List of type specimens in the Porifera collection
of the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
(June 2005)
aculeataHentschel 1912
Clathria coppingeri aculeataHentschel (1912: 362). Microcionidae.
SMF 1552: 1 syntype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 05, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Strait of Dobo, coral rocks, 12 m, dredge, 22.03.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1598: 1 syntype (2 fragments).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 17, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Sungi Manumbai (Kapala Sungi), rocky bottom, 20 m, dredge, 05.05.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1604: 2 syntypes.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 11, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, near Pulu Bambu, rocky bottom with sand and corals, 10 m, dredge, 03.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1664: 1 syntype (out of 2).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Karang Guli, 19.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1670: 1 syntype (several fragments).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 04, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Strait of Dobo, calcareous rock, 40 m, dredge, 20.03.1908, leg. H. Merton.
affinisHentschel 1912
Pachychalina diffusa affinisHentschel (1912: 401, pl.15 fig.7). Niphatidae.
SMF 1067: syntypes (3 fragments).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 09, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, southwest of Lola, stony bottom, 8-10 m, dredge, 01.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1068: 1 syntype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 17, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Sungi Manumbai (Kapala Sungi) rocky bottom, 20 m, dredge, 05.05.1908, leg. H. Merton.
albaKieschnick 1896
Synops albaKieschnick, 1896: 529. Geodiidae.
= Sidonops alba (Kieschnick, 1896) Thiele (1900: 46).
SMF 678: holotype (SMF 678a) and a separate fragment of the holotype (SMF 678b) in a tube
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
antarcticaLendenfeld 1907
Plakina trilopha antarcticaLendenfeld (1907b: 326, pl. 24 figs. 14-33, pl. 25 figs. 1-29). Plakinidae.
SMF 720: 3 syntypes (out of 172).
Deutsche Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903, Gauss-Station, 66°2‘99“S 89°38‘E, 385 m, 16.06.1902, leg. E. Vanhöffen.
SMF 721: 5 syntypes (out of 172).
Deutsche Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903, Gauss-Station, 66°2‘99“S 89°38‘E, 385 m, 28.011903, leg. E. Vanhöffen.
antarcticaJanussen, Tabachnick & Tendal 2004
Periphragella antarcticaJanussen, Tabachnick & Tendal (2004: 1862, figs, 2D, 3C,D, 4). Euretidae.
SMF 46: holotype.
ANDEEP St. 133-3, Northern Weddell Sea, 65°20.40‘S-65°20.09‘S, 54°14‘.11W-54°14.36‘W, 1123 m, epibenthic sledge, 07.03.2002, leg. D. Janussen.
arcticaSchulze 1900
Schaudinnia arcticaSchulze (1900: 87, pl. 1 figs. 1-6, pls. 2-3). Rossellidae.
= Schaudinnia rosea (Fristedt, 1887) – Tabachnick (2002b: 1483).
SMF 914: 1 fragment of syntype B.
Deutsche Expedition in das Nördliche Eismeer 1898, F.S. Helgoland, St. 41, N of Spitzbergen, blue mud, few stones up to nut-size, 81°20.000‘N 020°30.000‘E, 1000 m, dredge, 11.08.1898, leg. F. Römer & F. Schaudinn.
armataThiele 1903
Mycale armataThiele (1903: 950, pl. 28 fig. 16). Mycalidae.
SMF 1558: holotype (SMF 1558a), separate fragment (SMF 1558b) in tube; associated with Reniera sp. (SMF 1580) and Protoschmidtia pulvillusThiele, 1903 (SMF 9610)
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
Remarks: Labelled originally as “Esperella armata, Ternate“, but in his paper published in 1903 Thiele considers EsperellaVosmaer, 1885 as a junior synonym of MycaleGray, 1867.
aruenseHentschel 1912
Cyamon aruenseHentschel (1912: 374, pl. 20 fig. 33). Raspailiidae.
