing:
- Records (especially confidential studentinformation including social security numbers, data match results and test results)
- Supplies and equipment.
II. Staff Development
Please review the statements below and indicate if the local program has the administrative policy or process in place by placing a “Y” or “N” in the column marked “Y/N”. If the answer is Yes, place the name of the document demonstrating this in the column marked “Supporting Documentation” and have the document available for review.The local program has a process in place to . . . / Y/N / Supporting
Documentation / State AspireProgram Manager Comments
- Involve staff collaboratively in program planning and receipt of needed information, including access to the approved Aspire grant.
- Track funds used for PD
III. Student Experience Model
Please review the statements below and indicate if the local program has the administrative policy or process in place by placing a “Y” or “N” in the column marked “Y/N”. If the answer is Yes, place the name of the document demonstrating this in the column marked “Supporting Documentation” and have the document available for review.The local program… / Y/N / Supporting
Documentation / State AspireProgram Manager Comments
1.Has an Orientation Process that includes:
- Rapport and Support Building
- Program and student information sharing
- Learning Styles Assessment
- LD Screening (if done during orientation)
- Diagnostic Testing (TABE, Best Plus, CASAS etc.)
- Goal-Setting/Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
- Exploration of postsecondary and work options
- Completion of student registration form
2.Has a Curriculum and Instruction System that supports allstandards for all classes/students taught in the program
•For each subject: Has a documented plan for what is taught and in what order
•Curriculum maps
•Scope and sequence documentation
•Class syllabi
•Use of resources that imply a progressive sequence (e.g., a curriculum in a book)
•For each subject:Has access to a bank of lesson plans consistent with the DHE Lesson Plan Rubric and ABE/ASE Standards
•Lesson plans; specifications for meeting learning styles and needs
•Resources that specify lesson activities
•Integrates technology to support student learning and academic progress
•Instructor uses technology to support the instructional process
•Students use technology as part of the learning process
•Ensures instructors are trained in the use of technologies
•Supports student transitions (postsecondary, training, employment)
•Bridge class(es)
•Career pathways
•Provides access to resources for career, personal and academic advising
• Availability of or access to personnel who are tasked with career, personal and/or academic advising
•Availability of or access to contact information for
advising resources (must be readily available to teachers and students)
- Monitors Student Performance by:
- Assessing and evaluating student performance (i.e. posttest)
- Reviewing student progress regularly (i.e. conferencing, updating portfolios)
- Adjusting student goals and ILP as needed
- Following up with students regarding attendance and outcomes with documentation
- EL/Civics programs provide integrated programs of English language learning and civics education, if applicable.
Revised June 2017Page 1
Classroom Observation Worksheet
(To be used by the state AspireProgram Manager during the review)
Date / Program Name:Teacher / Class/level(s):
# of students attending / # of students enrolled
Is lesson plan available? ____Yes____No
Requirement / Yes / No / N/A / CommentsDocumentation for Class
Used a standards-based lesson plan consistent with DHE Lesson Plan Rubric
- Plan includes rubric elements:
- Standards/content
- Learner outcomes
- Assessment
- Learner prior knowledge
- Instructional activities/teaching strategies
- Resources
- Differentiation
- Plan shows evidence of content tailored to students: e.g., prior knowledge, formal and informal assessment results/screening results
Observation of Class
Prepared lesson material and classroom activities
- Followed lesson plan or other documentation while teaching
- Prepared supplemental aides (e.g., resources, manipulatives, instructional supports to support teaching/learning) in advance
- Prepared the classroom and equipment in advance (sign-in/sign out sheets available, student records secured, student portfolios available)
Has access to relevant supporting material
- Books
- Authentic materials
- Manipulatives
- Teaching aids
- Alternative media
- Computer-assisted instruction
Contextualized the learning
- Used examples related to student interests and experience
- Anchored lesson material in real-life context
- Leveraged authentic materials (job postings, guest speakers)
Presented lesson objective
- Posted lesson outcomes
Assessed students’ prior knowledge
- Assessed student prior knowledge before beginning the new lesson
- Reviewed previous lesson/confirmed understanding
Used adult appropriate instructional strategies
- Used a mix of strategies as appropriate:
- Lecture (whole group instruction)
- Small group (breakout groups for practice)
- Individualized instruction
- Computer-assisted instruction
- Use of technology in teaching/instruction
- Avoided tutorial-only instructional scenario
Lead guided practice (e.g., Q&A, small group, interactive activities)
- Provided sufficient practice at the appropriate level
- Provided sufficient feedback at the appropriate level
- Employed higher-level questions in discussion/lesson*
Directed student assignments (e.g., in class, homework)
- Provided clear directions and expectations for in-class and homework tasks
Adjusted instruction based on lesson effectiveness
- Made adjustments to the plan to ensure student learning (e.g., additional instruction, additional examples, additional practice)
Created environment conducive to learning
- Organized classroom materials and space in a way appropriate to adult education
- Supported teacher/student and student/student interactions as appropriate
- Engaged students in the class and kept them on task
- Appropriate motivational and educational posters
- Signage to the building and class
Summarized lesson objectives
- Summarized lesson objectives
- Preview next class
Implemented student rules and regulations
- Managed classroom policies and interactions in a way appropriate to adult education
*Higher level order questions
Knowledge base (Who or what is it?) / Evaluation (What is your opinion?)Comprehension (Put in your own words.) / Analysis (What is the problem or issue?)
Application (How would you use it?) / Synthesis (What changes would you make?)
Local Program On-Site Review Instructor/Instructional Aide Survey
The State Aspire Office thanks you in advance for your time and effort in completing this feedback survey. The candid answers you give to the following questions will be used along with other information to make suggestions for program improvements. Please be assured that all information will be treated confidentially and will be include in the program report only as part of a summary. This survey is also available online at.
Program Name: ______Site Name: ______
Staff Name (Optional):______Date: ______/______/______
Regarding the classroom(s): / Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither Agree nor Disagree / Agree / Strongly AgreeThe classroom is a safe environment.
The classroom is clean and free from hazards.
The classroom has adequate lighting.
The location of the classroom is convenient.
The classroom has a comfortable temperature.
The classroom has adequate space for storage and instruction.
Outside distractions are minimal.
Please share any comments or concerns that you have with the classroom (i.e. the location, noise levels, etc.).
Regarding program leadership: / Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither Agree nor Disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree
The Aspire Administrator seeks feedback and input from the staff.
The Aspire Administrator shares pertinent information and ideas with staff.
The Aspire Administrator is approachable to staff.
The Aspire Administrator inspires staff to effectively deliver results.
Please share any comments or concerns that you have with program leadership.
Describe your involvement with program planning, selecting materials and discussing student achievement with your program administrator/coordinator.
Describe your instructional practices.
Do you use a variety of methods such as large group, small group, one-on-one tutoring, etc.? / ___Yes / ___No
If so, how do you use large group, small group, one-on-one tutoring, etc.
Do you incorporate technology for students to use in the classroom? / ___Yes / ___No
Do you use technology as an instructional tool in the classroom? / ___Yes / ___No
Explain how you use technology in the classroom.
Do you use real-life materials in the classroom? / ___Yes / ___No
Explain how you use real-life materials in the classroom.
What program changes would help you be a more effective instructor?
What program changes would help you improve service to students?
What program changes would help increase overall program performance?
Please share any other comments, suggestions or recommendations.
Thank you for your responses! We look forward to meeting you during the Program Review.