Liverpool Hope Students’ Union

Election Guidelines 2016

1.Our general philosophy is:





6.Where to go for help


Our general philosophy is:

“Candidates are expected to conduct themselves in a way that is both fair and reasonable and to engage in a positive campaigning experience that helps students to vote.”

We don’t believe that overly restrictive rules help engage students in the election or help them to vote. As such our rules are deliberately minimal. We expect candidates to ensure that they and their campaign teams support this.

  1. Candidate breakfast briefing sessions will take place 8.30 - 8.45am from 7th – 11th March. These briefings are very important and each candidate must attend. One person cannot represent the entire slate.
  2. Current Union elected officers must not campaign whilst actively engaged on Union business and current Sabbatical Officers must book annual leave from their duties through the usual channels to campaign on their, or someone else’s behalf. If doing so they must also relinquish their keys to the Union Offices throughout the election period. Access to Union offices will be determined and monitored by the Deputy Returning Officer.

These rules are intended to guidea free, fair and fun process to elect Liverpool Hope Students’ Union’sofficers. Please remember that all activity throughout the election period must adhere to rules of the University and the Law.

Any questions, challenges andcomplaints about these rules or theconduct of individuals duringthe elections must be madevia email to

As soon as possible, you should download the complaints form from This form should then be completed and returned as soon as possible to

You must tell us the following information:

  • Who you are
  • Your contact details/ Student ID
  • Confirm if you are a member of a campaign team
  • Date of complaint
  • What your complaint is
  • The evidence you have that a rule has been broken
  • What you believe the impact of breaking this rule has been
  • What you would like to see as an outcome

Your Deputy Returning Officer will consider your complaints and may consult others in their decision. You will then receive an email with details of the Deputy Returning Officer’s decision. A response to your complaint will be given within 48 hours of the complaint being received. We will endeavour to address all complaints prior to the results announcement schedule.

Our Returning Officer (RO) isPeter Robinson(Deputy Chief Executive Membership & Union Development, NUS). If you are unhappy with the DRO’s response to your complaint it will be referred to the RO.

Peterwill chair an NUS internal panel, comprising other experienced staff to advise on the decisions that are referred, howeverPeter will retain the sign-off responsibility.

Please note no complaint will be accepted if it is not on the official complaints form.

Please see the So-Elections Candidate’s Guide for further details about complaints.


Liverpool Hope Students’ Union would like all campaigns to be exciting, energetic, innovative,fair and friendly. These rules won’t limit how candidates can campaign,but they are designed to give candidates a fair environment andencouragement to talk to more and more students.

For more information on how to use our social media channels see FAQs.

Liverpool Hope Students’ Union strongly encourages you to build a campaign team ofsupporters; however, you are not permitted to be endorsed by anexternal company and/or business.


The students’ union will be producing publicity to promote candidates to voters. Candidates’ official manifestos (which we’ll create from the information on the application form) will be available online and in printed copies as a ‘Voter’s Guide’, which will be available at ballot stations. Candidates are, of course, able to create whatever extra publicity they like.

Sabbatical Officer candidates will be supported with a contribution of £20 to in-house printing costs (this is equivalent to 660 black and white A4) to publicise their election campaign.

You can request additional printing over and above your allocation but you will have to pay in cash or cheque to the university’s media shop for this. Please note this will be 10% higher. Please see table below.

You should email the design you’d like printed as a MS Word or pdf file to , and you’ll be informed by return email when your publicity is ready to collect.

Reprographic Costs
Item / Union’s allocation cost / Additional Cost to candidates
Roller Banner / £100 / £110
Flat Banner / £70 approx / £77 approx
A4 B/W / 3P / 3.3p
A4 Colour / 14P / 15p
A4 Colour double Side / 24p / 26p
A3 / 24p / 26p
A3 Double Side / 33p / 36p
Note: All other costs must be put to the Repro team via


Candidates are ambassadors for Liverpool Hope University students and the Students’ Union expectseveryone to behave respectfully and honestly. Candidates are alsoresponsible for ensuring that they have permission to post publicity orto canvass in specified areas. Any conduct or publicity that is deemedto break Liverpool Hope University/Students’Union equal opportunities policy will be treated veryseriously. Candidates should also be aware that they are responsible forany activities carried out by their supporters.

If you are unsure about any conduct that you intend to carry outduring the elections period then the Union strongly advises you checkbefore doing so. To do this you should contact


The election of the sabbatical officers is by the single transferrable vote (STV).Voters can re-open nominations by voting for R.O.N.Candidates must ensureevery student votes in secret, when they wantto and as they wish. When students are voting, candidates are expectedto respect their privacy.

The Students’ Union will treat complaints very seriously.

Voting starts on Monday 7th March at 9.00am and closes at the end of elections on Friday 11th March at 2.00pm.

5.Where to go for help

Your first point of contact for all enquiries is


Where can you put up posters?

The University does not allow posters to be put up in University buildings. We advise that you speakto university staff on the reception areas before putting anything up. We will be providing display boards in set places for you to display posters. Weaccept no responsibility for posting, including if your material gets takendown.

You must not move other candidate’s posters or any otherposters already up, nor may you cover any posters.

Don’t forget Creative campus!

Where can you not campaign?

