Literacy Center Objectives/Standards

First Grade


1.1.3 Decode words in text using letter/sound relationships and word families; decode words in text: short vowels, digraphs, and blends; decode words in text: long vowels, diphthongs, and spelling patterns.

1.1.4 Comprehend vocabulary using suffixes, synonyms and antonyms.

1.1.5 Identify high frequency words (regular/irregular)to build fluency and comprehension; read decodable text with fluency.

2.1.1 Demonstrate concept of print, concept of word, and voice to print match; identify author and illustrator.

2.1.2 Use during-reading strategies based on text and purpose to make predictions, identify key vocabulary, and make inferences with assistance.

2.1.3 Use after-reading strategies based on text and purpose to recall details/facts and restate main ideas orally.

3.1.1Listen for and identify setting and sequence of events; make inferences and draw conclusions about setting and plot based on evidence with assistance.

3.1.3 Identify the main idea.

3.1.7 Listen to, read, and discuss text from different cultures and time periods.

4.1.1 Identify the purpose of and gain information from text features: illustrations, headings, and titles; Identify the purpose and gain information from text features: graphs and charts; Identify the purpose of and gain information from text features: text boxes, diagrams, and tables of contents.

4.1.4 Listen to, read, and discuss text from different cultures and time periods.

6.1.4 Draw and write responses to literary text.

6.1.5 Draw and write responses to expository text.

7.1.3 Expand vocabulary through listening.

8.1.3 Communicate in small and large groups; speak clearly with prosody.

Big Book

1.1.3 Decode words in text using letter/sound relationships and word families; decode words in text: short vowels, digraphs, and blends; decode words in text: long vowels, diphthongs, and spelling patterns.

1.1.4 Comprehend vocabulary using suffixes, synonyms and antonyms.

1.1.5 Identify high frequency words to build fluency (regular/irregular)and comprehension; read decodable text with fluency.

2.1.1 Demonstrate concept of print, concept of word, and voice to print match; identify author and illustrator.

2.1.2 Use during-reading strategies based on text and purpose to make predictions, identify key vocabulary, and make inferences with assistance.

2.1.3 Use after-reading strategies based on text and purpose to recall details/facts and restate main ideas orally.

3.1.1Listen for and identify setting and sequence of events; make inferences and draw conclusions about setting and plot based on evidence with assistance.

3.1.3 Identify the main idea.

4.1.1 Identify the purpose of and gain information from text features: illustrations, headings, and titles; Identify the purpose and gain information from text features: graphs and charts; Identify the purpose of and gain information from text features: text boxes, diagrams, and tables of contents.

6.1.4 Draw and write responses to literary text.

6.1.5 Draw and write responses to expository text.

7.1.3 Expand vocabulary through listening.

8.1.3 Communicate in small and large groups; speak clearly with prosody.

Read and Write the Room(A great opportunity to incorporate your calendar!)

1.1.3 Decode words in text: letter/sound relationships and word families; decode words in text: short vowels, digraphs, and blends; decode words in text: long vowels, diphthongs, and spelling patterns.

1.1.5 Identify high frequency words (regular/irregular) to build fluency and comprehension; read decodable text with fluency.

4.1.1 Identify the purpose of and gain information from text features: illustrations, headings, and titles; Identify the purpose and gain information from text features: graphs and charts; Identify the purpose of and gain information from text features: text boxes, diagrams, and tables of contents.

4.1.4 Listen to, read, and discuss text from different cultures and time periods.

4.1.5 Use information to answer specific questions.

1.1.3 Read, write and compare order numbers 0-100; Read and write number words to 10.

3.1.6 Read time to the nearest hour

3.1.6 Use a calendar to identify days, weeks, months, and a year.

3.1.6 Recite in order the months of the year.

Pocket Chart

1.1.1 Demonstrate phonological awareness of spoken words; syllable awareness and onset and rime awareness.

1.1.2 Demonstrate phonemic awareness of spoken words: matching, isolating, blending, segmenting, deleting and substituting.

1.1.3 Decode words in text using letter/sound relationships and word families; decode words in text: short vowels, digraphs, and blends; decode words in text: long vowels, diphthongs, and spelling patterns.

1.1.4 Apply alphabetical order to locate words using the first letter of each word.

1.1.5 Identify high frequency words (regular/irregular) to build fluency and comprehension; read decodable text with fluency.