SMF 1618: holotype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 04, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Strait of Dobo, calcareous rock, 40 m, dredge, 20.03.1908, leg. H. Merton.
aruensisHentschel 1912
Aplysina mollis aruensisHentschel (1912: 436). Aplysinidae.
SMF 1625: 1 syntype (out of 3; in about 4 fragments).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 12, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, near „Mimien“, rough sand, 15 m, dredge, 08.04.1908, leg. H. Merton
aruensisHentschel 1912
Biemna aruensisHentschel (1912: 352, pl.15 fig.9, pl.19 fig.22). Desmacellidae.
SMF 958: holotype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 14, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Sungi Barkai (middle), rocky bottom, 18 m, dredge, 10.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
aruensisHentschel 1912
Hircinia aruensisHentschel (1912: 445, pl.16 fig.6). Irciniidae.
SMF 1707: holotype; associated with Terpios fugaxDuchassaing & Michelotti, 1864 (SMF 1706) and Hymeraphia thieleiHentschel, 1912 (SMF 1708).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 05, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Strait of Dobo, coral rock, 12 m, dredge, 22.03.1908, leg. H. Merton.
Remarks: According to Cook & Bergquist (2002b: 1023) HirciniaNardo, 1834 is a junior synoynm of Ircinia Nardo, 1833.
aruensisHentschel 1912
Histoderma navicelligerumaruensisHentschel (1912: 345). Coelosphaeridae.
SMF 966: holotype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 03, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Strait of Dobo,rough sand with mollusc debris, 16 m, dredge, 20.03.1908, leg. H. Merton.
Remarks: According to Soest (2002b: 529) HistodermaCarter, 1874 is a junior synoynm of Coelosphaera Thomson, 1873.
aruensisHentschel 1912
Hymeraphia aruensisHentschel (1912: 381, pl. 20 fig.38). Raspailiidae.
SMF 955: holotype (4 fragments).
Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, 1908, leg. H. Merton.
aruensisHentschel 1912
Mycale sulcata aruensisHentschel (1912: 340). Mycalidae.
SMF 983: holotype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 10, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, north of Penambulai, stony bottom, 8 m, dredge, 02.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
aruensisHentschel 1912
Paratetilla aruensisHentschel (1912: 329, pl.13 fig.4, pl.18 fig.11). Tetillidae.
SMF 976: holotype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 09, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, southwest of Lola, stony bottom, 8-10 m, dredge, 01.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
aruensisHentschel 1912
Petrosia truncata aruensisHentschel (1912: 402, pl.21 fig.51). Petrosiidae.
SMF 1061: 1 syntype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 12, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, near „Mimien“, rough sand, 15 m, dredge, 08.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1062: 1 syntype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 12, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, near „Mimien“, rough sand, 15 m, dredge, 08.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1063: 1 syntype (out of 10).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 13, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Sungi Barkai (eastern part), rocky bottom, 15 m, dredge, 09.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1064: 4 syntypes.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 14, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Sungi Barkai (middle), rocky bottom, 18 m, dredge, 10.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
aruensisHentschel 1912
Phakellia aruensisHentschel (1912: 420, pl.14 fig.1, pl.21 fig.57). Axinellidae.
SMF 953: holotype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, east side, 1908, leg. H. Merton.
aruensisHentschel 1912
Protoschmidtia expansa aruensisHentschel (1912: 408). Chalinidae.
SMF 1591: 1 syntype (2 fragments).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 11, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, near Pulu Bambu, rocky bottom with sand and corals, 10 m, dredge, 03.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1614: 1 syntype (out of 2).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 12, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, near „Mimien“, rough sand, 15 m, dredge, 08.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1638: 1 syntype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 04, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Strait of Dobo, calcareous rock, 40 m, dredge, 20.03.1908, leg. H. Merton.
Remarks: The validity of ProtoschmidtiaCzerniavsky, 1878 is questioned by Weerdt (2002: 873).
aruensisHentschel 1912
Raspailia fruticosa aruensisHentschel (1912: 372). Raspailiidae.
