Loading: Press the RESET-key, insert the FULL HOUSE cartridge in
mdv1 and depress F2.
How to play:
Hold the SPACE-key until the CREDIT counter reaches 100.
First you have to bet. You can place a bet from 10 to 100
credit. Press the RIGHT-CURSOR key to place your bet.
Press the DOWN-CURSOR key and the game starts. You see your five
cards. Hold all cards you want to hold by pressing the number key
(1 to 5) which is shown under the corresponding card. A big red
HOLD appears. If you want to change your choice. press the key
again and the HOLD will disappear.
Depress the DOWN-CURSOR key again and all cards that were not held
are replaced. You either win or loose.
The winning combinations are:
ROYAL FLUSH The cards 10, JACK, QUEEN, KING and ACE of the
same suite; 500 credits
STRAIGHT FLUSH Five successive cards of the same suite. e.g.
7, 8, 9, 10, JACK; 300 credits
FOUR OF A KIND Four cards with the same value; 200 credits
FULL HOUSE Three of a kind and a pair; 100 credits
FLUSH Five cards of the suite; 70 credits
STRAIGHT Five consequtive cards, not necessarily of the
same suite; 50 credits
THREE OF A KIND Three cards with the same value; 30 credits
TWO PAIRS 20 credits
Your winnings are are now up for risks. You can risk the offer by
up to 64 times, starting by doubling or nothing. Press the ' '-key
to risk. Your chances are 1:1 to win or 1oose. If you win, the
offer is doubled may risked again.. If at any time you want to
accept your win, simply do nothing. After a few seconds the win
will be added to your score.
Have you got the concentration and nerves to p1ay......
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