1.1.A1 Develop and expand vocabulary (reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

2.1.1 Demonstrate concept of print, concept of word, and voice to print match.

3.1.1Listen for and identify setting and sequence of events.

4.K.3 Identify the topic; describe sequential and/or chronological order.


5.1.1 Use prewriting strategies to plan written work with assistance; Choose and narrow a topic to organize ideas with assistance.

5.1.2 Draft sentences about a single topic; Draft sentences about a single topic that address audience and purpose with supporting details;

5.1.3 Revise drafts for audience, purpose, focused ideas; organization; relevant details, and voice with assistance.

5.1.4 Edit for correct use of mechanics: capitalization (first and last names, months, days of the week, and beginnings of sentences) and end punctuation; Edit for correct use of mechanics: spelling (high-frequency words and patterned words); Edit for correct use of mechanics: punctuation (commas, contractions, and singular possessives) and spelling (content words).

5.1.5 Edit for correct word usage: nouns and verbs; Edit for correct word usage: pronouns.

5.1.6 Edit for use of complete sentences.

5.1.7 Prepare a legible final draft to display or share.

5.1.A1 Use correct spelling of CVC and high-frequency words.

6.1.1 Write expository sentences using a topic sentence generated by the teacher and/or the student.

6.1.2 Write narrative/descriptive sentences appropriate to audience and purpose.

6.1.4 Write responses to literary text.

6.1.5 Write responses to expositor text.

6.1.9 Write sentences to formulate and answer a research question; record information from simple reference materials and technology

6.1.A1 Write simple stories.

ABC/ Word Study

1.1.1 Demonstrate phonological awareness of spoken words; syllable awareness and onset and rime awareness.

1.1.2 Demonstrate phonemic awareness of spoken words: matching, isolating, blending, segmenting, deleting and substituting.

1.1.3 Decode words in text using letter/sound relationships and word families; decode words in text: short vowels, digraphs, and blends; decode words in text: long vowels, diphthongs, and spelling patterns.

1.1.4 Apply alphabetical order to locate words using the first letter of each word.


1.1.1 Demonstrate phonological awareness of spoken words; syllable awareness and onset and rime awareness.

1.1.2 Demonstrate phonemic awareness of spoken words: matching, isolating, blending, segmenting, deleting and substituting.

1.1.3 Decode words in text using letter/sound relationships and word families; decode words in text: short vowels, digraphs, and blends; decode words in text: long vowels, diphthongs, and spelling patterns.

1.1.5 Identify high frequency words (regular/irregular) to build fluency and comprehension; read decodable text with fluency.

7.1.3 Expand vocabulary through listening.


2.1.1 Recognize, describe, label, extend, and create simple repeating patterns using symbols, objects, and manipulatives.

2.1.3 Create, compare, and describe sets of objects and greater than, less than, or equal to.

3.1.1 Compare, order, and describe and represent objects by length and weight.

3.1.2 Compare and measure length and weight using non-standard measurement.

1.1.4 Identify and name three-dimensional figures in the environment (sphere, cylinder, rectangular prism, cube, cone).

4.1.9 Sort and classify objects by size or thickness.

8.1.4 Participate in group discussions following the turn-taking process.

A.K-2 Apply previous experience and knowledge to new problem solving situations.

(K)1.2 Name the school, city, and state.


2.1.1 Demonstrate concept of print, concept of word, and voice to print match; identify author and illustrator.

2.1.2 Use during-reading strategies based on text and purpose to make predictions, identify key vocabulary, and make inferences with assistance.

2.1.3 Use after-reading strategies based on text and purpose to recall details/facts and restate main ideas orally.

2.K.A1 Retell beginning, middle, and end of familiar stories with assistance.

3.1.1Listen for and identify setting and sequence of events; make inferences and draw conclusions about setting and plot based on evidence with assistance.

3.1.3 Identify the main idea.

3.1.7 Listen to, read, and discuss text from different cultures and time periods.

4.1.1 Identify the purpose of and gain information from text features: illustrations, headings, and titles; Identify the purpose and gain information from text features: graphs and charts; Identify the purpose of and gain information from text features: text boxes, diagrams, and tables of contents.

