Living out The Year of Mercy within our school – Corporal Acts of Mercy
Corporal Works of Mercy / Ideas to think about / Suggested ‘Come and See’ links / Related Scripture and Hymns/Music / Further suggested activities/links / What we currently do / Further actionFeed the hungry / Preparing food for family and friends. Remember that people can also be hungry for acceptance and friendship. / Advent/Christmas
Lent / Easter (Giving)
Universal Church (World) / Matthew 25: 34-40
Isaiah 58: 10
Ezekiel 18:7
Luke 3:11
James 2: 15-17
Feed the world
Bread of Life (Laudate 631) / Serve a meal at a soup kitchen.
Related fund raising activities
Relate our prayers, particularly at meals times to those with no food to eat
Give drink to the thirsty / The importance of having water for survival. / Advent/Christmas
Lent / Easter (Giving)
Universal Church (World) / John 4: 24
John 7:37
Matthew 25 : 35
Psalm 42:1-11
Revelations7 :17-17
O let all who thirst (Laudate 408) (Hymns Old and New 400) / Saving water – conservation.
Raising awareness of the plight of those around the world.
Clothe the naked / Links to SVP - collect clothes to donate to charity / Advent/Christmas
Lent / Easter (Giving) / Isaiah 58:7
Luke 3 : 11
Matthew 25: 36 – 40
Whatsoever you do (Laudate 926) (Hymns Old and New 606) / Collect clothes to donate to charity
Shelter the homeless / Raising money for those less fortunate/homeless / Advent/Christmas
Lent / Easter (Giving)
Universal Church (World) / Leviticus 25: 35-36
Luke 14:13-14
Proverbs 19:17
Matthew 8:20
Luke 10 : 30-37
God of Justice (Tim Hughes)
Another Day in Paradise (Phil Collins) / Initiatives to assist the homeless both on a local and global scale.
Visit the sick / Pray for the sick within our community and around the world / Advent/Christmas
(Inter-relating) / Jeramiah 30:17
James 5 :13-15
Psalm 30:2
Matthew 8 : 8
When I needed a neighbour (Laudate 888) / Design cards for the sick within our community.
Remember them in our prayers – class and whole school
Visit the imprisoned / Pray for those imprisoned and suffering around the world / Universal Church (World)
(Serving) / Hebrews 13:3
Matthew 25
Psalm 69:33
Isaiah 61 : 1
Luke 4: 18
Brother, sister, let me serve you (Laudate 924) / Plight of refugees – raising awareness
Bury the dead / Remembering those who have died within our parish and school. / Lent / Easter (Giving)
Eucharist (Relating) / John 5 : 28
Luke 12 :32
Luke 9: 60-62 / Create a remembrance / intentions prayer board/focus