Living History Reports
Every year the 3rd grade students give living history reports. This is a time for the students to “become” an important person from our American history and to apply the facts that they have learned this school year. They will be giving their reports in front of the 3rd grade classes and parents are certainly invited to attend! The reports will be presented Tuesday, May 17 through Friday, May 20. A schedule of the presentations will be given out next week. If there is a certain day that you know you will not be able to attend please let me know so that I can schedule your child accordingly.
What to do:
1. Select a person from the list on the back of this sheet for your report.
I will not allow more than 2 students to do the same person – I will begin writing down student’s choices Wednesday, March 30th.
2. Obtain information about this person using our Social Studies book, an encyclopedia, your computer, and/or a biography about that person. This is a good internet source:
You will need to tell us 12 interesting facts about your person.
3. Write your 12 facts onto a single sheet of paper. These facts should be numbered and written in complete sentences – paragraphs are not necessary. This sheet must also contain your name and number. This sheet may be handwritten on a sheet of notebook paper or typed and printed on copy paper. This sheet is due the day you do your presentation.
4. Assume the character of that person and give an oral report. When giving your oral report you may not read your 12 facts. I would like for you to pretend you are this person and tell us about yourself.You may refer to your sheet of facts that you have written or you may use note cards. The presentation should take 2 to 5 minutes. I will also allow for students to ask questions after each presentation. I will limit questions – but make sure you are prepared to answer some questions – its okay if you don’t know the answer to every question – I don’t always know the answer to many of the questions you ask me!
Please do not go to any expense for the costume. There are many items from your closets that you can use to make a simple costume. .
Only cardboardguns and knives will be allowed.
Reports will be graded by: Organization, subject knowledge, presentation, and
Costumes/props. A copy of the grading rubric is attached.
Have fun!
Mrs. Simon
Famous Historical People
* = found in student history book
*Christopher ColumbusBetsy Ross
*John Smith*Pocahontas
Alexander Hamilton*Clara Barton
Wright Brothers*Laura Ingalls Wilder
*Miles StandishAnnie Oakley
*SquantoHarriet Tubman
*William PennAnnie Sullivan
*Benjamin Franklin*Louisa May Alcott
*George WashingtonRosa Parks
*Thomas JeffersonSacagawea
*Daniel BooneRachel Carson
*Noah WebsterEleanor Roosevelt
*John Greenleaf WhittierAmelia Earhart
*Robert E. LeeJuliette Gordon Low
*Abraham LincolnMolly Pitcher
Jim ThorpeWilma Rudolph
Ulysses S. GrantHelen Keller
Lou GehrigSally Ride
*Booker T. WashingtonAbigail Adams
*George Washington CarverJane Addams
Lewis & ClarkMarian Anderson
*Billy SundayMary McLeod Bethune
*Martin Luther King, Jr.Elizabeth Blackwell
William PennNellie Bly
Theodore RooseveltMaria Mitchell
James MonroeJackie Cochran
Patrick HenryMargaret Corbin
Paul RevereMadame Curie
Frederick DouglassDorothea Lange
John AdamsDolley Madison