List of recent high level EU Member State and G7 visits to Russia
(updated 23 May 2016)
Ø LUXEMBOURG: Minister of Economy (and Deputy PM) E. Schneider visit to Moscow for the BE and LU bilateral intergovernmental trade commission with Russia on 18 February 2016. Visit of Prime Minister Bettel to Moscow on 5-6 October 2015.
Ø HUNGARY: Visit of Prime Minister Orban to Moscow on 17 February 2016. Visit of Deputy Minister of Agriculture on 9 February 2016.
Ø ITALY: Visit of Prime Minister Renzi on 5 March 2015. Visit of Foreign Minister Gentiloni to Moscow on 25 March 2016. Visit of Minister of Agriculture to Moscow on 10-11 February 2016. Defence Committee of the IT Senate visit to Moscow on 22-23 March
Ø PORTUGAL: Visit of Minister of Agriculture to Moscow on 9 February 2016.
Ø SPAIN: The State Secretary of the Spanish MFA visited Moscow on 8-9 February 2016.
Ø AUSTRIA: Visit of President Fischer to Moscow on 5-6 April 2016 (accompanied by Foreign Minister, Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Justice and Chief of General Staff). Meeting in Moscow on 2-3 February 2016 of the Austrian-Russian intergovernmental economic commission chaired by Vice Chancellor Mitterlehner on the AT side and Deputy PM Dmitry Kozak on the Russian side. VC Mitterlehner also met with Russian ministers of Economy and Energy as well as PM Medvedev. Visit of State Secretary Linhart visited on 18-19 February, meeting with Chairman of the Duma Foreign Affairs Committee, Alexei Pushkov and Deputy FM Titov. The Chief of General Staff Commenda met with the chief of Russia’s General Staff, First Deputy Defense Minister Gerasimov.
Ø FINLAND: Visit of President of Finland Niinisto on 22 March 2016, meeting with President Putin; Visit of Prime Minister Sipila to St. Petersburg, meeting with PM Medvedev on 29 January 2016. Visit of Minister of Transport and Communication Berner to St. Petersburg 19-20 April 2016. Minister for Foreign Trade visit to St. Petersburg on 29 March 2016.
Ø GERMANY: Visit of Chancellor Merkel on 10 May 2015 (in the context of the 70th anniversary of end of World War II – she visited the following day). Visit of Foreign Minister Steinmeier to Moscow on 22-23 March 2016.Visit of Bavarian Prime Minister Seehofer to Moscow during which he held a meeting with President Putin on 3 February 2016. Vice Chancellor and Minister of Economy Gabriel met with President Putin on 28 October. Minister-President of Thuringia Ramelov visit to Moscow and Kazan 17-21 April 2016.
Ø GREECE: Visit to Moscow of President Pavlopoulos (private visit) on 14-15 January 2016.
Ø FRANCE: Visit of President Hollande on 26 November 2015. Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault visited Moscow on 19 April 2016; in addition to seeing FM Lavrov he had a meeting w Pres Putin. Minister of Economy visit to Moscow on 25 January 2016. Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy Ségolène Royal visited Russia from 26 to 28 October 2015. Minister for Agriculture Stéphane Le Foll visit to Moscow on 7-8 October 2015. Visit of the President of the French Senate Larcher on 4-5 April 2016, meeting with President Putin.
Ø POLAND: Deputy FM Ziółkowski visit to Moscow on 22 January 2016 (meeting with DFM Titov).
Ø UK: Minister for Europe visited Moscow on 22 December 2015 and met with Deputy FM Titov. Visit of the National Security Advisor to Moscow on 11 April 2016.
Ø IRELAND: The Minister of State for trade led the IE delegation at the Joint IE-RU Economic Commission on 8 December 2015 in Moscow. Political Director visited Moscow on 9 February 2016 for political consultations.
Ø SLOVENIA: FM Erjavec participated in the Slovenian-Russian Commission for Economic Cooperation in Kazan on 15 September 2015.
Ø MALTA: Visit of the Political Director on 6 April 2016.
Ø CZECH REPUBLIC: Visit of the Speaker of the Parliament to Moscow on 20 April 2016. Visegrad 4 meeting on 22 April 2016.
Ø BULGARIA: BG Minister of Tourism visited Moscow on 25 February 2016.
Ø SLOVAKIA: Visit of the FM Miroslav Lajčák to Moscow on 17 May 2016.
Ø AUSTRIA: Visit of the Minister of Justice to St. Petersburg Legal Forum on 18-21 May 2016.
Ø JAPAN: Visit by PM Shinzo Abe on 6 May 2016, Sochi. Vice president of the ruling Liberal Democratic party Masahiko Komura visited Moscow on 10 January 2016 (NB: after North Korea announced nuclear test)
Ø U.S.: Secretary of State John Kerry visit to Moscow, meeting with President Putin and FM Lavrov, 24 March 2016 and 15 December 2015 .U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry visit to Sochi, meeting with President Putin and FM Lavrov, 12 May 2015. Over the last year, Lavrov had a total of 18 meetings with the Secretary of State.