Llanrhidian Primary School
Llanrhidian Primary
School Development Plan
Development Plan
September 2017– August 2018 V3
Main Priorities 2017-18
Our Main Priorities 2017-18(Child Friendly)
ContentsContextual information
Progress since last inspection
School and Governing Body’s appraisal of progress with 2017-2018 priorities
School’s three-year priorities 2017 - 2020
Priorities 2017 - 2018
Health and Safety Plan
Buildings and Premises Plan
Contextual Information
Overview / Date / Stakeholders InvolvedPlanning / June 2017 – September 1st 2017 / Staff - Donna Caswell, Rebecca Jones, Lynn Joseph, Michael Dowsett, Sol Goremano, Lisa Marchant, Hilary Williams, Jane Froom, Caroline Morgan, Vanessa Rees, Annabel Stevenson, Kay Blackmore, Nicola Gosney, Sue Holmwood
Governors – Richard Verge and full governing body
Parents and Members of the Community – See SDP days
Reviewing / Termly and ongoing and live on Hwb / Staff - as above
Governors - as above
Parents and Members of the Community - Informed of progress via Newsletters, Twitter, website. Opinions gathered via questionnaires and SDP days
Current National Category / Standards / Leadership, Teaching and Learning / Colour
2014-15 / 1 / B / Green
2015-16 / 1 / A / Green
2016-17 / 1 / A / Green
2017-18 / 1 / A / Green
Strategic Staff Overview 2016-2017
Workforce Planning: number of Fte TEACHERS / Head Teacher - D Caswell (1)
Deputy Head Teacher – Rebecca Jones (1)
TLR - ALNCO - L Joseph (1)
TLR MACO - M Dowsett (1)
Assistant Teacher - L Marchant (1)
Assistant Teacher - S Goremano (1)
Total - 6
Workforce Planning: number of Fte SUPPORT STAFF / Foundation Phase:
Nicola Gosney (1)
Caroline Morgan (1)
Vanessa Rees (1)
Hilary Williams (1)
Sue Holmwood (0.6)
Annabel Stevenson (1)
Jessica Walters (1)
Kay Blackmore (1)
Total – 7.6 / Other:
Jane Froom (0.9)
Total – 0.9
Grant Finance 2017-2018
Source of Funding / Purpose / Sum
Education Improvement Grant / Ensure each pupil profits from excellent teaching and learning, focusing on
- Improving Literacy
- Improving Numeracy
- Breaking the link between disadvantage and educational attainment
- (See EIG Plan Below)
Pupil Deprivation Grant / Breaking the link between disadvantage and educational attainment
- All Engagement trips paid
- Extra support
CA Income- ERW /
- DC finished working as a CA in June 2017
Llanrhidian Primary School EIG Development Plan
Area of Development / Lead / Strategy / Resource / Timescale / Success Criteria / Monitoring
RAYG of Success Criteria
What? / Who? / What? / E.g. Time? Staff? / Milestones / What will be the outcome? / Autumn / Spring / Summer
Improving Literacy / Rebecca Jones (Lit)
Lynn Joseph (ALNCO)
M Dowsett (MACO) / Improve feedback to pupils to ensure all identified cusp pupils are making maximum progress.
Increased use of TA support to provide constructive feedback / TA for support (87.5 hrs)
/ Identify potential pupils who are currently performing on the cusp of expected level and expected +1
Termly pupil progress meetings to track progress and ensure appropriate interventions
Half termly teacher assessment on Sims
Ongoing subject leader assessment on Building Blocks
SMT Monitoring planning , work, lesson, pupils / Every identified pupils in each year group to attain at least expected level.
Improving Numeracy / Michael Dowsett / Improve feedback to pupils to ensure all identified cusp pupils are making maximum progress.
Increased use of TA support to provide feedback / Identify potential pupils who are currently performing on the cusp of expected level and expected +1
Termly pupil progress meetings to track progress and ensure appropriate interventions
Half termly teacher assessment on BBAM
Ongoing subject leader assessment on Building Blocks
SMT Monitoring planning , work, lesson, pupils / Every identified pupils in each year group to attain at least expected level.
