MLK 2007

Packet by Carleton A and Carleton B

1. The longitudinal coefficient of this phenomenon and its quadratic dependence can be accounted for by the Preisach Model. A form of Saint-Venant’s Principle may be applied to the helical and linear forms of this effect. It results in strain directly proportional to applied field and not proportional to the square of the field like electrostriction, its converse process. Seen prominently in barium titanate and tourmaline, and other ceramics lacking inversion centers, it was discovered in Rochelle salts by the Curie brothers. The opposite of mechanical distortion, FTP, name this effect exemplified by the production of voltage across the face of a quartz crystal in response to applied stress.

Answer: piezoelectricity (or piezoelectric effect)

2. This man’s later novel Towards Asmara details conflict in Eritrea. In 1964 he published his first novel, The Place at Whitton, and more than 25 others have followed, including some under the pseudonym William Coyle. He published Bring Larks and Heroes andThree Cheers for the Paraclete in consecutive years, winning his country’s Miles Franklin Award for both.Short-listed for the Booker Prize on three occasions - for Gossip from the Forest,Confederates, and The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith – he finally won in 1982 for a work criticized by some as more of an exercise in journalism than fiction. FTP, name this Australian author of Schindler's Ark.

Answer: Thomas Keneally

3. This ruler commemorated his wife by having the Cappadocian city of Halala renamed in her honor. His daughter Lucilla was married for a second time to Claudius Quintianus of Antioch. A longtime friend of Fronto, his campaigns against the Sarmati and Marcomanni are represented by a column rising from the Piazza Colonna, and he was revolted against by his general Avidius Cassius, whom his wife Faustina was quite fond of. The subject of an equestrian statue at Laterano, his dyarchy with Lucius Verus lasted nine years. FTP, name this Roman emperor who was succeeded by his son Commodus, and is best remembered for being a stoic philosopher who wrote some Meditations.

Answer: Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus

4. The part that follows this piece is played in F-sharp minor and ends quietly after a brief switch to C minor. This piece is sometimes transposed up one semitone due to problems with harp peddling in the original key, seen especially in arrangements of the work by Victor Couer. A tender piece performed mostly pianissimo, it commences in D-flat major, but moves to E major for its climax. Preceded by “Menuet” and followed by “Passepied,” it is properly the third part of the Suite Bergamasque, and takes its name from a poem by Paul Verlaine. FTP, name this piano masterpiece by Claude Debussy, whose French title translates as "Moonlight."

Answer: Clair de Lune

5. Well-known cases dealing with the application of this legal concept include Shepard v. United States, Palmer v. Hoffman, and Ohio v. Roberts.However, its definition has recently been radically changed by Scalia in the watershed case of Crawford v. Washington. Covered by the 800 rules of the Federal Rules of Evidence, exceptions to it include present sense impressions, excited utterances, business records, and dying declarations, which all tend to provide sufficient credibility to overcome the inability to cross-examine. Defined as a statement offered for the truth of the matter asserted made by someone outside of court, FTP, name this type of statement that an attorney might object to.

Answer: hearsay rule

6. Its luminosity and diameter has recently been studied by Dawson and de Robertis. The constellation which contains it is also home to the Pipe Nebula and Rasalhague. Work done at Sproul Observatory led Peter van de Kamp to posit planets revolving around it, a result quickly called into doubt, though the British Interplanetary Society did launch Project Daedalus to send an unmanned spacecraft to put a sensor platform in orbit around it. An unexpected intense flare here was observed in 1998. A red dwarf located in the constellation Ophiuchus famous for having the largest known proper motion of any star, FTP, name this second nearest neighbor to the Sun after the Alpha Centauri system, named for an American astronomer.

Answer: Barnard’s Star.

7. The germ of this novel first appeared in the author's notebooks late in 1894, when he recorded an idea about a young woman “on the threshold of a life that has seemed boundless,” and the protagonist may be based on the author’s cousin Mary Temple. At one pointa character is denied a visit to the protagonist and then discovers Lord Mark sitting in a café. The work also features minor characters like the doctor Sir Luke Strett and the English woman Mrs. Lowder and her American friend Mrs. Stringham. The doomed Milly Theale, Merton Densher, and Kate Croy form a love triangle in, FTP, what novel by Henry James whose title, from the 55th Psalm, references a bird who "could fly away and be at rest."

Answer: The Wings of the Dove

8. This nation signed the Vivanco-Pareja Treaty, as part of a war that involved the Talambó Incident and the Battle of Callao, fought over its guano-rich ChinchaIslands. It won its independence at a battle that saw the charge of Jose Maria Cordoba against chief of staff Jose de Caternac, who had fought at the earlierBattle of Junín, and the main opposing commander was the Viceroy Jose de la Serna. Much later, this country surrendered its provinces of Tacna and Arica by way of the Treaty of Ancón in the War of the Pacific. The birthplace of the influential politician and writer Jose Mariategui, its independence came at the Battle of Ayacucho in 1824. FTP, name this South American country with capital at Lima.

