- Graduation Requirements
- 24 credits required for Class of 2015
- Check transcripts to make sure that requirements are met or scheduled for 14-15 school year
- Add / Drop requests should be in no later thanFriday, 9/19/14
- Transcripts
- To be uploaded to Naviance accounts week of 9/22/14
- Transcripts will include updated GPA and decile standing in class
- Colleges will be notified of any late amendments to “courses in progress”
- Next Steps: College Application Procedures – COMMON APPLICATION and NAVIANCE
- Common App
- Complete FERPA Release Authorization NOTE: You must first enter 1 or more college names as well as your school information (Lower Moreland High School, etc.) before you can access this release
- From “My Colleges” choose “Recommenders and FERPA” from the list on the left. You should see “FERPA Release Authorization” at the top. Click, read carefully and follow directions
- Naviance:
- From “Colleges I’m Thinking About” click names of colleges and “Move to Application List”
- Choose admission “type” – Early Decision, Early Action, Regular Decision, Rolling
- Note delivery type under “Submissions” – electronic or mail. NOTE: PSU is exception
- You must indicate in Naviance if you are applying using the Common App
- Add names of teacher recommenders from the drop down box ONLY after you have verbal or written confirmation from them that they have agreed to write your recommendation
- Complete “Common App Account Matching” from your Naviance account. You will need your Common App Email Address and Date of Birth to match the two accounts. NOTE: This only needs to be completed if you are using the Common App
- Complete applications and submit with payment on your own – note all deadlines
- Next Steps: College Application Procedures – LMHS
- Transcript Request Forms will be accepted the week ofMonday, 9/22/14
- Double Check: Your application should be complete and Naviance “Student Status” should indicate “Submitted” BEFORE you submit your Transcript Request Form
- A Student Brag Sheet for your counselor and a hard copy of the FERPA Authorization Release should be submitted with the first Transcript Request Form
- Transcript Request Forms for 11/1 deadlines must be submitted no later than Monday, 10/20/14.
- Transcript Request Forms must be thoroughly completed and signed by you and a parent
- From the date of receipt, forms will be processed within TEN school days
- Alert your counselor if you need directions for NCAA (Division I and II) procedures
- Applying to Penn State
- Create an account via and follow all directions
- Within 72 hours of submission of your application, your name will appear on our counselor page
- We will fax your transcript to PSU. NOTE: You must submit a Transcript Request Form for PSU and enter PSU under “Colleges I’m Applying To” in Naviance
- If applying to Schreyer Honors College, this is a separate entry in the Naviance list
- Tracking Applications
- When your application has been processed, your “office status” in Naviance will change to “Initial Materials Submitted.” This applies to all applications, whether sent electronically or via mail
- Click the pencil icon in “Colleges I’m Applying To” page to enter results
- College Admission Testing
- Registration for the October 11th SAT is 9/12/14. Late registration through 9/30/14
- Regular registration for the October 25th ACT is9/19/14. Late registration through 10/3/14
- SAT, AP and ACT scores must be released by you to the colleges and universities.
- College Rep Visits
- To view all upcoming events, click the “Colleges” tab then “View all Upcoming College Visits”
- Student registration closes 24 hours prior to scheduled meeting time
- To register, click the listing of college visits, click “Sign Up” then “Sign Me Up”
- Print confirmation page (pass) and bring to your teacher for signature BEFORE the session
- Quizzes and tests take priority. If you are interested but cannot attend, ask your counselor for the contact information for the rep so that you can follow with an email to the rep
- Admissions and Social Media
- How Admissions Offices are using Facebook and Twitter in the recruitment process
- Tips for monitoring and cleaning-up your digital footprint prior to the application process
- Consider using social media in the admissions process to convey unique talents, interests, and personality
- Open House Sessions
- Check theGuidance Website linkfor “Information Sessions & Local Programs” regularly
- Check specific college websites for Open House dates. Many require you to register in advance
- Scholarships
- Click “Colleges” tab in Naviance, then “Scholarship List”
- You can browse by “Category” – Search LMHS specific, by major, etc.
- Mail scholarship applications on your own unless a transcript is required. If so, complete aTranscript Request Form and submit to Mrs. Forcina TEN days prior to the deadline
- Financial Aid
- Check the Guidance website for detailed information about Financial Aid
- If completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), go to to obtain a pin number. The FAFSA cannot be submitted prior to January 1, 2015
- Note that some colleges require additional financial aid forms including the CSS Profile
- Financial Aid Night for Students and Parents will be announced later this month.
- Graduation Project Part A
- Submit late summer research projects to Mrs. Forcina
- You may not begin CAPS Part B until Graduation Project Part A is complete
- Mentor interviews will be Wednesday, October 15, 2014. Passes will be distributed in advance with location and time of interview.
- Your research project will be reviewed and graded. “Proficient” and above = passing
- The interview is designed to be a mock college admission interview. Prepare accordingly!
- Print your resume from Naviance for the mentor interview
Follow the Guidance Department on Twitter: @LMHSGuidance
LMHS Class of 2015 / 9.12.14 Meeting NotesFollow the Guidance Department on Twitter: @LMHSGuidance