Breaking the link between disadvantage and educational attainment / Lynn Joseph / A move towards every child having equality of access to educationalresources from home/school /
Nil / All pupils to receive logins
Staff Training
Parent Training
Enhanced planning to include digital competency skills (Building Blocks)
Monitoring of planning work / All pupils in Llanrhidian using Hwb with confidence
Training offered to FP parents
Progress since the Last Inspection
Date of Last Inspection: July 2017 / Current Performance:1 / Capacity to Improve:
A / Subsequent Monitoring:
Recommendation / Very good progress / Strong progress / Satisfactory progress / Limited progress
Tackles the recommendation in every way / Tackles the recommendation on the whole / Tackles the recommendation in many ways / Does not satisfy the recommendation
Definition / Does not require any further attention to any aspect.
Very good effect on the quality of provision. / Requires attention only to minor aspects.
Positive effect on standards and / or the quality of provision. / Continues to require substantial attention to some important aspects.
Limited effect on standards and / or quality of provision. / Each aspect or many important aspects continue(s) to require attention.
No effect on standards and / or quality of provision.
R1. Share the best practice in teaching and learning across the school to improve standards further /
- Developed a new monitoring process (SOAP) to identify and share excellent practice
- Shared identified excellence in Year 5/6 through a training session for our teachers and those from other schools
- Aligned PM with teaching continua in terms of “excellent” characteristics
- Planned 12 pedagogical principles training session
- Planned POD peer obs to align with teaching continua focus
R2. Expand the opportunities to improve pupils’ oracy skills in Welsh /
- Shwmae Day Oct 13th
- Further developed DraigiauCymraeg
- Continued with GwasanaethCymraeg
- Pupil led certificates
- Welsh speaking TA
School and Governing Body appraisal of the progress with 2016/2017 priorities
The Governing Body met on June 2017 for the final evaluation of the 2016-17 SDP / Good Progress / Strong Progress / Satisfactory Progress / Limited ProgressStandards
- To raise standards across the Foundation Phase and KS2
- To raise standards of Wellbeing across the school
S2 Improved tracking of all FSM, SEN and MA pupils to ensure they make at least expected progress (1.1)
S3 Raised national test score averages across KS2 at both 85+ and 115+ in Reading and Reasoning by 5% (1.1)
S4 Raised positive outcomes to “My Selfie” in each co-hort from Year 1 to Year 6 (2.3)
S1 Increase the number of pupils, in the identified cohorts, that make at least 2 sub levels progress nearer to 100%. In 2016 only 78% of pupils made at least 2 sub levels in LLC, and 89% MD in Reception. In 2016 only 59% of pupils made at least 2 sub levels in LLC, and 44% MD in Year 1. (1.1)
Initial analysis of progress data shows improvement in the identified cohorts, when tracking the same pupils. (See table below). The school is awaiting final teacher assessments at the end of the Summer Term.
At least 2 sub levels progress / 2016 / 2017
LLC / Rec – 78% (Many)
Y1 – 59% (Around half) / Y1 – 94% (Most)
Y2 – 85.7% (Many)
MD / Rec - 89% (Many)
Y1 - 44% (Less than Half) / Y1 – 94% (Most)
Y2 – 82% (Many)
S2 Improved tracking of all FSM, SEN and MA pupils to ensure they make at least expected progress (1.1)
A system of tracking FSM, SEN and MA has been set up to ensure that all pupils’ progress is tracked, monitored and regularly reported on to governors. A new More Able Co-ordinator has been appointed, and the SENCO has refined systems in line with the target. This is impacting positively on the pupils’ intervention for progress and further developed professional dialogue between colleagues. Governors are appropriately challenging the school in terms of pupil progress.
As of June 2017, in Literacy, 80% of more able pupils have made at least expected progress (2 sub levels) and 25% made above expected progress.
In Literacy 100% of FSM pupils have made at least expected progress (2 sub levels) and 75% made above expected progress. 75% of SEN pupils have made at least expected progress (2 sub levels) and 37.5% made above expected progress. (Based on 4 FSM pupils)
In Numeracy 50% of FSM pupils have made at least expected progress (2 sub levels) and 50% made above expected progress. 75% of SEN pupils have made at least expected progress (2 sub levels) and 29.2% made above expected progress. (Based on 24 SEN pupils)
S3 Raised national test score averages across KS2 at both 85+ and 115+ in Reading and Reasoning by 5% (1.1)
The school is in the process of analyzing the national Test Scores. However, standarised score will not be available until the end of term.
