March 6, 2017

Meeting called to order: 4:02 pm

In Attendance-Greg Dortch, Sally Albertson, Heather Langford, Elena Morales, Deborah Vela, Craig Lanoue, Liza Causey, Marisa Gopali (observer)

Administration: Mrs. Pegram, Karen Hart

Minutes: Sally Albertson made a motion to approve February 2017 minutes, Deborah Vela-2nd, all approved by show of hands

SAC Budget: $2973.87

Principal’s Report:

  • 1094 students (20 are VPK); still receiving new enrollments with many from Venezuela some non-English speaking however they are making good strides as the teachers work with them
  • Saturday, February 25th-13 people including Greg Dortch and Sally Albertson from SAC came together to interview the pool of 10 candidates for Lost Lake’s AP position. Scott Clark was chosen with the Superintendent’s approval. His first day will be March 20. He has been teaching 10 years after a career at Walt Disney World. He knows ESE and technology and is currently the dean at Treadway Elementary; He will be meeting with the staff and then a parent/student body meet and greet will be March 20 from 4-6pm
  • State of Florida recognizes High Impact Teachers. There were 72 in the county and four came from Lost Lake: Lori Bidwell, Samantha Walker, Tracy Wood, and Jennifer Ackerman
  • MOY results for iReady are supposed to give a correlation between student performance on iReady and how they should do on the FSA for 3rd, 4th and 5th-results indicate that there should be a 76% chance that the students would be on grade level for FSA and there are still a few weeks left before testing for the students to complete additional learning skills
  • Have received Istation results and we did well
  • 400 lab computers are up and running thanks to Chris Garcia

Visitor Lunch Frequency-Continued:

Deborah spoke with Minneola Charter’s AP Dyson on the lunch reservation system they have in place.

Whoever wants to have lunch with their child calls or sends in a written note requesting a reservation and it is written in a log with the parent name, student name and time. They come and check in as usual and they do not have to be level 2 approved. If a parent shows up without a reservation, they are given a one-time warning and that is placed in a separate tracker so they will not be allowed to lunch with their student if they come and have fail to make a reservation again.

So, upon reviewing results from our survey and discussing with other schools, it has been decided that we would not allow for lunch visits to begin until September 5th 2017 for the 2017-2018 school year to help teachers to better acclimate their students to the new school year and policies and to help the front office staff be able to better handle the new paperwork, enrollments, etc. the first three weeks of school. Lisa Causey made the motion to accept, Heather Langford 2nd, all approved by show of hands.

Principal’s Review:

Mrs. Pegram left the meeting and we discussed how we view her as a Principal so we could write her annual review.

Next Meeting:

May 8, 2017

Adjourned: 4:52pm

Minutes submitted by Heather Langford, Lost Lake SAC secretary