Living with crows

Crows are found throughout South East Queensland and have adapted well to the urban environment.

Torresian Crows are large, glossy black native birds with short throat feathers (hackles). They play an important role in our environment as they feed on carrion (animal carcasses) that would otherwise be left to rot, and predate on pests such as cane toads.

Crow management

As a native species, crows are protected under the Queensland government’s Nature Conservation Act 1992. It is illegal to trap or cull crows or to interfere with their nests. Council cannot remove or cull crows that are considered a noise nuisance. Where possible, Council installs covered ‘bird-proof’ bins in public places to prevent crows from accessing waste. Residents can help manage crow numbers by limiting artificial food sources on their property.

What you can do:

·  Don’t feed crows

Council discourages the feeding of crows as it can lead to nutritional imbalances, environmental health problems and a public nuisance. Crows will quickly identify new food sources and congregate in these areas, often causing a nuisance to neighbours.

·  Limit access to pet food

Remove food from outside areas once your pet has finished eating, or feed your pet inside.

·  Limit access to waste

Ensure bins are covered to prevent crows from rummaging through waste in search of food. Don’t overfill wheelie bins or leave rubbish bags outside unattended.

·  Be aware of breeding season

Crows can be very vocal during their breeding season as they interact with one another and their young. Expect an increase in noise from crows between August and February, and know that it will pass.

·  Plant small native trees and shrubs

Planting native bushes and shrubs, such as grevillea and bottlebrush, will encourage smaller bird species to your garden and result in greater biodiversity in your area.

Help manage crow numbers by limiting artificial food sources.