S4 Raised positive outcomes to “My Selfie” in each co-hort from Year 2 to Year 6 (2.3)
As a result of analysis of My Selfie data, identification of whole school, and individual needs, the school has made positive progress in raising pupils’ over all Wellbeing Scores. (See Table below) However, a number of new pupils, with wellbeing needs have joined the school, highlighting the need for continues effective wellbeing tracking.
Year Group / 2016
Flags / 2017
Flags / Difference
1 / 78% / 5.5% / -13 pupils
2 / 29% / 11% / -5 pupils
3 / 19% / 19%
4 / 12.5% / 12.5%
5 / 6% / 12% / +1 pupil
6 / 21% / 21%
/ Good Progress
Improve opportunities for learners to demonstrate independent application of skills
Improved opportunities for pupil voice
P1 Improved Welsh opportunities for independent oracy, reading and writing in every class. (2.1)
P2 Upskilled staff in effective feedback to pupils, including verbal and written, ensuring appropriate pupil progress (2.1, 2.2)
P3 Ambitious planning across the school (2.1)
P4 Improved quality and consistency of displays across the school demonstrating pupils’ skills (2.4)
P5 Improved cluster working in Maths ensuring consistency of challenge between KS2 and KS3 (2.2)
P6 Improved pupil input into school policy and decision making (2.3)
P1 Improved Welsh opportunities for independent oracy, reading and writing in every class. (2.1)
The school’s appointment of a new Welsh Co-ordinator has impacted positively on standards across the school. 100% of pupils at the end of key stage 2 have made at least 2 sub levels progress. 94.7% of pupils made at least the expected level, and 21% achieving level 5. However, the school’s analysis of data and work scrutiny demonstrates that there is still a lack of challenge at the higher levels. Through listening to learners, pupils have reported not being stimulated enough in Welsh lessons, particularly slot drillio. This was also corroborated with the recent LA audit of standards. This needs to be a SDP target in 2017-18. The Welsh speaking TA is making positive impact upon reading standards, this was also corroborated in the LA report.
P2 Upskilled staff in effective feedback to pupils, including verbal and written, ensuring appropriate pupil progress (2.1, 2.2)
Staff have been upskilled through INSET, staff meetings and feedback from monitoring. Lesson observations, a pupil questionnaire, work scrutiny and listening to learners show a positive impact upon the effective feedback given by staff. In particular, the Foundation Phase has focused on strengthening challenge in the enhanced and continuous provision. Marking labels have evolved to ensure appropriate support and challenge for pupils, and all teaching staff, including TAs, are providing pupils with feedback in line with the school’s continually updated, marking policy. Monitoring systems demonstrates that nearly all pupils are making appropriate progress.
P3 Ambitious planning across the school (2.1)
The school’s online planning system is ensuring appropriate challenge in every class and for every learner. Work scrutiny demonstrates that planning is beneficial to the learners in ensuring skills are pitched at the right level. The system enables teachers to track pupils effectively and monitor skills coverage. This ensures that opportunities for all curriculum skills are carefully planned for. The effective use of the BTAB system of assessment (Below, Towards, At and Beyond) enables subject leaders to run comprehensive monitoring reports on individuals and cohorts. (Thus identifying any areas for support or development.) Teachers planning links directly to marking labels, which are clearly differentiated for learners. More able pupils are planned for ambitiously from Programmes of Study a year above, when appropriate. This is also evident on marking labels.