4.1.4 Listen to, read, and discuss text from different cultures and time periods.

4.1.5 Use information to answer specific questions.

6.1.4 Write responses to literary text.

6.1.5 Write responses to expository text.

7.1.1 Listen for a variety of purposes: gaining information, being entertained, and understanding directions.

7.1.2 Listen and respond to oral communication.

7.1.3 Expand vocabulary through listening.

(1)2.4 Use input devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, remote control) and output devices (e.g., monitor, printer) to successfully operate computers, audiotapes, and other technologies.

(1)2.5 Use a variety of media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities.


8.1.2 Use precise language to describe feelings, experiences, observations, and ideas.

8.1.3 Communicate personal experiences and retell stories; speak clearly with prosody.

8.1.4 Participate in group discussions following the turn-taking process.


(1)2.3 Demonstrate proper care and handling of equipment (computers).

(1)2.4 Use input devices (e.g., mouse, keyboard, remote control) and output devices (e.g., monitor, printer) to successfully operate computers, audiotapes, and other technologies.

(1)2.5 Use a variety of media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities.

(1)2.6 Demonstrate proper keyboarding skills, locating and using letters, numbers, and special keys on a keyboard using proper left or right hand.

(1)2.7 Demonstrate proper navigation of the desktop, which includes: a) appropriate cursor movement; and b) opening and closing.

(1)2.8 Follow proper sequence to run programs, which includes a) starting and exiting programs; and b) switching between multiple programs.

(1)4.1 Use technologies as an educational tool in all content areas.

(1)4.2 Use technologies independently and collaboratively.

(1)4.3 Recognize the importance of safety in computer and technology applications.

(1)6.2 Practice etiquette using technology.

Games and Puzzles

8.1.4 Participate in group discussions following the turn-taking process.

A.K-2 Select, modify, develop, and apply strategies to solve a variety of mathematical and practical problems and to investigate and understand mathematical concepts.

A.K-2 Apply previous experience and knowledge to new problem solving situations.

A.K-2 Formulate their own problems; use various approaches to investigate and solve problems.

A.K-2 Try more than one strategy when the first strategy proves to be unproductive.


1.1.1 Demonstrate phonological awareness of spoken words; syllable awareness and onset and rime awareness.

1.1.2 Demonstrate phonemic awareness of spoken words: matching, isolating, blending, segmenting, deleting and substituting.

1.1.3 Decode words in text using letter/sound relationships and word families; decode words in text: short vowels, digraphs, and blends; decode words in text: long vowels, diphthongs, and spelling patterns.

1.1.4 Apply alphabetical order to locate words using the first letter of each word.

1.1.5 Identify and model basic addition facts (sums to 10) and the corresponding subtraction facts.

3.1.4 Determine the value of any set of pennies, nickels and dimes.

4.1.1 Name and sort two-dimensional shapes (circles, triangles, rectangles including squares) regardless of orientation.

4.1.4 Identify and copy two-dimensional shapes that contain a line of symmetry.


(1)3.1 Identify examples of healthy snacks that promote growth and well-being.

(1)3.2 Categorize foods into various groups (e.g., fruits/vegetable, solids/liquid, breakfast/lunch/dinner).

(1)3.3 Describe the importance of eating a healthy breakfast.

(1)3.4 Describe the importance of water and how it relates to good health.

(1)5.1 Recite name, address, and telephone number and use of “9-1-1” for emergencies.

(1)2.3 Identify community safety workers and their job responsibilities.

6.1.1 Write narrative/descriptive sentences appropriate to audience and purpose.

8.1.2 Use precise language to describe feelings, experiences, observations, and ideas.

Independent Reading

1.1.3 Decode words in text using letter/sound relationships and word families; decode words in text: short vowels, digraphs, and blends; decode words in text: long vowels, diphthongs, and spelling patterns.

1.1.5 Identify high frequency words (regular/irregular)to build fluency and comprehension; read decodable text with fluency.

2.1.1 Demonstrate concept of print, concept of word, and voice to print match; identify author and illustrator.

2.1.2 Use during-reading strategies based on text and purpose to make predictions, identify key vocabulary, and make inferences with assistance.

2.1.3 Use after-reading strategies based on text and purpose to recall details/facts and restate main ideas orally.

3.1.1Listen for and identify setting and sequence of events; make inferences and draw conclusions about setting and plot based on evidence with assistance.

3.1.3 Identify the main idea.

4.1.1 Identify the purpose of and gain information from text features: illustrations, headings, and titles; Identify the purpose and gain information from text features: graphs and charts; Identify the purpose of and gain information from text features: text boxes, diagrams, and tables of contents.