
Custodial Handbook



Perla Tabares Hantman, Chair

Dr. Lawrence S. Feldman, Vice Chair

Dr. Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall

Susie V Castillo

Dr. Wilbert “Tee” Holloway

Dr. Martin Karp

Lubby Navarro

Dr. Marta Pérez

Raquel A. Regalado

Superintendent of Schools

Alberto M. Carvalho

Custodial Handbook

M E M O R A N D U M August ____, 2015

TO:All Custodians


FROM:______, Principal



This Handbook has been prepared to provide you with the relevant information concerning custodial procedures and guidelines to help you better understand your responsibilities at ______School. The physical appearance of our building and grounds plays a vital role in the overall public perception of our school. Your job provides all stakeholders with a safe, clean, and sanitary environment conducive to teaching and learning.

All custodial staff is expected to work as a team, wear/maintain the custodial uniform and adhere to hours of work, breaks and lunch times. Additionally, all custodians are to listen to and respond to calls on the radio, complete custodial duties as requested and carry themselves in a professional and courteous manner.

Please be aware that the first priority is to promote and maintain a safe, healthy and clean learning environment. As such, all custodial assignments and hours of work are subject to change and are at the discretion of the principal as outlined in the AFSCME Contract.

Your attendance each day is most important. The continuity of the school'seducational program is dependent upon your presence each day. You are greatly appreciated!

Please take the time to carefully read this handbook. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact ______.

Thank you.

MEMORANDUMAugust ____, 2015

TO:All Custodians


FROM:______, Principal



The purpose of this memorandum is to inform you of the custodial procedures to follow at ______School. These procedures are to be adhered to at all times along with those outlined in the AFSCME Contract.

  1. Please wear the prescribed uniform while performing your duties during normal working hours and scheduled overtime. You are responsible for keeping your uniforms neat and clean. Footwear must conform to common industry safety standards. Light blue shirt/blouse (with collar) and dark blue pants (no denim) or dress. (AFSCME Contract, Article XVIII-Section 3) – Page 54
  1. Job assignments and schedules are not to be changed or adjusted in any way without prior approval from the principal.
  1. Overtime for any custodian is authorized only by the principal. Do not put in extra hours with the expectation of being paid without prior writtenapproval from the principal.
  1. Job assignments must be completed within the designated work hours. It is your responsibility to ensure that your area is maintained properly.
  1. Professional behavior must be exhibited at all times to other staff members, parents, and students.
  1. Vacation Leave Request must be approved by the principal. This request must be submitted in writing to the principal at least five working days in advance.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Print Name:Date: _____


MEMORANDUMAugust ____, 2015

TO:All Custodians


FROM:______, Principal



______will be responsible for recording absences and tardiness for staff members. You are directed to telephone ______to let him/her know of your intended absence. Please indicate the type of leave you are taking (personal or sick) leave when you telephone ______.

In the event that you know that you are going to be absent from work on the next workday, inform ______. This is extremely important so that the required coverage can be scheduled. If you fail to notify ______of an absence and do not report to work, you will be charged unauthorized leave without pay for that day.Additionally, you are required to sign and submit your leave card upon returning to work.

All custodians must sign time-in and time–out on a daily basis. The payroll attendance is processed by the accuracy of the sign-in sheet. If you fail to sign time-in upon arrival or sign time-out at the end of your shift each day, this may result in a loss of pay. Additionally, please do not erase, use whiteout or mark on the payroll attendance sheet in any form other than recording your time in and out. Alterations on the payroll attendance sheet in any way are considered forgery and can be grounds for dismissal. Please remember that no other individual can sign time-in and/or sign time-out for you. You must personally sign time-in and sign time-out.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Print Name:Date: _____



This handbook is a guide to help you complete your assignment effectively and efficiently. Please use this to assist you as you carry out your daily assignments. Additions may be added to this handbook from time to time.

AFSCME, Local 1184(AFSCME Contract, Article V-Section 2)

The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Local 1184, which has been granted the right to represent exclusively the members of the bargaining unit.


Three consecutive work days of unauthorized absences for which no prior leave was requested or approved will be considered abandonment of position for which disciplinary action will be taken.

ACCIDENT OR INJURY (AFSCME Contract, Article XIX-Section 3)

In the event an employee is involved with an accident or injury, an accident report will be completed and distributed, as prescribed by Administrative Directives.

Any staff member who is injured while on the job is required to immediately report the incident to their supervisor on the same day of the incident.