P4 Improved quality and consistency of displays across the school demonstrating pupils’ skills (2.4)
The school’s display policy was updated and agreed by all staff and governors. A designated person for display has been identified, and is supporting staff. This is having a positive impact upon the quality of displays across the school. In particular, pupils’ art work has been effectively displayed and celebrated in all classes. As a result of this the children prepared and held a Gallery Open Day for parents which was very well received. Digital Competency skills were identified as lacking in some displays. As a result, all staff are now incorporating pupils’ IT skills within the displays more effectively. Displays across other areas have also improved, although the school also recognises that this must be maintained. Pupils have worked with a local artist to develop colourful corridor montages reflecting our environment. However, the senior management team has identified effective practice through school to school work, whereby displays can be used more effectively as part of the classroom learning. This will be a target for 2017-18. #Llanimp
P5 Improved cluster working in Maths ensuring consistency of challenge between KS2 and KS3 (2.2)
The school has engaged effectively within the North Gower partnership to set up master classes for the more the more able year 6 pupils. This has impacted upon the confidence of pupils attending, and feedback from pupils has demonstrated that these should continue. In addition to benefitting pupils, however, this has also demonstrated, to year 7 teachers, how ambitiously our pupils are planned for. This has impacted upon transition discussions, and helped to develop action plans for further cluster working. An example of this is the peer observation sessions between year 6 and year 7 teachers. The focus has been to develop effective classroom challenge for all learners. #NGowerP
P6 Improved pupil input into school policy and decision making (2.3)
Pupil voice is a strength of the school. Not only are all groups now embedded and meeting regularly, they are actually impacting upon policy and decision making. An example of this was the Cool Anti Bullying Policy created and delivered to pupils by the Wellbeing Warriors and the Internet Poop Rules to establish whole school online safety protocol. The school’s PESTs are continuing to evaluate SDP targets from the view point of the pupils, and will feed back to Governors in the final SDP meeting. A Pupil Voice display board illustrates the numbers of pupils who are involved in decision making across the school. #LlanPV / Good Progress
To continue to improve the strategic direction of the school
L1 Improved governor self-evaluation and clearly identified training needs (3.1)
L2 Improved monitoring processes, identifying areas for improvement (3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
L3 Improved opportunities for staff development through school to school working (3.3)
L1 Improved governor self-evaluation and clearly identified training needs (3.1)
Expectations and systems for Governor self-evaluation have improved this year. The existing system of My Voice has been adhered to by nearly all Governors, and the results of the self-evaluation been analysyed and shared. Areas for development have been effectively highlighted and addressed. Examples of this include the recognition of data training for new governors; and the inclusion of more detailed attendance data in the HT report. The school has moved all questionnaires over to Office 365 Forms, enable the school to bespoke to Llanrhidian. These have been shared across Swansea and embraced by a large number of schools.
L2 Improved monitoring processes, identifying areas for improvement (3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
The school has developed the skills of new and existing staff through training sessions and support. An example of this is where the head teacher has monitored books, planning, and lessons alongside subject leaders to ensure understanding of process and identification of strengths and areas for development. As a result all teachers are no confident in the processes of the monitoring the need to undertake. A new Monitoring Manual has been developed to support staff and governors in understanding monitoring processes. This is underpinned by a Guide to Assessment which has been developed to ensure all staff are formatively and summatively assessing consistently. This has been especially crucial due to two new members of staff joining the school in 16/17.
L3 Improved opportunities for staff development through school to school working (3.3)
The school has been instrumental in the development of the newly formed “Gower Consortium”. This is a group of schools from three clusters. A number of effective networks have been set up via HWB Groups. These include Headteacher; Foundation Phase; More Able and SEN. The groups meet regularly in various schools. Recently Llanrhidian hosted a digital resources session for Foundation Phase practitioners; and a role play session. The North Gower Partnership has also developed its school to school working through peer observations focussing on effective challenge for pupils. Llanrhidian has been identified as a school to support others in a number of areas. These include tracking, planning and assessment, stakeholder voice and teaching more able in top KS2. The school has also presented to other schools on its journey as a Pioneer School. All teachers are involved in presenting or supporting other schools, and all teachers are involved in at least one network / Good Progress
Curriculum Reform
Improve Outcomes, Provision and Leadership through the development of a new curriculum
CR1 Staff prepared for curriculum reform with best pedagogical approaches and the skills of inter-disciplinary approaches (2.1, 2.2)
CR2 Evolved planning and reporting encompassing the 6 AoLE (2.2)
CR3 Developed digital competency across the school, in parents, staff and pupils (2.1)