Answer: Peru

9. One part of this work concerns a prayer that “in relation to God we are always in the wrong,” and is labeled as an “Ultimatum.” The author commends language and music as the two media addressed to the ear, and then writes about composing a review to a play by Eugéne Scribe. Just before are three sections supposedly delivered to a mystical “fellowship of the deceased,” including “The Unhappiest One” and “Silhouettes.” A more famous section consists of letters delivered by Cordelia, the main focus of “The Seducer’s Diary.” Penned by the pseudonymous Victor Eremita, FTP, name this work ostensibly about the titular division between the aesthetic and the ethical, the most famous work of Soren Kierkegaard.

Answer: Either/Or

10. This woman famously chased down her husband Jack Gee after she found out he was cheating on her and shot at him repeatedly with his own handgun. She recorded with Henderson’s Hot Six as well as Buck and His Band, and her final recording was under the supervision of John Hammond at Okeh records. A musical entitled The Devil’s Music features fourteen songs by this artist, whose biggest hit came with “Down Hearted Blues” after she signed with Columbia Records in 1923. A major influence on future singers like Nina Simone and Billie Holliday, FTP name this Chattanooga-born and car-accident slain blues singer of the early 20th century, the “Empress of Blues” and subject of the biography Bessie.

Answer: Bessie Smith

11. This man’sDisputation on the Trinity features a small but eerie crucified Jesus being held by a red-cloaked God-like figure in the background of the central scene. He won a commission from the Servites to decorate the cloisters of the Annunziata in Florence with frescoes depicting the life of St. Philip, andproduced scenes from the life of John the Baptist for the cloisters of the Scalzo. Though his Madonna and Child with St. John is now in Washington's National Gallery, and Charityis in the Louvre, most of the known works of this student of Piero di Cosimo remain on display in Florenceand include Madonna in Glory and the Madonna of the Harpies. FTP, name this poetic subject of Robert Browning, celebrated as "the faultless painter."

Answer: Andrea del Sarto

12. These can be measured by the CIB method, and their existence and prevalence was studied in the Luria-Delbruck Experiment, sometimes known as the fluctuation test. Mary Mitchell is known for work on the cytoplasmic basis of the poky type of them.Benzer’s theory described their location, and they are irreversibly acquired by Muller’s Ratchet, when considering asexual populations. Coined in name by Hugo de Vries as part of his namesake theory, they may come in a host of types including petite, nonsense, frameshift, and point. FTP, give this general term for changes in the structure of genetic material often responsible for disease.

Answer: mutations

13. This poem compares one character to a traveler who “burns the thirstier in the sandful breeze,” and the last stanza makes reference to “mother-hearts beset with fears.” One character thinks of “Jeanie in her grave, who should have been a bride.” Laurence Housmaninked a series of illustrations for an 1893 publication of this poem in which one character makes a notable purchase with a lock of hair. Many critics since the 70s have viewed the work as an expression of proto-feminist policies, and indeed the author was working at the Highgate Penitentiary for fallen woman when writing it. FTP, name this poem about Lizzie and Laura, by Christina Rossetti, who buy some fruit from some scary dudes at the titular place.

Answer: Goblin Market

14. Thomas Jeffords is known for his solo attempt to negotiate with this man, after departing from Butterfield Station. He was accused of abducting a one-eyed child named Mickey Free by John Ward, leading to an event known as the Bascom affair, which culminated in the hanging of a number of his relatives, and led to open hostilities. After retreating to the DragoonMountains, his companion was wounded by the force of James Carleton, and he finally agreed to surrender to General George Crook in 1871.The nephew and cohort of Mangas Coloradas, FTP, name this leader of the Chiracahua Apaches, whose fight was continued by Geronimo, and who gives his name to a county in Arizona.


15. Its museums include the LeeceMuseum and an aviation museum at RonaldswayAirport, and its highest point is at SnaefellMountain, which features a railway. Although it contains the busy seaports of Ramsey, Peel, and Castletown, by far its largest city and government center is Douglas, which contains a monument to the triskelion. It includes an extension off its southern coast known as the Calf, and it is governed by the Court of Tynwald and the House of Keys. Lying about halfway between Northern Ireland and England, FTP, name this island which is home to a distinctive type of cat.

Answer: Isle of Man

16. This deity’s incarnations include Lambodara, who kills the demon Krodha, and a future form that will appear on a blue horse and slay the Mlecchas named Dhumraketu. Sometimes held to be the son of Malini originally, in some stories he has a daughter Santoshi Ma and two sons Kshema and Labha, produced from his two wives Riddhi and Siddhi. The brother of the peacock-riding war god Kartikeya, both this deity and his vehicle Mooshak enjoy modaka. He was struck by the axe thrown by Parashurama, and a more common form of him is as Vigneshwara or the destroyer of obstacles. Usually a son of Shiva and Parvati, FTP, name this affable Hindu god with a potbelly and an elephant head.