SMF 984: holotype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 14, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Sungi Barkai (middle), rocky bottom, 18 m, dredge, 10.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
aruensisHentschel 1912
Stelletta aruensisHentschel (1912: 310, pl.13 fig.3, pl.17 fig.4). Ancorinidae.
SMF 963: 2 syntypes.
1 specimen originating from: Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 13, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Sungi Barkai (eastern part) rocky bottom, 15 m, dredge, 09.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
1 specimen originating from: Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 07, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Sungi Manumbai (near Dosi) grey-brown mud, 16 m, dredge, 29.03.1908, leg. H. Merton.
australisHentschel 1912
Spongelia spinifera australisHentschel (1912: 446). Dysideidae.
SMF 1694: holotype; associated with Iotrochota baculifera Ridley, 1884 (SMF 1691), Rhabdoploca topsentiHentschel, 1912 (SMF 1692), Hymedesmia sp. (SMF 1693), and Iotrochota purpurea (Bowerbank, 1875) (SMF 1695).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 05, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Strait of Dobo, coral rock, 12 m, dredge, 22.03.1908, leg. H. Merton.
Remarks: Cook & Bergquist (2002c: 1062) consider SpongeliaSchmidt, 1862 to be a junior synonym of DysideaJohnston, 1842.
axiferaHentschel 1912
Axinella axiferaHentschel (1912: 418, pl.14 fig.2, pl.21 fig.56). Axinellidae.
SMF 1666: 7 syntypes.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 03, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Strait of Dobo, rough sand with mollusc debris, 16 m, dredge, 20.03.1908, leg. H. Merton
borealisSchulze 1900
Trichasterina borealisSchulze (1900: 100, pl. 1 figs. 7-9, pl. 4 figs. 1-10). Rossellidae.
(type species of genus)
SMF 918: 1 fragment of syntype (out of several syntypes).
Deutsche Expedition in das Nördliche Eismeer 1898, F.S. Helgoland, St. 41, N of Spitzbergen, blue mud, few stones up to nut-size, 81°20.000‘N 020°30.000‘E, 1000 m, dredge, 11.08.1898, leg. F. Römer & F. Schaudinn.
brandtiJanussen, Tabachnick & Tendal 2004
Caulophacus (Caulodiscus) brandtiJanussen, Tabachnick & Tendal (2004: 1869, figs. 2A, 3E, 7). Rossellidae.
SMF 51: holotype.
ANDEEP St. 134-3, Northern Weddell Sea, 65°19.96‘S-65°19.51‘S, 48°8.57‘W-48°3.6‘W, 4053-4066 m, Agassiz trawl, leg. D. Janussen.
SMF 63: 2 paratypes (and 1 fragment).
Station data, see SMF 51
brevispiculataThiele 1903
Tedania brevispiculataThiele (1903: 947, pl.28 fig.15). Tedaniidae.
SMF 661: holotype in several fragments (SMF 661a) and a separate fragment of holotype (SMF 661b) in tube.
Indonesia, Moluccas,Ternate, 1894, removed from stone, leg. W. Kükenthal.
brunneaThiele 1900
Stelletta (Pilochrota) brunneaThiele (1900: 24, pl.2 fig.3).Ancorinidae.
SMF 611: 3 syntypes.
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
Remarks: PilochrotaSollas, 1886 is a junior synonym of StellettaSchmidt, 1862 according to Uriz (2002: 110).
calochelaHentschel 1912
Hymeraphia calochelaHentschel (1912: 383, pl.20 fig.41). Raspailiidae.
