Grade 13
Listed below are the guidelines from the IDOE of when a student should be coded as a grade 13.
The special Education student can continue after completing grade 12 up until they age out. The age cut off is 22 years. It is my understanding that if the student isn’t 22 at the beginning of the school year then they can attend that year.
Jennifer Robinson is currently the contact for all Special Education students enrolled in the CTP, these students should be coded as grade 13.
Kathy Bruner is currently the contact for North and South students that would be considered grade 13.
Tammy Chambers or Lisa Pratt, will be sending you a list of students at the beginning of each school year that should be active and coded with a 13 grade level. They will also be sending you information on when a new student enrolls and needs coded grade level 13. They will also be letting you know when a student needs withdrawn during the year and which students have completed and won’t be returning.
Only students on the list from Special Education should currently be coded grade level 13. If you have any question or concerns you can contact, Skyward Support.
Direction on Where to Code Grade 13
Located in the Student, Student Profile, Entry/With tab. Click on edit, locate the Grad Yr/Grade, to the right of that area you will see “GLO:”, place the 13 in that box. The student will now be reported as a 13 to the IDOE.
Since all of these 13/GLO students are currently considered as seniors at the end of the year all of them will be withdrawn. So, you will need to retain the students that are returning, at the end of the school year. Retaining a student at the end of the year is done on the “Student Profile” tab. The directions for retaining a student is posted on the Skyward Wikik, there are 3 types of retentions. Make sure when you open the document that you are using the one that applies to this situation, “Retention/Advancement at the End-of-Year”.