Answer: Ganesha

17. This reaction is similar to the Blanc Reaction, which typically creates chloro-methylated compounds, and it makes ready use of ionic liquids. It can be extended to apply to coumarins, and the same type of product is created by a Fries Rearrangement. Sometimes performed in connection with a Prins cyclization, it must be carried out with more than one equivalent of Al-Cl3 to avoid complexing, and one variant of it is often employed as a two-step process ending in reduction of the carbonyl group that is attached. FTP, name this reaction which can be an acylation or an alkylation, depending on what type of group is added to the benzene ring, named for two chemists.

Answer: Friedel-Crafts reaction or alkylation or acylation

18. This character sings the line “man’s life but a span,” in a bar scene and famously inquires if another character reputes himself a loser. He whispers the line “bring this monstrous birth to the world’s light,” and fears the “daily beauty” of another character that may make him seem ugly. Often referred to as an honest Florentine, in the final scene of the work in which he appears, he is referred to as having cloven feet, a fitting attribute for a character described by Coleridge as “motiveless malignance.” Known for referring to jealousy as a “green-eyed monster,” FTP name this Shakespearean villain who tries to convince Othello that Desdemona is cheating on him with Cassio.

Answer: Iago

19. These days, she’s opened Blue Tree Toy Store, a trendy boutique on New York’s Upper East Side. Her lesser-known roles include Lili in the TV-movies Lace and Lace II, and she plays Lizzie, a meek woman dominated by her mother until she is revisited by her crazy orange-haired invisible friend played by Rik Mayall, in the cult classicDrop Dead Fred. More famous roles include Michael J. Fox’s model wife in Bright Lights, BigCity, Kate in the Gremlins movies, and the mysterious title character in Princess Caraboo, alongside her longtime husband Kevin Kline. FTP, name this actress surely still best remembered for saying “you know how cute I always thought you were” upon emerging from a pool in Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Answer: Phoebe Cates

20. According to the Wallflower diaries of Guy Liddell, a secret plot to assassinate this man was facilitated by Alfgar Hesketh-Prichard. In his most famous exploit, he was encountered by a farmer David Mclean, passed himself off as Albert Horn, and was invited in for tea. He likely intended to seek out DungavelMansion to meet with the Duke of Hamilton. Born in Alexandria, he married Ilse Prohl and some time after the above incident was nominally replaced by Martin Bormann as Deputy Fuhrer. Still in Spandau Prison at the age of 93, he supposedly committed suicide in 1987. FTP, name this Nazi imprisoned in the Tower of London after an infamous ill-conceived flight to Scotland.

Answer: (Walter Richard) Rudolf Hess

TB. For thin films, it is directly proportional to the Poisson ratio of the substrate as given by Stoney's Equation; for thicker objects it is proportional to the moment and the inverse cube of thickness. In fluid dynamics one form of this is equal to the dynamic viscosity times the derivative of velocity with respect to position. With units of pressure, it is given by the elastic modulus times the change in length divided by length, or Young's modulus times strain. FTP, identify this deformation force per unit area, which has nothing to do with raising blood pressure.

Answer: stress

1. Name some empires in existence around the 16th century CE, FTPE.

A. This empire was founded by Babar after victory at the First Battle of Panipat in 1526.

Answer: Mughal Empire

B. This dynasty was founded near the very beginning of the century by Ismail I after the banding of the Qizilbash. It set up capitals in Tabriz and then Esfahan, and would rule Iran for about two centuries.

Answer: Safavid Dyansty

C. This dynasty of Portuguese nobility was founded by John I, whose son was Henry the Navigator, and featured the prosperous reign of Manuel I. It would end when Philip II of Spain took over in 1580, and later be replaced by the Braganzas.

Answer: Aviz Dynasty

2. Answer the following about some mystical Metaphysical poets, FTPE.

A. This poet is known for Centuries of Meditations and Roman Forgeries, and for lines like “souls are God’s jewels,” and “You are as prone to love as the sun is to shine.”

Answer: Thomas Traherne

B. A fellow poet to Thomas Traherne, this guy showed his true Metaphysical attitudes by comparing the soul to a drop of dew, but is more famous for writing An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell’s Return from Ireland.

Answer: Andrew Marvell

C. Marvell is best known for this poem about a hard-to-get woman, a work that provided Robert Penn Warren with the title for his work “World Enough and Time.”

Answer: To His Coy Mistress

3. Answer stuff about a rarely mentioned chemical phenomenon, FTPE.

A. This occurs when density fluctuations between liquid and vapor phases near the critical temperature happen on a great enough length scale that they cause light to be strongly scattered. The mixture of phases then appears completely cloudy and undifferentiated.

Answer: critical opalescence

B. Critical opalescence was anticipated by this equation, which modified the ideal gas equation to account for interactions between molecules.