SMF 1679: 1 syntype (out of 2); associated with Iotrochota baculiferaRidley, 1884 (SMF 1678), Hymeraphia lendenfeldiHentschel, 1912 (SMF 1680), Darwinella australiensisCarter, 1885 (SMF 1681), Hymeraphia similisThiele, 1903 (SMF 1682), Hymeraphia longitoxaHentschel, 1912 (SMF 1683), and Pachychalina sp. (SMF 1684), on bivalve shell
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 12, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, near „Mimien“, rough sand, 15 m, dredge, 08.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
cavaHentschel 1912
Stelospongia cavaHentschel (1912: 440, pl.16 fig.7). Thorectidae.
SMF 1539: 1 syntype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 07, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Sungi Manumbai (near Dosi) grey-brown mud, 16 m, 19.02.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1579: 1 syntype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 13, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Sungi Barkai (eastern part), rocky bottom, 15 m, dredge, 09.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1650: syntypes (2 fragments).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 12, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, near „Mimien“, rough sand, 15 m, dredge, 08.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
Remarks: As pointed out by Cook & Bergquist (2002a: 1036) StelospongiaSchulze, 1879 is invalid and a synonym of FasciospongiaBurton, 1934.
cavernosaThiele 1903
Agelas cavernosaThiele (1903: 963, pl.28 fig.28). – Agelasidae.
SMF 1507: holotype.
IndonesienIndonesia, Molukken Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
cerebrumAssmann, Soest & Köck 2001
Agelas cerebrumAssmann, Soest & Köck (2001: 361, fig. 1). Agelasidae.
SMF 8332: 2 fragments of holotype ZMA POR 15603.
NW Atlantic, MAB96, Bahamas, Chub Cay, 97 ft, leg. 30.07.1999, ded. M. Assmann.
cervicornisThiele 1903
Rhaphidophlus cervicornisThiele (1903: 959, pl. 28 fig. 24). Microcionidae.
SMF 679: holotype.
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
Remarks: According to Hooper (2002c: 447) RhaphidophlusEhlers, 1870 is a junior synonym of ThalysiasDuchassaing & Michelotti, 1864 which is a subgenus of ClathriaSchmidt, 1862.
chuniSchulze 1904
Monorhaphis chuniSchulze (1904: 112, pls. 50-52, 54-58). Monorhaphididae.
(type species of genus)
SMF 929: 1 fragment of syntype (out of several).
Deutsche Tiefsee-Expedition 1898-1899, F.S. Valdivia, St. 264, off the coast of Somalia, globgerine ooze, 06°18.800‘N 049°32.500‘E, 1079 m, 30.03.1899, leg. C. Chun.
chuniLendenfeld 1907
Pachastrella chuniLendenfeld (1907a: 238, pl.38 figs. 2-45). Pachastrellidae.
SMF 1846: 1 syntype (out of several).
Deutsche Tiefsee-Expedition 1898-1899, F.S. Valdivia, St. 028, nearest to African coast at Cape Bojeador, greenish, calcareous sand, 26°17.000'N 014°43.300'W, 146 m, 1898, leg. C. Chun.
cinereaThiele 1900
Ecionemia cinereaThiele (1900: 32, pl.2 fig.8). Ancorinidae.
SMF 1536: holotype.
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
clathrataHentschel 1912
Spongelia fragilis clathrataHentschel (1912: 447). Dysideidae.
SMF 1635: syntypes (3 fragments).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 12, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, near „Mimien“, rough sand, 15 m, dredge, 08.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
Remarks: Cook & Bergquist (2002c: 1062) consider SpongeliaSchmidt, 1862 to be a junior synonym of DysideaJohnston, 1842.
claviformisKieschnick 1896
Discodermia claviformisKieschnick (1896: 530). Theonellidae.
= indeterminable Thiele (1900: 49).
SMF 668: holotype.
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
claviformisHentschel 1912
Clathria claviformisHentschel (1912: 366, pl.19 fig. 29). Microcionidae.
SMF 1504: 1 syntype (out of 2).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, east side of Aru, 04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
clavigeraHentschel 1912
Tethya clavigeraHentschel (1912: 327, pl.16 fig.1, pl.18 fig.10). Tethyidae.