  • You will be given a Workers’ Compensation Medical Request form that is to be given to the health center.
  • Choose a center from the Authorized Health Center’s List. Physicians or health centers, other than those listed in the information provided, shall be considered unauthorized and payment will not be made.


All custodial personnel are responsible for the safe use, maintenance, storage and return of all items assigned to you. You are required to immediately report the loss or damage of any school property to an administrator and/or to the head or lead custodian.


It is the policy of the School Board that no person will be denied access, employment, training, or promotion on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, ethnic or national origin, political beliefs, marital status, age, sexual orientation, social and family background, linguistic preference, or disability, and that principles of merit will be followed (see Americans with Disabilities Act).

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 prohibits employment discrimination against “qualified individuals with disabilities.” A disabled individual, under the ADA, is a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; has a record of such impairment; or is regarded as having such impairment.

The District Consultative Committee (DCC) has been designated the responsibility of determining an individual’s eligibility under the ADA and reviewing requests for accommodation from employees and job applicants. In order to apply for ADA accommodations, call (305) 995-7116 to request an application.


Annual leave (vacation) should be used to provide periodic vacation. Employees will be permitted the opportunity of taking a minimum of 10 consecutive days’ vacation during a fiscal year, provided that number of annual leave days has been accrued. Annual leave may be used for purposes other than vacation when authorized by the supervising administrator.

Upon reasonable notice, supervising administrators may require an employee to use any part of his/her accrued annual leave for vacation purposes at any time that is deemed advisable.

Annual leave for an employee shall be so scheduled that there will be minimum disruption of the operation of the school system.


Any leave of absence without pay, not to exceed 30 days, granted to full-time permanent employees of the Miami-Dade County Public School system, which has been requested, in writing, by the employee at least five days prior to the date of the requested leave, and approved, in writing, by the Superintendent or his/her designee. Personal leave without pay may not be used until all authorized personal leave has been used.

BREAK TIME (AFSCME Contract, Article XX-Section 1)

For daily work assignments of six or more hours, permanent and probationary employees (except bus drivers and bus aides) shall be entitled to one 15-minute break for each half of the work assignment. For work assignments of less than six hours, such employees shall be entitled to one 15-minute break.


Bringing relatives to school is a liability to the school system if something should happen to your loved ones. Please do not bring relatives to school at any time during the school year, except during Bring Your Child to Work Day, this includes teachers’ planning days as well.

CALL BACK (AFSCME Contract, Article IX-Section 9)

Employees called from home to work shall be guaranteed at least four hours’ pay at the time and one-half rate, provided such work does not immediately precede or extend the employee’s regularly-assigned work schedule.


The Office of Civil Rights Compliance (CRC) strives to ensure that all members of Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) value and respect each other’s contributions and opinions without regard to gender, race, social or ethnic background, or any of the protected categories. CRC’s mission is to deter and investigate complaints of harassment and discrimination based on the protected categories. We carry out this mission through proactive training regarding discrimination/harassment and cultural sensitivity, as well as by conducting fair, impartial and timely investigations. Additionally, CRC responds to complaints/charges filed with state and/or federal enforcement agencies. The telephone number to the Office of Civil Rights and Compliance (CRC) is (305) 995-1580.


All assigned areas must be properly cleaned every day in order to provide students, parents, teachers and visitors with a safe and clean environment at all times. Please be mindful, that we may receive visitors at any time and it is imperative that all facilities are kept to maximum standards.

CLEAN-UP TIME (AFSCME Contract, Article XX-Section 2)

Permanent and probationary employees (except bus aides) will have 10 minutes prior to the close of each work shift for the purpose of clean-up and/or returning tools and equipment.


The following guidelines and procedures will be implemented regarding the organization and provision of custodial services.


a. The site administrator (e.g. principal) shall have overall responsibility and supervisory authority for all custodial activities and resultant facility condition.

b. The principal’s responsibility in this area is typically and properly delegated to the site Head Custodian (or, in a few very large facilities, to a Plant Foreperson). The Head Custodian (or Plant Foreperson) shall be responsible for all custodial activities on all shifts.


Department / Contact Phone Number / In Reference To:
Civil Rights Compliance (CRC) / (305) 995-1580 / Discrimination/Harassment Issues
Leave, Retirement & Unemployment / (305) 995-7051 / Any type of leave of absence including Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Human Resources Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) / (305) 995-7116 / Any issues related to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) / (305) 995-7111 / Any confidential issues, District’s Support Referral Agency.

