Your assignment is to research a famous person and create a characterization of this person to be included in the class’s living wax museum.


1)1 to 2 page biography—This is to be researched and written by YOU. The purpose is so you will better understand your person you are representing. Then, you will be able to better portray your character. (Plus a one page-works cited page. Please see attached sample.)

  1. Write your rough draft. Use your outline as your guide. Turn the information from your outline into full, complete sentences. Remember, the language you choose to use in your report will make what you are writing about more clearly to the reader. Think about the vocabulary you learned, think about the spelling words you have learned, think about the books you have read and how the authors write things so that you can “picture” the things from the book in your head. Be creative and dueyour best writing.
  2. SKIP lines on the rough draft. THIS IS A REQUIREMENT.
  3. Do the rough draft in pencil.
  4. Have an adult at home “edit” your rough draft using a different color pen…any color is fine, just not pencil. Have the adult sign off on it with their name, date and telephone number, again, just in case I have any questions for them.
  5. Keep your rough draft to turn in with your final report.
  6. Write your final paper. Be careful to correct all the errors that were fixed in the rough draft.
  1. When writing your final paper and works cited page please do the following:
  2. Use PEN (blue or black) or pencil.
  3. Use your very best handwriting (print or cursive).
  4. Please do not type reports.

2)Poster or tri-fold to be displayed beside you in the museum—This is to be neat, colorful, and creative. It is to contain the following things:

*name of famous person

*picture of the famous person

*dates person lived or if alive, birthday of person

*what the person is famous for

*top 5 most interesting pieces of information about the person (awards won, special achievements, movies made, marriages, scandals)

3)A costume you can wear to become this person—This does not mean that you have to look like the person’s twin. You must have a costume that is representative of the person and easily recognizable as something the person might wear.

4)A pose—This will be your position in the wax museum. It should represent your character, should be comfortable to you, and can include any props you deem necessary, as long as they are realistic. You are required to bring everything you need for your setting and pose.

5)A one-minute monologue—This is to be something that is spoken by you as that person. You must attempt to sound as that person would sound—accents, slang/jargon, tone of voice, inflection changes, etc. You will need to have movement (be doing something) as you speak. It should be relevant to the character. You may use your props at this point. The monologue can be something the person actually said or something that you create for them to say. It must, however, be relevant and appropriate and represent your person well. You will turn a written copy in to me as part of your grade. This MUST be memorized.

Your oral presentation should include at least:

  1. Three facts about their childhood/early years.
  2. Three facts about their adult life/later years.
  3. What they are famous or well known for.

6)Provide or make a button-this is a button designed to activate your presentation.


You will be assigned a spot according to what your presentation requires. You will be required to “strike a pose”/freeze and be that person for the wax museum. Other classes will be invited to come visit our wax museum. Our wax museum will be unique because our wax figures (you) will move and speak. You will perform your monologue and movements when your button is pushed. When finished, you will return to your original pose. This will take precise blocking and timing on your part. Preparation is the key to your success.

This will be a fun way to cover biographies. It is a way to showcase your talent as speakers. I know that our visitors will enjoy it. But, it is very important that you take this seriously. Success is dependent upon YOU. Others will be watching. Have fun with your project and let your creativeness shine! We are all looking forward to your performance.