Liturgy and Music Planning Overview

For February 12, 2017

Which is the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Lectionary # 76

Readings: 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

I: Sirach 15:15-20

II: 1 Corinthians 2:6-10

G: Matthew 5:17-37

For reflection:

Today’s readings bring to light how radical Jesus was as a person, a teacher, and a friend. Jewish faith in God during the time and place when Jesus lived meant that the law reigned supreme. Having grown up in faith as a young Jewish man, Jesus followed these religious and cultural God-given laws; he also called people to understand a new way of living through a new understanding of the law. Jesus proclaims that he came to fulfill the law and not to change it or distill it -- those who follow him and keep his commandments will know great joy and life.

The first reading from Sirach challenges the idea that God has already decided your path through His plan, and you are bound to it. Rather, God offers, in all situations and to all people, good and evil, light and darkness, life and death. He does not command people to choose evil or sin, but in God’s wisdom and omniscience, God sets before you the reality of light and darkness. Let’s pray for the wisdom to see the appeal of keeping the commandments of Jesus in Scripture to lead us to love and life, light and goodness.

Lord, you’ve called us to new life through the word and example of Jesus. Be with us as we try always to choose you and to choose love.

Planning your music:

Mass Setting: ______

Opening Song suggestions:

I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light #644

O God, You Search Me #707

O God, Behold Your Family Here #712

Gloria? Yes, every week during Ordinary Time. It’s always preferable to sing the Gloria, but if you’re not ready to do so, it may be spoken. Be sure to let your presider know whether you will speak it or sing it.

Psalm: The psalm for this week is 119. See the arrangement at #333 (refrain II) in the Newman Hymnal.

During Ordinary Time you may also use Psalm 145. See arrangements for Psalm 145 at #356-363 in the Newman Hymnal. You may be most familiar with #358 and #362. #359 is also very simple and can be learned easily.

Alleluia (from your chosen Mass setting)If the Mass setting you are using doesn’t contain an Alleluia, look at #M4, #M97-100. Select one you like and then use it for the whole season.

Alleluia verse:

Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth;

you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom.

Preparation of the Altar and Gifts – Song Suggestions:

Wisdom, My Road #123

Prayer of Abandonment #710

Take My Life #828

Holy, Holy; Memorial Acclamation; Amen (all from your chosen Mass setting)

Lord’s Prayer (may be spoken or sung)

Lamb of God/Agnus Dei (from your chosen Mass setting)

Communion Song Suggestions:

We Have Been Told #127

Happy Those Who Feast on Wisdom #140

From the Vineyard of the Lord #133

Closing Song Suggestions:

Sent Forth by God’s Blessing #588

O God Beyond All Praising #645

God’s Blessing Sends Us Forth #586