FALL 2017-18
TTHTHTH 4234 M2170 EF 104,EF 104, EF 104
Instructor: Assoc. Prof. Isıl Bas ()
Officehours: Wednesday 12:00-14:00 By apt.
Inthelastpart of theliterarytheoryandcriticismcourse, wewill be surveyingthemajorschools of thesecondhalf of the 20th centuryincludingpoststructuralism, psychoanalysis, genderandqueerstudiesand postcolonialtheory.
AttendanceandParticipation: 20 %.
Attendancebothduringtheregularand PS. classhoursis mandatory. Studentsearnattendanceandparticipationpointsbyattendingtheclasssessions (3 absenceswithout a formalmedicalexcusearepermitted) andbyparticipating in theclassdiscussions. Participationrequiresthatstudentsarrive at theeachclasshavingpreparedtheassignedreadings.Ifanystudentfailstoattend 75 % of classesshe/he will not be permittedtotakethe final exam. Theremayalso be some pop-upquizes.
MidtermExam: 30%
Studentswill be askedtowrite alongessayreferringtothetextsthathavebeenassigned. A make-up for the midterm is possible only if you submit a medical excuse for three or more days.
Final Exam: 50%
Studentsarerequiredtotake a 150-minutewrittenexamin the form of a longessayduringthe final examperiod. The format of theexamconsists of a longessaybasedon allthereadingsthathavebeencompletedthroughouttheterm. Allexcusesforthe final exammust be submittedtotheregistrar’s.
(somereadingsmay be subjecttochange)
WEEK 1 (Sept. 19-21) – Introduction
WEEK 2 (Sept.26-28 ) – Post-Structuralism
Derrida,“Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of Human Sciences”
WEEK 3 (Oct. 3-5)
Lyotard, “The Postmodern Condition”
Baudrillard, “Simulacra and Simulations”
WEEK 4 (Oct. 10-12) – Post-Freudian Psychoanalytical Criticism
Lacan, “TheMirrorStage as Formative of theFunction of the I as Revealed in PsychoanalyticExperience”;
WEEK 5 (Oct. 17-19) -Postcolonial Theory
“Foreword: FramingFanonbyHomi K. Bhabha”fromTheWretched of theEarth
“Prefaceby Jean-Paul Sartre”
Fanon-“The Negro and Psychopathology”
WEEK 6 (Oct. 24-26) –
Said “Orientalism”
Yegenoglu, “Veiled Fantasies”
WEEK 7 (Oct.31-Nov.2) –
Bhabha, “Signs Taken for Wonders”
Spivak ,” Can the Subaltern Speak”
WEEK 8 (Nov. 7-9) – Midterm
WEEK 9 (Nov. 14-16)– Gender Studies
Foucault,”TheHistory of Sexuality, the Repressive Hyphothesis”
Week 10 (Nov.21-23)-
Cixous, “Sorties”, "The Laugh of the Medusa"
Irigaray, “ThisSexwhich is not One”
WEEK 11 (Nov. 28-30) – Queer Theory
Sedgwick West, “Epistemology of the Closet”, “Between Men: English Lit. and Male Homosexual Desire”
WEEK 12 (Dec. 5-7) –
Butler “Gender Trouble”
WEEK 13 (Dec. 13-15) – Review