Live ARTiculation Course: .4 ASHA CEUs
3 Locations: Far Rockaway, Monsey, Lakewood
Course Description:
ARTiculationis a comprehensive coursethat has taught practical and masterful intervention strategies for articulatory disorders. It explored the characteristics of phonemes, differential diagnosis, sound specific remediation techniques, and case histories. ARTiculation explored various modalities that can be combined to enable therapists to deliver a multi-sensory learning experience for their clients.
Learning Outcomes:
·Describe the characteristics of consonants, cognates, and vowels in the English Alphabet
·List 3 theoretical premises of remediation for sound-system disorders
·Identify treatment strategies for ‘sh’ ‘ch’ ‘j’
·Identify treatment techniques for frontal and lateral lisps-‘s’ ‘z’
·Describe the unique characteristics of “r’ and its impact on treatment approach
·Apply a multisensory approach to increase intelligibility in preschoolers
·Apply strategies for increasing auditory discrimination, self-awareness and motivation for improved speech intelligibility
·List strategies for utilizing the standardized assessment to maximize information about the child’s sound system.
15 minutes of registration, 2 hours of course material, 30 minute lunch break, 2 hours of course material, 15 minutes of paperwork
Understanding the Speech Sound System
- Introduction
- A multi-sensory approach containing visual, tactile, auditory and kinesthetic feedback.
Theoretical Underpinnings of Treatment Plans
- Phonological Processes
- Pamela Marshalla
- Phonetics 101
- Hands on Approach/Kinesthetic
- Biofeedback
- Physical manipulation
Assessment of Speech Sound Disorders
- Differential Diagnosis
- Utilizing the GFTA for maximal information.
Frontal and Lateral Lisps - Practical Remediation of Sounds
- Using Mouth Maps to gain a deeper understanding of: ‘s’,’z’, ‘sh’,’zh,’’ch and ‘j’ production
- Discussion of diagnosis, practical remediation strategies, goals, and progress.
- Review of Cases from Patient Profiles
The Preschool Child
- Differential diagnosis - Phonological Processes Approach vs Sound System
- Discussion of diagnosis, practical remediation strategies, goals, and progress.
- Review of Cases from Patient Profiles
Practical Remediation of Sounds
- Using Mouth Maps to gain a deeper understanding of consonant and vowel production.
- Nuances of the Semi-vowel
- The ‘R’ Hierarchy
- Coarticulation Strategies
- ‘L’ and ‘Th’
- Discussion of diagnosis, practical remediation strategies, goals, and progress.
- Review of Cases from Patient Profiles
The “how to” of Therapeutic Intervention
- Organize treatment sessions
- Bringing it home
- Discharge plans
Question & Answer Session
- ShifraSharfman will be available to answer questions
Self-Study GettingPractical! Course: .5 ASHA CEUs
(please note the 5 credits are reflective of the time spent with your client as well as paperwork completion)
Course Description:
Getting Practical! is a unique self-study course that enabled you to implement prior learning from a Practical SLPcourse. It allows for rigorous analysis of the efficacy of new treatment strategies applied and outcomes achieved. Getting Practical! provided a concise framework to reference new learning for immediate implementation, and to document client progress and change based on the information presented in the course.
Learning Outcomes:
·List 3 previous techniques that were used in therapy with client.
·List 3 new strategies/interventions/techniques from The Practical SLP course
·Apply a multisensory approach to treatment and intervention
·Describe efficacy of previous intervention as compared to new interventions based on data collected during session
·Develop reassessment of client to determine underlying areas of weakness that may have been overlooked.
Rationale for Course Development:
Research indicates that approximately one week after attending a workshop/course, 90% of the new information has been lost. This course seeks to remedy this, by ensuring that applicable new techniques are put into use almost immediately. The paperwork will be due 21-45 days after the completion of this course. You will receive your credits at the end of December 2017.
To complete this courseyou will need to track client progress over 8 sessions.
*Track 4 clients over 2 sessions OR 2 clients over 4 sessions OR 1 client over 8 sessions.
*Your clients must have some treatment goals that were discussed in this course.
*Sessions must be a minimum of 20 minutes in length.
For each client you need to complete:
- Case History Form
- SOAP note forms for each session (use the reference sheet for this)
- Post-Test/Reflection Sheet
You must also complete the Learning Outcomes Rating Scale one time to receive a certificate.
You may complete the paperwork by hand or by computer or a mixture of both. Both are acceptable.
Paperwork may be submitted by mail or by email.