AP Literature/AP English IV Syllabus
Prerequisite Course:AP Language/AP English III or fulfilling criteria for moving from World Literature
Summer Reading:The Odyssey and Edith Hamilton’s Mythology
Texts:Wuthering Heights, The Metamorphosis, Candide, The Catcher in the Rye, Four Great Playsby Ibsen, The Awakening, Hamlet, Invisible Man, Things Fall Apart, The Stranger, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Billy Budd, Vocabulary Power Through Shakespeare, supplemental handouts and poetry
Course Description:The work in this class is at the college level and students are expected to take the Advanced Placement test in May which may enable them to acquire college credit for college English courses. The class work consists of the close study of novels, dramas, essays, poetry and short stories to enable the student to increase his/her powers of observation and to cultivate an appreciation and understanding of literature.
The student should...
1.Become familiar with the themes, structure, and characters of the studied literature, and be able to apply this knowledge to other works.
2.Develop and enhance the skill of writing literary research papers and critical essays.
3.Understand and analyze poetry, effectively using poetic terms.
4.Build on and enhance grammatical skills in writing and speaking.
5.Develop vocabulary to assist in standardized testing and writing.
6.Become prepared for the Advanced Placement Literature Exam.
7.Expand/enhance your ability to orally communicate and work in groups.
Participation in class discussions is a vital component of this class. To this end, you will receive participation points for actively and productively participating during class. This includes asking or answering questions or engaging in discussions regarding the readings. If you do not bring the required books and materials to class, you are not prepared to fully participate in class, which results in negative participation points. Continuing violations of class rules will also result in negative participation points, such as gum chewing, disruptive behavior, etc.
At the end of the semester, I will tally your participation points. If you have 15 or more participation points, your grade may be raised by up to 1%, subject to the extra credit policy.
*You are required to bring all necessary books, paper, writing utensils and other materials to class everyday. This includes any book we are working from at that time.
*NO FOOD OR DRINK is allowed in class, pursuant to St. Joseph policy. Yes, this includes GUM and CANDY. However, I will be having BYOC (Bring Your Own Candy) days periodically and will let you know in advance when these will occur.
*Students will be required to adhere to school policies requiring tardiness/absence.
Tardiness - You are expected to be IN YOUR SEAT when the bell rings because I have to take and enter attendance in the computer immediately. If you aren’t in your seat, you are tardy.
If you are tardy 3 times in a quarter, you will receive a 20 minute detention in my room after school, and another detention for every tardy after that.
Absences- Time extensions will be given per Section 7.11(4). It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get all handouts, notes and assignments when you are absent. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to see me to determine when you can make up a missed test or quiz. I will always leave all homework and assignments on the St. Joseph website. My extension is #136.
Any work turned in past the given extensions, or any test or quiz not made up within time limits will result in a ZERO. If tests or quizzes are not made up within the allotted time, you will receive a ZERO All work must be made up, regardless of the grade earned, or bonus points cannot be given, per St. Joseph policy.
*All assignments will be done per the UNIFORM MANUSCRIPT POLICY. Work not conforming to the POLICY will not be accepted and shall receive a grade of 0%. This includes papers with no name. All work completed out of class must be word processed or typewritten.
*All assignments will be collected at the beginning of class. If you turn it in late, but before I leave after school, I will accept it minus 5 points. WORK TURNED IN LATER THAN THAT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS YOU HAVE MADE PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS WITH ME AND YOU WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR THE ASSIGNMENT. If you are ill, you should e-mail your paper or assignment to me as an attachment through the St. Joseph website. In my sole discretion, I may accept late work but the assignment will lose 5 points per day late. You will not be allowed to leave class to get any assignment you forgot.
*If you have an early out for a sport or activity on the day an assignment is due, you need to turn in the assignment BEFORE YOU LEAVE. If you do not, it will not be accepted.
*Unannounced quizzes and reflections will be given periodically on current readings and themes so always stay current or ahead of assigned readings.
*Plagiarism or cheating of any type will not be tolerated. If this occurs, you will receive a zero for the assignment. In addition, for the 1st offense, I will remove all bonus points that have been earned during the nine week period and you can earn none for the remainder of the nine week period. If there is a 2nd offense, you will lose all bonus points for the semester and cannot earn any for the remainder of the semester. Plagiarism or cheating will also result in an automatic referral to the Dean of Students.
*According to the Extra Credit policy, no more than 5% of the total points for the semester can be earned for extra credit. In addition, no extra credit may be earnedif ALL assignments have not been completed. I will include extra credit questions on quizzes, tests, and class Jeopardy reviews. In addition, participation points may provide positive extra credit. NO OTHER EXTRA CREDIT, SUCH AS EXTRA ESSAYS, WILL BE GIVEN SO PLEASE DON‘T ASK.
*All assignments and due dates are available in my room and the St. Joseph website. Grades are available at ParentConnect.com.
*IPads are to be used for educational purposes only. During class they should not be used for recreation by playing games or social networking. If you are found to be using your IPad for gaming or other recreational purposes, you will receive a detention with me after school for 1 hour. Subsequent offenses will result in further detentions and/or referral to the Dean of Students.
Any exceptions to these policies are at my sole discretion. In other words, if you have what you believe is a valid reason for an extension or exception, come see me before or after school or at break or lunch. I’ll be happy to discuss it with you. Please don’t wait and try to talk to me just before class; I have many things to do as class starts and it is not conducive to discussion of such items at that time.
I am looking forward to having you in my class this year and hope it will be a productive, positive, and entertaining educational experience. If I can help you in any way, whether it be about my class or anything else you are having difficulty with, please feel free to come in and speak with me before or after school or during break or lunch. If you want to be sure to catch me, let me know ahead of time and we will schedule a meeting. Please do not wait until right before a test or the end of the semester to ask for help. If you have questions or suggestions regarding class policies and procedures, I welcome your input. I cannot guarantee I’ll change them, but I hope we can reach an understanding.
You can contact me using my e-mail, or at (805) 937-2038 extension 136.
Remember you will achieve greater success in my class by completing all assignments and readings in a timely manner. Failing to complete assignments or readings, or utilizing “shortcuts” will negatively impact your performance and success. In short, you will get out of my class what you put into taking my class, so always give your best effort.
Please let me know if there is anything I can assist you with and LET’S HAVE A GREAT YEAR!