List of E-journal: Subject wise
- Annual Review of Biochemistry
- Biological Trace Element Research
- Chemosensory Perception
- Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry
- Journal of Chemical Biology
- Journal of Molecular Biology
- Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology
- Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis
- Neuropeptides
- Soil Biology and Biochemistry
- The Biochemist
- Annals of applied biology
- Biological Control
- Cell and Tissue Biology
- Cell and Tissue Research
- Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
- Cellular Signalling
- Development growth & differentiation
- Developmental Biology
- Emerging Topics in Life Sciences
- Experimental Cell Research
- Freshwater biology
- Genes to cells
- Genesis: the journal of genetics and development
- Global change biology
- Journal of Biosciences
- Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling
- Journal of cellular physiology
- Journal of evolutionary biology
- Marine Genomics
- Molecular Biology
- Photochemistry & photobiology
- Systems and Synthetic Biology
- Tissue and Cell
- Trends in Cell Biology
- European Journal of Plant Pathology
- Journal of Agromedicine
- Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants
- Journal of integrative plant biology
- Journal of phycology
- Journal of phytopathology
- Journal of Plant Growth Regulation
- Journal of Plant Nutrition
- Journal of plant nutrition and soil science
- Journal of plant nutrition and soil science
- Journal of Plant Research
- Photosynthesis Research
- Phycological research
- Plant biology
- Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology
- Plant cell & environment
- Plant Cell Reports
- Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture
- Plant Molecular Biology
- Plant Molecular Biology Reporter
- Plant pathology
- Plant Systematics and Evolution
- Sexual Plant Reproduction
- The plant journal
- Tree Genetics & Genomes
- Advances in polymer technology
- Biomedical chromatography
- Chemical Engineering Communications
- Chemistry - a European journal
- Environmental Science & Technology
- European journal of organic chemistry
- Flavour and fragrance journal
- Journal of Labelled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals
- Lipid technology
- Proteins: structure, function and bioinformatics
- Separation & Purification Reviews
- Separation Science and Technology
- The Chemical record
- Advances in polymer technology
- Analyst
- Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Sect. A
- Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Sect. B
- Arabian Journal of Chemistry
- Biomedical chromatography
- Cellulose
- Chemical Research in Toxicology
- Chemical Society Reviews
- Chemistry and Ecology
- Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds
- Chemistry of Natural Compounds
- European journal of organic chemistry
- Fibre Chemistry
- Flavour and fragrance journal
- Green Chemistry
- Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews
- International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
- Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies
- Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
- Journal of Asian Natural Products Research
- Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry
- Journal of Experimental Nanoscience
- Journal of labelled compounds and radiopharmaceuticals
- Journal of Molecular Structure
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-organic Chemistry
- Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry Natural Product Reports
- Molecular Diversity
- Molecular Pharmaceutics
- Natural Product Research
- Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry
- Organic Preparations and Procedures International
- Polymer Reviews
- Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology
- Proteins: structure, function and bioinformatics
- The Journal of Organic Chemistry
- The Protein Journal
- Annals of Operations Research
- Applied Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence Review
- Artificial Life and Robotics
- Automated Software Engineering
- Automation and Remote Control
- Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
- Autonomous Robots
- Biological Cybernetics
- Cluster Computing
- Computational Complexity
- Computational Mechanics
- Computing
- Cybernetics and Systems Analysis
- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
- Distributed and Parallel Databases
- Distributed Computing
- Empirical Software Engineering
- Engineering with Computers
- Ethics and Information Technology
- Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making
- Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines
- Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation
- Information Systems Frontiers
- Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering
- Intelligent Service Robotics
- International Journal of Automation and Computing
- International Journal of Computer Vision
- International Journal of Information Security
- 30. International Journal of Parallel Programming
- Journal of Automated Reasoning
- Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International
- Journal of Control Theory and Applications
- Journal of Cryptology
- Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems
- European Food Research and Technology
- Food Control
- Food Quality and Preference
- Food Research International
- International journal of food science & technology
- Journal of food biochemistry
- Journal of Food Engineering
- Journal of food process engineering
- Journal of food processing and preservation
- Journal of food safety
- LWT - Food Science and Technology
- Meat Science
- Molecular nutrition & food research (formerly nahrung/food)
- Trends in Food Science & Technology