SMF 986: holotype (in 2 fragments).
Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, beach near Ngaiboor, Terangan, 20.02.1908, leg. H. Merton.
conicaKieschnick 1896
Discodermia conicaKieschnick (1896: 530). Theonellidae.
= Theonella conica (Kieschnick, 1896) – Thiele (1900: 50, pl. 3 figs, 1,2).
SMF 671: 1 holotype.
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
conulosaKieschnick 1896
Psammastra conulosaKieschnick (1896: 529). Ancorinidae.
revised by Thiele (1900: 37, pl. 2 figs. 11, 12).
SMF 666. 1 syntype (out of several).
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
coralliophilaThiele 1903
Tedania coralliophilaThiele (1903: 946, pl. 28, fig. 12). Tedaniidae.
SMF 788: syntypes (2 fragments).
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
coralliophilusThiele 1903
Rhaphidophlus coralliophilusThiele (1903: 959). Microcionidae.
SMF 787: 1 syntype (2 fragments).
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
SMF 1784: 1 syntype.
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
Remarks: According to Hooper (2002c: 447) RhaphidophlusEhlers, 1870 is a junior synonym of ThalysiasDuchassaing & Michelotti, 1864 which is a subgenus of ClathriaSchmidt, 1862.
corticataThiele 1900
Chondrosia corticataThiele (1900: 67, pl.3 fig.21). Chondrillidae.
SMF 682: syntypes (5 fragments).
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
cribrosaThiele 1900
Ecionemia cribrosaThiele (1900: 31, pl.2 fig.7). Ancorinidae.
SMF 935: 4 syntypes.
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
debilisThiele 1900
Chondrosia debilisThiele (1900: 68). Chondrillidae.
SMF 1601: 1 syntype (out of 2).
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
debilisThiele 1900
Stelletta (Myriastra?) debilisThiele (1900: 25, pl.2 fig.4). Ancorinidae.
SMF 790: 11 syntypes.
Indonesia, Moluccas,Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
Remarks: MyriastraSollas, 1886 is a junior synonym of StellettaSchmidt, 1862 according to Uriz (2002: 110).
dendyiHentschel 1912
Pachamphilla dendyiHentschel (1912: 308, pl.13 fig.5, pl.17 fig.3). Ancorinidae.
SMF 962: holotype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 07, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Sungi Manumbai (near Dosi) grey-brown mud, 16 m, dredge, 29.03.1908, leg. H. Merton.
Remarks: According to Uriz (2002: 121) PachamphillaLendenfeld, 1906 is a possible junior synonym of Penares Gray, 1867.
dichelaHentschel 1912
Clathria frondifera dichelaHentschel (1912: 361). Microcionidae.
SMF 1673: holotype (several fragments).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 03, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Strait of Dobo, rough sand with mollusc debris, 16 m, dredge, 20.03.1908, leg. H. Merton.
dichelaHentschel 1912
Histoderma dichela Hentschel (1912: 343, pl.8 fig.7, pl.19 fig.18). Coelosphaeridae.
SMF 957: holotype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 14 Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Sungi Barkai (middle), rocky bottom, 18 m, dredge, 10.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
Remarks: According to Soest (2002b: 529) HistodermaCarter, 1874 is a junior synoynm of Coelosphaera Thomson, 1873.
dirhaphisHentschel 1912
Tedania dirhaphisHentschel (1912: 349, pl.19 fig.20). Tedaniidae.
SMF 1541: 1 syntype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Lola, 4 m, 07.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1575: 1 syntype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 14, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Sungi Barkai (middle), rocky bottom, 18 m, dredge, 10.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1648: 1 syntype (several fragments).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 13, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Sungi Barkai (eastern part), rocky bottom, 15 m, dredge, 09.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
distinctaThiele 1903
Hymeraphia distinctaThiele (1903: 956, pl. 28 fig. 21). Raspailiidae.
