LLE – Pen Portrait

Name / Karen Leyland / Photo

NLE/LLE designation
(Date of designation) / LLE
How long have you been a Headteacher/Principal? / 8 years
Current School
(LA or Sponsor) / St Andrew’s CE Primary School
Recent OfSTED judgement
(Overall and Leadership) / Overall: Good
Leadership: Good
Context of School / ●  St Andrew’s is ranked in the ‘top 100 performing and improving schools in England’ 2016
●  St. Andrew’s is a slightly smaller than average Primary school. There are currently around 225 pupils currently on roll
●  About 71% are from minority ethnic groups and around 54.7% speak English as an additional language.
●  Around 34% of pupils are eligible for FSM. This figure could be higher but the vast majority of pupils are from Ethnic minority backgrounds where typically the fathers works long hours in local taxi or fast food outlets and the children spend time with the mothers who often have little or no English. As one parent is in full time employment many families are not eligible for FSM but could still be considered ‘disadvantaged.’
●  The school currently has fewer girls than schools nationally.
●  The school is in the highest percentile for the number of pupils with SEN currently around 27.6%
●  The school is in the highest percentile for pupils with a statement or EHC plan
●  The school’s stability indicator is below average; 80.4%
●  The school is in the second highest percentile for deprivation. The deprivation indicator is above average at 0.32
●  Local Authority data ranks the locality 1262nd out of approximately 32,000 Lower Super Output Areas (LSOA). This ranks it as one of the 4th most deprived areas in the country.
●  Since 2012 school data indicates that the deprivation has increased for cohorts entering school in Early Years. Higher proportion of children entering schools from the higher super output areas (SOA)
●  Pupils make all groups of pupils, including the most able make ‘good’ progress from low attainment on entry. Attainment outcomes in KS1 and KS2 are broadly in line with national figures.
●  High staff turnover (due to the employment of NQTs) means the school has to have clear induction systems, support and appraisal systems. These systems also ensure the school can ‘grow it’s own’ leaders and managers.