List of Proposals Pending GEAC Consideration as on 9.3.2007.
S. No
/ Title of the Proposal / Received on / Referred to / StatusPHARMACEUTICALS
Import and marketing of recombinant Bovine Somatropin from M/s. L.G. Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi / 18.7.2003 / Dept. Of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, DBT, MoFP&I. / The proposal was reconsidered in the 61st Meeting of GEAC on 14.12.2005 wherein the Company was advised to conduct additional studies as recommended by the Dept. of Animal Husbandry.Reports are awaited.
2. / Request for large scale trials of Bt brinjal. / 21.4.2006 / Circulated to all members. / Considered in the GEAC meeting held on 1.6.2006 wherein it was decided to post the biosafety data on MoEF website. Subsequently the Ministry has constituted an Expert Committee under the Chairmanship of Prof Deepak Pental, VC DU to review the feedback received from various stakeholders.
The report of the Committee is awaited.
3. / Permission for export of transgenic groundnut seeds to South Africa for research purposes by International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patanacheru A.P. / 15.2.2006 / Circulated to all the members, National Biodiversity Authority, NBPGR and Ministry of Agriculture. / Considered in the GEAC meeting on 17.8.2006 wherein it was decided to await the recommendations of the National Biodiversity Authority and comments from Ministry of Agriculture and NBPGR.
Comments from NBPGR and NBA is being examined.
4. / Permission for Import of Lecithin (DNA-ve) and Standard Lecithin derived from Round up Ready Soybean from ADM, USA by M/s Tina Oils. / 28.6.2006 / Circulated to all the members. / Considered in the GEAC meeting held on 17.8.2006 wherein addition information on product specification was sought.
5. / Permission for import of Soybean oil (refined and crude de-gummed) derived from Round up-ready soybean by M/s Solvent Extractors Association / 16.7.2006 / Circulated to all Members of GEAC / Test report from CFTRI is awaited
6 / Commercial release of Ankur-2226 and Jassi BG (MON 531 event) Bt cotton with cry 1 Ac gene for North zone. by M/s. Ankur Seeds (P) Ltd. / 24.1.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC
03.03.2007 / To be considered in the the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007
7 / Commercial release of ACH-155-1 Bt cotton with cry 1 Ac gene(MON 531 event) for North zone. by M/s. Ajeet Seeds Ltd / 29.1.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC
03.03.2007 / To be considered in the the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007
8 / Commercial release 6488 and 6317 BG (MON 531 event) Bt cotton with cry 1 Ac gene for North zone. by M/s. Bioseeds Research India (P) Ltd. / 5.2.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC
03.03.2007 / To be considered in the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007
9 / Commercial release of SDS 405 Bt, SDS 1368 Bt, SDS 27 Bt, SDS 9 Bt, SDS 234 Bt cotton with cry 1 Ac gene (MON 531 event) for North zone. by M/s. Nandi Seeds (P) Ltd / 6.2.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC
03.03.2007 / To be considered in the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007
10 / Commercial release of GK
206 Bt cotton with cry 1
Ac gene (MON 531 event)
for North zone. by M/s.
Ganga Kaveri Seeds (P)
Ltd. / 23.1.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC
03.03.2007 / To be considered in the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007
11 / Commercial release of
KDCHH-144 (Surya-144)
and KDCHH-9810 (Dollar
Maruti) Bt cotton with cry
1 Ac (MON 531 event) for
North zone. by M/s.
Krishidhan Seeds (P) Ltd. / 30.1.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC
03.03.2007 / To be considered in the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007
12. / Commercial release of
NCS 918 Bt, NCS-950 Bt
and NCS 951 Bt (MON 531
event)Bt cotton with cry
1 Ac gene for North zone.
by M/s. Nuziveedu Seeds
Ltd. / 31.1.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC
03.03.2007 / To be considered in the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007
13. / Commercial release of
PCH-917Bt, PCH-406 and
PCH-306 (MON 531
event) Bt cotton with cry
1 Ac gene for North zone.
M/s. Prabhat Agri Biotech
Ltd / 31.1.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC
03.03.2007 / To be considered in the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007
14 / Commercial release of
Sigma Bt and Ole Bt
cotton with cry 1 Ac gene
for North zone. by M/s.
Vibha Seeds (P) Ltd. / 6.2.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC
03.03.2007 / To be considered in the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007
15. / Commercial release of
NAMCOT 402 Bt cotton
with cry 1 Ac gene for
North zone. by M/s.
Namdhari Seeds (P) Ltd. / 22.1.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC
03.03.2007 / To be considered in the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007
16. / Commercial release of MRC 7017 BGII and MRC 7031 BGII Bt cotton with cry 1 Ac and Cry 2Ab gene (MON 15985 event) for North zone. by M/s. Mahyco Seeds Ltd. / 30.1.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC
03.03.2007 / To be considered in the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007
17. / Commercial release of
NCS 145 containing Cry
1Ac and Cry 2Ab gene
(MON 15985 event) for
North zone. by M/s.
Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd. / 31.1.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC
03.03.2007 / To be considered in the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007
18. / Commercial release of
Tulasi-4 BGII Bt
with cry 1 Ac and Cry 2Ab
gene (MON 15985 event)
for North zone. by M/s.
Tulasi Seeds Pvt. Ltd. / 19.1.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC
03.03.2007 / To be considered in the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007
19. / Commercial release of
ACH 33-2 BG II
with cry 1 A© and Cry 2
A(b) gene (MON 15985
event) for North zone. By
M/s. Ajeet Seeds Ltd / 29.1.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC
03.03.2007 / To be considered in the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007
20 / Commercial release of
with cry 1 Ac and Cry 2Ab
gene (MON 15985 event)
for North zone. by M/s.
Krishidhan Seeds (P) Ltd / 30.1.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC / To be considered in the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007
21. / Commercial release of JKCH-1050 Bt (event-1) Bt and JKCH 226 Bt cotton with cry 1 Ac gene for North zone. by M/s. JK Agri Genetics. Ltd. / 13.2.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC / To be considered in the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007
22. / Commercial release of IT 905 with cry 1Ac gene (MON 531 event) for North zone by M/s Proagro Seed Company Pvt. Ltd. / 13.2.2007 / Circulated to all the members of GEAC / To be considered in the GEAC meeting on 14.3.2007