SMF 789: holotype.
Indonesia, Moluccas,Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
distinctusThiele 1900
Coppatias distinctusThiele (1900: 56, pl.3 fig.12). Ancorinidae.
= Rhabdastrella distincta (Thiele, 1900) Uriz (2002: 114).
SMF 1645: holotype; associated with Gellius couchi (Bowerbank, 1874) (SMF 9608).
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
divesSchulze 1904
Monorhaphis divesSchulze (1904: 121, pl. 43). Monorhaphididae.
= Monorhaphis chuni Schulze, 1904 Tabachnick (2002a: 1264).
SMF 9643: 1 syntype (out of several fragments).
Deutsche Tiefsee-Expedition 1898-1899, F.S. Valdivia, St. 257, off the coast of Somalia, 1°48.2‘N 45°42.5‘E, 1644 m, leg. C. Chun; ded. C. Chun 1910.
dubiumHentschel 1912
Cornulum dubiumHentschel (1912: 346, pl.19 fig.19). Acarnidae.
SMF 964: holotype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 12, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, near „Mimien“, rough sand, 15 m, dredge, 08.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
euctimenaHentschel 1912
Acanthella euctimenaHentschel (1912: 414, pl.15 fig.6, pl.21 fig.53). – Dictyonellidae.
SMF 1012:
1 syntype (out of 2)
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 09, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, southwest of Lola, stony bottom, 8-10 m, dredge, 01.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
euplectellaHentschel 1912
Stelospongia euplectellaHentschel (1912: 442, pl.15 fig.5, pl.16 fig.8). Thorectidae.
SMF 990: holotype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Karang, 29.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
Remarks: As pointed out by Cook & Bergquist (2002a: 1036) StelospongiaSchulze, 1879 is invalid and a synonym of FasciospongiaBurton, 1934.
expansaThiele 1903
Protoschmidtia expansa Thiele (1903: 939, pl.28 fig.4). Chalinidae.
SMF 684: syntypes (about 6 fragments).
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal
SMF 1665: 1 syntype.
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
Remarks: The validity of ProtoschmidtiaCzerniavsky, 1878 is questioned by Weerdt (2002: 873).
fascigeraHentschel 1912
Siphonochalina fascigeraHentschel (1912: 398, pl.16 fig.3). Callyspongiidae.
SMF 972: 1 syntype (fragment).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, Indonesia, Moluccas, Kei Islands, Nuhu Tawun, north coast, 4 m, 16.06.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1677: 2 syntypes.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, Indonesia, Moluccas, Kei Islands, Nuhu Tawun, north coast, 4 m, 16.06.1908, leg. H. Merton.
faulkneriIlan, Gugel, Galil & Janussen 2003
Sycon faulkneriIlan, Gugel, Galil & Janussen (2003: 147, fig. 2).Sycettidae.
SMF 6: 2 paratypes.
Mediterranean Sea, near Israel, off Hadera, St. L15, 32° 41.42' N, 34° 13.95' E, 1243 m, 4.11.1998.
fistulataHentschel 1912
Damiria simplex fistulataHentschel (1912: 412). Acarnidae.
= Damiria simplexKeller, 1891 – Hooper (2002a: 420).
SMF 1016: 3 syntypes.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 17, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Sungi Manumbai (Kapala Sungi), rocky bottom, 20 m, dredge, 05.05.1908, leg. H. Merton.
flabelliformisHentschel 1912
Stylotella flabelliformisHentschel (1912: 355, pl.19 fig.26). Halichondriidae.
SMF 1527: 1 syntype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 08, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, between Meriri and Leer, mud and brown sand, 6-10 m, dredge, 31.03.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1534: 1 syntype (out of 3).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 09, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, southwest of Lola, stony bottom, 8-10 m, dredge, 01.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1538: 1 syntype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 12, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, near „Mimien“, rough sand, 15 m, dredge, 08.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1587: 1 syntype (out of 3).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 09, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, southwest of Lola, stony bottom, 8-10 m, dredge, 01.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1689: 1 syntype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1690: 1 syntype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, leg. H. Merton.