- Asian Journal of Psychiatry
- Behavioural Processes
- Blood Reviews
- Bone
- Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine
- Current Opinion in Immunology
- Cytology and Genetics
- Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
- Diseases of the Colon & Rectum
- European Clinics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- European Journal of Nutrition
- European Journal of Pain
- Experimental Brain Research
- Experimental Eye Research
- Experimental Hematology
- Forensic Science International
- General and Comparative Endocrinology
- Genomic Medicine
- Growth Hormone & IGF Research
- Health Outcomes Research in Medicine
- Hormones and Behavior
- Human Genetics
- Human Immunology
- Immunobiology
- Immunogenetics
- Inflammation Research
- Insulin
- International Immunopharmacology
- International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience
- International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
- Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
- Journal of Autoimmunity
- Journal of Biomedical Science
- Journal of Clinical Immunology
- Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology
- Journal of Diabetes and its Complications
- Journal of Health Economics
- Journal of Molecular Medicine
- Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology
- Journal of Neuroimmunology
- Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
- Journal of Psychosomatic Research
- Journal of Reproductive Immunology
- Journal of the Neurological Sciences
- Legal Medicine
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Medical Image Analysis
- Metabolic Brain Disease
- Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
- Molecular Aspects of Medicine
- Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine
- Neurochemical Journal
- Neurophysiology
- Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews
- Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology
- Nutrition Research
- Parkinsonism & Related Disorders
- Public Health Forum
- Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Schizophrenia Research
- Trends in Immunology
- Trends in Molecular Medicine
- Tuberculosis
- AANA: American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
- AJN: American Journal of Nursing
- American Journal of Critical Care
- APORIA: The Nursing Journal
- BMC Nursing Journal
- Clinical Nursing Studies
- EBN: Evidence-Based Nursing
- HNE: Handover for Nurses and Midwives
- International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies
- International Journal of caring Sciences
- International Journal of Research in Nursing
- IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS)
- ISRN Nursing
- JFN: Journal of Family Nursing
- Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing
- Journal of Nursing Education and Practice
- Nursing Inquiry
- Nursing Reports
- Nursing Research and Practice
- Online Journal of Nursing Informatics
- Online Journal of rural Nursing and Health Care
- The Australian Electronic Journal of Nursing Education
- The Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice
- The Internet Journal of Pain, Symptom Control and Palliative Care
- The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing
- Western Journal of Nursing Research
- Acta Pharmaceutica
- Advances in Pharmacological Sciences
- African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
- African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics
- American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
- American Journal of Pharmacy and Health Research
- Archives of Pharmacy Practice
- Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
- Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences
- Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics
- Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Life Science
- Austin Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- Biochemistry & Pharmacology Open Access
- British Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University
- Cardiovascular Pharmacology
- Clinical Pharmacology: Advances and Applications
- Drug Design, Development and Therapy
- Drug Designing: Open Access
- Drug Development and Therapeutics
- European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Indian Journal of Pharmacology
- Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice
- Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Integrated Pharmacy Research and Practice
- International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Research
- International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology
- International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- International Journal of Drug Development & Research
- International Journal of Drug Discovery
- International Journal of Drug Formulation and Research
- International Journal of Green Pharmacy
- International Journal of Pharma Sciences and Research
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research
- International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences : Review and Research
- International Journal of Pharmaceuticals Analysis
- International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences
- International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
- International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy
- Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Research
- Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research
- Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science
- Journal of Drug Delivery
- Journal of Ethnopharmacology
- Journal of Experimental Pharmacology
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Bio scientific Research
- Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences)