Litchfield Lacrosse

Meeting Minutes

September 19, 2016

Opening: The regular meeting of Litchfield Lacrosse was called to order by Allen Lajoie at 7:34 PM on September 19, 2016 at Romano’s.


Board Members

Allen Lajoie, Mike Boschi, Scott Taylor, Jon Craig, Denise Sullivan, Jenn Bourque

Not in Attendance

Non Board Members

Jamie Jutras, JJ LaRose

1.  Senior Project Presentations

·  Jamie Jutras presented her outline for her senior project based primarily on assisting to grow the girls’ lacrosse program and acting as assistant coach for girls’ teams. Allen Lajoie as sponsor. Motion made by Allen w/ 2nd by Mike to approve project. Motion passed 4-0-1 with Jenn Bourque abstaining.

·  JJ LaRose presented his outline for senior project based primarily on providing goalie training for boys program. Scott Taylor as sponsor. Motion made by Jenn w/ 2nd by Scott to approve project. Motion passed unanimous.

1A. Approval of Minutes

·  The minutes from the previous meeting were approved as distributed. All in favor.

1.  President’s Report

·  Discussion on refund policy. Full refund provided before registration. Half refund before indoor.

·  Keith from Romano’s willing to donate $200-$400 for scoreboard. Total scoreboard cost is $1500-$1700. Discussion on viability of scoreboard and whether to have sponsors. Decision that Jon Craig would research Race clock on amazon to find viable inexpensive option.

·  Registration opens November 15th and runs until January 15th with no late fee. From January 15th-February 15th, $25 late fee.

·  Discussion on whether to utilize pictures as a fundraiser. No decision reached.

·  Next NHYLA meeting September 22nd.

2.  Sophomore/Senior Project

·  Discussion on status of Sophomore projects. Decision made that LLA will not be able to approve Sophomore projects unless they are done Freshman year as timing for approvals does not coincide with coach selection. Board will continue to review requests and accept a minimal amount of Senior projects. Senior projects must have board member sponsor and must be approved at September meeting. (Or in prior year).

3.  Girls Program

·  Discussion on coach selection and whether a prior LLA coach would be considered for a girls program coach.

·  Discussion on girls fees. Determined 5th-8th will pay $185 and participate in indoor. 1st-4th fee will be $125 and will not utilize indoor. Motion made by Scott Taylor/Second by Jon Craig and approved unanimously.

4.  Open Discussion

·  Confirmation of fees for 2017 season. $185 Boys and Girls U13/15. $125 Girls U9/U11 only.

·  Discussion on indoor facility. Has not yet been paid. They may be requesting entire fee up front. Awaiting second invoice.

·  Motion to Adjourn 9:37. Unanimous.

5.  Next meeting – October 10th, 7:30pm Romano’s.

CLOSED Meeting

6.  Assistant Coach Discussion

·  Mike B referred to the e-mail about assistants following NHYLA rules to be allowed on the sidelines during a game.

·  LLA found an assistant that is qualified and certified for girls team

·  If Paul wants to learn the game and help out with practice then he can take level 1 and background for practice

·  Issue is that Paul can be at practice, but not on the sidelines during games. If we didn’t already have 2 certified coaches maybe it would be different

·  Mike T would like to have a third coach to help with subbing, etc.

·  Paul apologized about showing up at the scrimmage and for misunderstanding his phone discussion with Mike B. He didn’t know about his daughter playing lacrosse until 3 weeks.ago and couldn’t get to the clinic

·  Paul thinks we need as many volunteers and we should do whatever we can for the girls.

·  It was made clear by the board to Paul that he is not to be on the sidelines at any game or scrimmage. He can help out at practice and that is it for the 2016 season

7.  Treasurer

·  Without paying for the scoreboard so we will be all set for the first SportsPlex payment.

Motion to adjourn at 10:40PM

Minutes submitted by Ana Randolph