DUE PROCESS (AFSCME Contract, Article XI-Section 1)

Unit members are accountable for their individual levels of productivity, implementing the duties of their positions, and rendering efficient, effective delivery of services and support. Whenever an employee renders deficient performance, violates any rule, regulation, or policy, that employee shall be notified by his/her supervisor, as soon as possible, with the employee being informed of the deficiency or rule, regulation, or policy violated. An informal discussion with the employee shall occur prior to the issuance of any written disciplinary action. Progressive discipline steps should be followed, however in administering discipline, the degree of discipline shall be reasonably related to the seriousness of the offense and the employees record. Therefore, disciplinary steps may include:

1. verbal warning;

2. written warning (acknowledged);

3. Letter of reprimand

4. Suspension/demotion; and

5. Dismissal

A Conference-for-the Record shall be held when there is a violation of federal statutes, State Statutes, defiance of the administrator’s authority, or a substantial investigation to determine if formal disciplinary action should be taken (i.e. letter of reprimand, suspension, demotion or dismissal). A Conference-for-the Record in and of itself shall not be considered disciplinary.

The employee shall be given two days’ notice and a statement for the reason for any Conference-for-the Record, as defined above, except in cases deemed to be an emergency. A maximum of two Union representatives may be present at a Conference-for-the Record.


In case of a school-wide emergency, the following code will be announced over the public address system - “Code Red!” If you hear this announcement, have all students move into their classroom, secure windows and lock doors. When the emergency is over, the following announcement will be made, “All Clear!”


The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is intended to help employees and their families who are suffering from persistent problems that tend to jeopardize an employee's health and continued employment. The problems may include alcoholism, drug abuse, emotional or other concerns, such as health, family, stress, marital, financial, legal, or vocational difficulties. Miami-Dade Public County Schools recognizes behavioral disorders and mental health problems as illnesses that can be successfully treated. The program goal is to help those individuals by providing consultation and referral to treatment and rehabilitation, in order to prevent their condition from progressing to a degree at which they cannot work effectively.

The Employee Assistance Program is for you, the individual employee, and for your immediate family members. The EAP is designed to provide confidential help to individuals whose personal problems are affecting their ability to function at home, in their social life or on the job. All of us at one time or another has personal medical problems which affect us in many areas of our lives. Most of the time we find our own solutions to these problems. Sometimes, however, outside help and professional guidance are needed. Your Employee Assistance Program is a good place to start. The telephone number to the Employee Assistance Program is (305) 995-7111.


In accordance with School Board Policy, all persons employed by the School Board are representatives of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools. As such they are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will reflect credit upon themselves and the school system.

Unseemly conduct or the use of abusive and/or profane language in the presence of students, faculty/staff, and parents is expressly prohibited.Willful violation of the administration’s rules or Board policies will lead to disciplinary action, by means of progressive discipline.


All School Board personnel are strictly prohibited from engaging in unacceptable relationships and/or communications with students. This includes, but is not limited to the following: dating, any form of sexual touching or behavior, making sexual, indecent or illegal proposals, gestures or comments, and/or demonstrating any other behavior which gives an appearance of impropriety.


It is recognized that complaints and grievances may arise between the bargaining agent and the employer or between the employer and any one or more employees concerning the application or interpretation of the terms and conditions of employment, as defined in this Agreement. The grievance procedures/steps are outlined in the AFSCME Contract.

HARASSMENT (AFSCME Contract, Article XII-Section 1)

Employees shall be free from unnecessary, spiteful, or negative criticism or complaints by administrators and/or other persons. Under no circumstances shall management representatives express such complaints or criticisms concerning an employee in the presence of other employees, students, or parents, nor shall anonymous complaints be processed.

Employees should not be subjected to harassment, abusive language, upbraiding, insults, or interference by a parent or other persons in the performance of the employee’s duties. The telephone number to the Office of Civil Rights Compliance (CRC) is (305) 995-1580.

JURY SUMMONS (AFSCME Contract, Article XVII-Section 1) – Page 53

In case of jury summons, the employee must report to the court on the appointed day, as there is no statutory exemption from jury service.

Any permanent or probationary employee who is summoned as a member of a jury panel shall be granted temporary duty with pay, and any jury fees shall be retained by the employee.

An employee subpoenaed in line of duty to represent the Board as a witness or defendant shall be given temporary duty with pay and any witness fees shall be retained by the employee.

In no case shall temporary duty with pay be granted for court attendance when an employee is engaged in personal litigation; however, employees have accrued annual leave (vacation) may be granted annual leave in such cases, with approval of the responsible supervisor.


The building and facilities are secured using keys, which are strictly controlled by the principal/principal designee. The following procedures must be followed regarding keys: