St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Hiawatha
(Revised – 9/14/15)
To effectively proclaim the word of God at Mass and at other liturgical celebrations so as to bring meaning and life to the words of the scripture in the heart of all who hear them. Lectors are a key liturgical role since the proclamation of scripture is part of every gathering of God’s people in worship. Lectors must have a charism to communicate the meaning and message of the readings. Careful preparation, study and prayer further develop this charism.
Lectors normally commit themselves to this role for a period of two years at St. Elizabeth. Lectors should be commissioned to serve in this role so that the parish community will be well aware of their commitment in this ministry, and so that the community will also work to give them the support and encouragement necessary to develop in this role.
A love for the scriptures and their meaning in the life of the parish is central to this role. This is best exhibited in a lector’s study and practice in preparing to proclaim the word. It is also revealed in the ability and skill a lector demonstrates in actually proclaiming the word at Mass. A lector must have both a love for the scriptures and a love for those who will be listening to that word.
Dress to the dignity of the role.
Study and Prepare the Scripture Readings – Use the Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers to be thoroughly familiar with the readings. Consider using other helpful background resources to understand the reading. If the lector does not bring meaning and understanding in proclaiming the scriptures, those who hear the readings will not know the power of their message. Practice the reading aloud. This not only clears up pronunciation problems more importantly it is an opportunity to decide how you will give meaning to the passage. Here is a helpful website bible pronunciation guide containing quick access to biblical pronunciations and definitions,
**When having two lectors assigned to a given Mass, you will need to arrange with one another who will proclaim which reading, as well as the Prayer of the Faithful. (L1 do first reading, L2 do second and intercessions.)
Our experience with two lectors at most Masses has been very good. Even when two lectors are scheduled at Mass, it is expected that a lector who can’t be there will arrange a substitute so that there will be two lectors as scheduled. It cannot be emphasized enough how important it is to have two lectors and that you need to locate a substitute when unable to be at your assigned Mass.
Arrive Early – Be at church at least 15 minutes early to sign in, review your reading, and complete a sound check with the tech team. We ask that the two readers sit in the two reserved area in the northwest section on the north aisle in the first and second pews. Your family is welcome to sit with you. These seats are close to the ambo and provide less distraction when lectors move to and from their seats.The lectionary should be opened to the correct page and placed on the ambo. If the lectionary is not at the ambo, RCIA may have it with them in the room where they are meeting and you will have to retrieve it. Review the text of the announcements and the Prayer of the Faithful (one copy of both should on the table just outside the vesting sacristy, the other is placed on the ambo). Check the microphone. If you are unfamiliar with it, you may want to practice before Mass to judge how close to stand. Have the microphone pointing at your chin for the best effect. Your mouth should be 4-6 inches from the microphone when reading. When all is ready, relax and greet those arriving at church. Offer assistance to the presider, if there is an obvious need.
- Entrance Procession: Both lectors walk in the entrance procession behind the servers and in front of the presider. If the deacon is not present, one lector carries the Book of the Gospels. If the deacon is assisting, the deacon will carry the Book of the Gospels.
- After reaching the altar, lectors move to the left. Servers move to their right. After bowing in unison (the person holding the book does not bow), the lectors pauses to allow the presider time to reverence the altar. After the presider does so, the lector carrying the Book of the Gospels steps up to the back of the altar and places the book on the altar in the book stand. Then he/she moves to the reserved seats. If the deacon is assisting, he will place the Book of the Gospels on the altar. In this case move to your seat right after the bow.When there is a baptism at Mass, Fr. Mark won’t reverence the altar. Immediately after the bow, place the gospel book in the stand on the altar and go to your seat.
- The Readings: After the opening prayer, the lector walks to the ambo for the first reading. Allow time for others and yourself time to be settled before beginning. Address the assembly, by looking at the assembly and saying, “A reading from....”(On most Sundays Fr. Mark will dismiss children for Children’s Liturgy of the Word after the opening prayer. There is no need to rush to the ambo to begin the first reading. Allow for the children to begin moving; walk to the ambo. Do not begin proclaiming the first reading until the children have exited and the assembly is settled.)
- After the reading is completed, pause to allow the concluding thought of the reading time to settle in to the ear of the listeners and then say, “The word of the Lord.”Wait for the response of the assembly and then step back from the ambo with eyes lowered to encourage the listeners to meditate on the word of God that has been proclaimed. Pause 10 seconds before leaving the ambo.
- The second lector approaches the ambo to proclaim the second reading as the cantor leaves the ambo. There should always be two lectors. If you are unable to be present for your assigned time, please always contact a substitute.
- After the second reading, step back and stand with eyes lowered. Pause at least 10 seconds or until Gospel Acclamation is begun by the musicians and the priest stands. Quietly, close the lectionary and place it on the shelf of the ambo. Removing the lectionary allows room at the ambo for the Book of the Gospels.
- Prayer of the Faithful: Begin approaching the ambo as the presider invites the people to offer prayers of petition. After reading the Prayer of the Faithful, remain at ambo until presider concludes with the prayer. If the deacon is assisting, he will read the intercessions.
- Announcements: done by Trish or Matt.
- Concluding Rite: Waituntil the presider begins to move toward the altar to reverence it with a holy kiss. Both lectors walk to your place and bow with presider and servers. Both lectors are asked to move from the assembly to join in the procession from the church. Neither the lectionary, nor the Book of the Gospels is ever carried out in this procession. The servers will process out first followed by the lector(s).
Return the lectionaryto the ambo for next liturgy. If RCIA had taken place at your Mass, you may need to get the lectionary from where they are meeting if it has not been returned. Be sure that the Book of the Gospels is returned to the table outside vesting sacristy.
The lector is a servant of the Word of God and all who listen to seek its meaning. Your preparation brings that word to life. Lectors must be particularly attentive to ritual movement and timing in their role. Your role is one of true service! Thank you!