It has been agreed by the Union and the University that any library facilities on ALL campuses will be out of bounds for campaigning. We have also agreed with the Chaplaincy that this will be a safe space for candidates to take time out and de-stress we therefore ask that the chaplaincy also be out of bounds for campaigning.

The union itself cannot promote any candidates and you are therefore not able to campaign in any of the designated SU office space.

Can you produce your own election videos and uploadthem on to your own website?

Yes, or any other website that allows you to (e.g. youtube).

Can you organise hall knocks and lecture shout outsduring the campaigning period?

The University regards Halls of Residences as safe places for students you must therefore seek permission from the University before organising any hall knocks.It is down to you to organise this and we remind you that you are responsible for your actions and the actions of your campaign team. We will take all complaints from students and university staff very seriously and will investigate. You can take flyers around with you to give to people when you speak to them, but you should not just post flyers under doors as this causes litter.

Do we need to have our publicity approved?

Candidates are responsible for ensuring that they have permission to postpublicity or to canvass in specified areas. Any publicity that is deemed tobreak Hope’s equal opportunities policy will be treated very seriously.

Candidates should also be aware that they are responsible for any activitiescarried out by their supporters.

Publicity does not need to be approved by the Union, if you are unsurein any way about the content then we strongly advise you checkbefore printing or distributing. To do this you should .

Can you print your own flyers & posters?


What is appropriate conduct?

Please remember that candidates are ambassadors for Liverpool Hope University students and the Students’ Union expects everyone to behave civilly and honestly. Candidates are also responsible for ensuring that they have permission to post publicity or to canvass in specified areas. Candidates should be aware that they areresponsible for any activities carried out by their supporters.

Are we allowed to approach students with laptops/ipads etc?

Yes, but you must not be stood over or near the person while they are voting. You may assist them in using the system correctly if they ask you to do so.

When can I start campaigning?

You may start campaigning immediately.

Who can endorse me?

Any current student can endorse and be a supporter of your electioncampaign. You are not allowed to be endorsed by an external company orpromoted via a commercial company. For example, a local business wouldnot be able to appear on your promotional material nor can they openlysupport a single candidate. Liverpool Hope Students’ Union understands many students will visitlocal nightspots where campaigning may take place, but the venue can notbe seen to promote a single candidate or group of candidates.

Can you send out emails through existing facebookgroups and or email lists?

Yes. However any current Student Officers who may have access to general Union social media accounts, e.g. Athletics Association and LGBT should not use their accounts to promote slates or individuals during the election period.

Can I host my own events?

You are welcome to host your own events, for example a social in a localvenue.

What is a slate?

A slate is a group of individuals running for separate positions who chooseto campaign together, with the aim to get elected as a group. Groupsof candidates may run together so as each candidate can campaign forthemselves and the other members on the slate at the same time, therebyincreasing the resource available to the group.

What are the rules for slates?

Liverpool Hope Students’ Union understands that students may wish to run together and thisis allowed. Slates may choose to share printing allocations but each individual candidate will have to request their own printing allocation.

What is the best way to campaign?

Try to be as innovative as possible. It is great to have posters and bannersetc to create a buzz and a vibe around elections. However, donot underestimate the power of going out and talking to students aboutwhat you are going to do for them. There is no more powerful tool thanconversation to get someone to vote and more importantly to vote foryou. Visual promotion is fantastic, but it is not what will ultimately winyou the election.

Finally, remember that students want to know what you are going to dofor them, so make sure your message is clear, concise and to the point!

Can I use the Union’s Facebook and Twitter to help mycampaign?

Liverpool Hope Students’ Union has Facebook and Twitter that you are welcome to use topromote your campaign. You can add Liverpool Hope SU as a friendon Facebook, and tag us in status. In addition you can follow @liverpoolhopesu on Twitter. Please remember that you must abide by the election ruleswhen using these facilities.

What if a complaint is made about one of my campaignteam?

Please be aware that you are responsible for the actions of your campaignteam. It is advisable that you also make them aware of all of the electionrules and regulations.

What about if I want to make a complaint?

Complaints are rare but if you do have concerns about the conduct of campaigns, candidates should collect evidence that it will impact on the outcome of the vote. If you wish to make a complaint about the elections, the following process must be used.

As soon as possible, you should download the complaints form from This form should then be completed and returned as soon as possible to .

You must tell us the following information:

  • Who you are
  • Your contact details/ Student ID
  • Confirm if you are a member of a campaign team
  • Date of complaint
  • What your complaint is
  • The evidence you have that a rule has been broken
  • What you believe the impact of breaking this rule has been
  • What you would like to see as an outcome

Your Deputy Returning Officer will consider your complaints and may consult others in their decision. You will then receive an email with details of the Deputy Returning Officer’s decision. A response to your complaint will be given within 48 hours of the complaint being received. We will endeavour to address all complaints prior to the results announcement schedule.

Please note no complaint will be accepted if it is not on the official complaints form. Please see the So-Elections Candidate’s Guide for further details about complaints.

To see the Bye-Laws regarding Election Rules please go to

I’m still unsure if I’m allowed to do some of the things Iwant to, what should I do?

If there is anything that you are unsure of Liverpool Hope Students’ Union strongly advises thatyou ask before you act. Any queries will be dealt with confidentially andanswered as soon as possible. You should get in contact with if you have any such queries.

Good Luck!