Liverpool Play Partnership

‘Positive About Play’

Easter Break 2017 Evaluation


May half term 2017Playscheme GrantApplication

This document includestwo forms; 1) the LPP Easter Break evaluation 2)the LPPMay half term grant application. If your playscheme ran and was funded over the EasterBreak please fill out all sections of the document.

If your playscheme didn’t run over Spring Break please go straight to the May application.

The May half termplayscheme grants are to support and enable free open access play provision in the city of Liverpool. Playschemes should provide for the Physical, Emotional and Nutritional needs of the children.

This can be;

  • Sessions which will support the physical and emotional wellbeing of children through play
  • Providing in-house nutrition; breakfast, lunch, snacks
  • Cookery sessions within the setting

What the LPP will not support;

  • Large trips
  • Eating out
  • Entrance fees
  • Religious activities

Submission of your evaluation of the scheme is a requirement of the grant awarded. The information provided is very important; it enables the LPP to generate additional funds.

Once you’re happy with the application, please email it to before 12thMay 2017midday.

Liverpool Play Partnership

Positive About Play

Easter Break Playscheme Evaluation 2017

Name of Organisation
How many individaul children attended? (Single children not visits per this child.)
How many days did your playscheme run?
How many meals / snacks where provided over the half term? / Eg 4 breakfast + 10 lunch + 30 snack X 4 days =176
Number of volunteer hours provided? / Eg 2hours per day x 3 volunteers x 5 days = 30 hrs
Please provide a case studie, testmonial or quote highlighting how your playscheme has impacted on a child, children or family.

Liverpool Play Partnership

May half term Playscheme Grant 2017

Name of organisation

Playscheme Address

Contact names and details
Main Contact / Alt. Contact

What dates will your playscheme run? (Please highlight)

May / 30th / 31th / June / 1st / 2nd

Please attach a programme timetable or file in the table below?

Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday

Will your play scheme be providing meals?

Please attach a menu or fill in the table below.

Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Evening meal
Have you requested funding from another organisation?
Organisation name
Amount requested
Where you successful
Do you give your consent for the Liverpool Play Partnership to forward your Playscheme information to the LCC Early Help Directory? (Please highlight)
Yes / No

Check list

If your organisation DID NOT received the LPP summer 2016 grant the following documentation will be required to support your grant application.

Copy of Insurance policy
A copy of organisational bank statement
A copy of Child Protection policy
Food Hygiene Certificates

Please be aware that the documents above will be a mandatory requirement for the Summer 2017 application.