Remarks: Erpenberck & Soest (2002: 807) consider StylotellaLendenfeld, 1888 to be a junior synonym of HymenacidionBowerbank, 1859.
forcipatusThiele 1903
Gellius forcipatusThiele (1903: 942, pl.28 fig.6c). Chalinidae.
SMF 669: 2 syntypes.
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
Remarks: De Weerdt (2002: 859) considers GelliusGray, 1867 to be a subgenus of Haliclona Grant, 1836.
forsteriZahn, Müller & Müller 1977
Amoibodictya forsteriZahn, Müller & Müller (1977: 105, pl. 1-6). Hymedesmiidae.
(type species of genus)
= Hamigera hamigera (Schmidt, 1862) Soest (2002a: 578).
SMF 4059: holotype.
Croatia, Istria, bay of Vestar, 45°28‘N 31°21‘E, 6 m, 14.08.1973, leg. R.K. Zahn.
frondosaHentschel 1912
Hippospongia frondosaHentschel (1912: 435, pl.16 fig.4). Spongiidae.
SMF 1513: 1 syntype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 04, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Strait of Dobo,calcareous rock, 40 m, dredge, 20.03.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1021: 1 syntype; associated with Terpios fugax Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864 (SMF 1022).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 16, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, near Udjir, coral rock and sand, 10-14 m, dredge, 16.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
gracilisHentschel 1912
Ciocalypta rutila gracilisHentschel (1912: 423). Halichondriidae.
SMF 1566: 2 syntypes.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 14, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Sungi Barkai (middle), rocky bottom, 18 m, dredge, 10.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
gracilisHentschel 1912
Gelliodes gracilisHentschel (1912: 395, pl.21 fig.49). Niphatidae.
SMF 973: 2 syntypes (in 5 fragments).
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 09, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, southwest of Lola, stony bottom, 8-10 m, dredge, 01.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
gracilisHentschel 1912
Histoderma dichela gracilisHentschel (1912: 345). Coelosphaeridae.
SMF 1572: holotype.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 16, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, near Udjir, coral rock and sand, 10-14 m, dredge, 16.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
Remarks: According to Soest (2002b: 529) HistodermaCarter, 1874 is a junior synoynm of Coelosphaera Thomson, 1873.
gracilisHentschel 1912
Stylotella digitata gracilisHentschel (1912: 356, pl.19 fig.27). Halichondriidae.
SMF 970: 2 syntypes.
Aru and Kei Islands Expedition, St. 08, Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, between Meriri and Leer, mud and brown sand, 6-10 m, dredge, 31.03.1908, leg. H. Merton.
Remarks: Erpenberck & Soest (2002: 807) consider StylotellaLendenfeld, 1888 to be a junior synonym of HymenacidionBowerbank, 1859.
grandistellataThiele 1900
Chondrilla grandistellataThiele (1900: 65, pl.3 fig.18). Chondrillidae.
SMF 662: 1 syntype (out of 2).
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
grataThiele 1903
Myxilla grataThiele (1903: 954, pl.28 fig.19). Myxillidae.
SMF 1783: holotype (in several fragments).
Indonesia, Moluccas, Ternate, 1894, leg. W. Kükenthal.
Remarks: Labelled originally as “Dendoryx grata n. sp.“; but in his paper published in 1903 Thiele considers DendoryxGray, 1867 as a junior synonym of MyxillaSchmidt, 1862.
griseaHentschel 1912
Psammopemma durissimum griseaHentschel (1912: 447). Chondropsidae.
SMF 908: syntypes (7 fragments).
Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Jin Island, 14.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.
SMF 1577: syntypes (3 fragments).
Indonesia, Moluccas, Aru Islands, Karang, 29.04.1908, leg. H. Merton.