List of Members and alternates of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (2006)
Note: The year given against the names of the Sub-Commission members and alternates represents the year when the term of office expires. With the assumption, by the Human Rights Council, of the Sub-Commission and its existing mandates, working groups and other mechanisms, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 60/251, and in view of the short and procedural nature of its sixty-second session, the Commission on Human Rights did not hold elections for the 13 Sub-Commission members and their alternates whose terms of office were to expire in 2006. Pursuant to its decision 1/102, the Council decided to extend exceptionally for one year (i.e. until June 2007), subject to the review to be undertaken in conformity with Assembly resolution 60/251, the mandates and mandate-holders of the Sub-Commission. The information below, including the indication regarding the terms of mandates of members, is therefore listed for information purposes.
With the adoption of resolution 5/1, the Council decided to establish the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee to function as a think-tank for the Council and work at its direction. Elections to the new subsidiary body of the Council will take place in March 2008.
No. / Members/Membres/Miembros / Term expires in/Mandatexpirant le/Su mandatoexpiraen1 / Mr. Miguel Alfonso Martínez
Mr. Juan Antonio Fernández Palacios* / 2008
2 / Mr. GudmundurAlfredsson
Mr. JakobMöller* / 2008
3 / Mr. José Bengoa
(Chile/Chili/Chile) / 2006
4 / Mr. GáspárBíró
(Hungary/Hongrie/Hungría) / 2008
5 / Mr. Marc Bossuyt
(Belgium/Belgique/Bélgica) / 2008
6 / Mr. Shiqiu Chen
Mr. Xinsheng Liu * / 2006
7 / Mr. Mohammed Habib Cherif
Mr. Habib Achour / 2008
8 / Ms. Chin Sung Chung
(Republic of Korea/République de Corée/República de Corea)
Ms. Ji-ah Paik* / 2008
9 / Mr. Emmanuel Decaux
Ms. Michèle Picard* / 2006
10 / Mr. Rui Baltazar Dos Santos Alves
Mr. Cristiano Dos Santos * / 2006
11 / Mr. El-HadjiGuissé
(Senegal/Sénégal/Senegal) / 2006
12 / Ms. Françoise Jane Hampson
(United Kingdom/Royaume-Uni/ReinoUnido) / 2006
13 / Mr. Vladimir A. Kartashkin
(Russian Federation/Fédération de Russie/Federación de Rusia)
Mr. Oleg S. Malguinov* / 2006
14 / Ms. KalliopiKoufa
Mr. Nikolaos Zaikos* / 2006
15 / Ms. Iulia-AntoanellaMotoc
Ms. Victoria Sandru-Popescu * / 2008
16 / Ms. FlorizelleO'Connor
(Jamaica/Jamaïque/Jamaica) / 2006
17 / Mr. Paulo SérgioPinheiro
Ms. MaríliaSardenbergZelnerGonçalves* / 2006
18 / Ms. LalainaRakotoarisoa
(Madagascar/Madagascar/Madagascar) / 2006
19 / Mr. David Rivkin
(United States of America/Etats-Unis d'Amérique/EstadosUnidos de América)
Mr. Lee A. Casey * / 2008
20 / Mr. Ibrahim Salama
Mr. Amani Kandil / 2008
21 / Mr. Abdul Sattar
Khalid Aziz Babar * / 2006
22 / Mr. Soli JehangirSorabjee
(India/Inde/India) / 2006
23 / Mr. Janio Iván Tuñón Veilles
Ms. Carmina Casis Crespo / 2008
24 / Ms. N.U.O Wadibia-Anyanwu
Ms. Christy EzimMbonu* / 2008
25 / Ms. HalimaEmbarekWarzazi
(Morocco/Maroc/Marruecos) / 2008
26 / Mr. Yozo Yokota
(Japan/Japon /Japón)
Ms. Yoko Hayashi* / 2008
* Alternate/Suppléant/Suplente