Study Guide

Matthew 21-28

  1. List every example of Solomonic recapitulation in Matthew 21-28
  2. Describe the relationship between the triumphal entry into Jerusalem and Zechariah 9:9-10.
  3. Why does Jesus ride into Jerusalem on both an ass and a colt?
  4. Explain why Jesus “cleanses the temple in Matthew 21:12-17
  5. What is the common theme in the Parable of the tenants and the Cursing of the fig tree?
  6. Explain why the Sadducees and Pharisees question Jesus about paying taxes to Caesar?
  7. What is the meaning behind the parable of the wedding feast.
  8. What do the Sadducees use to try and prove that the Resurrection is not real?
  9. Explain how Jesus uses the quote from Matthew 22:32 to prove that the resurrection is real.
  10. Explain why Jesus criticizes the Pharisees in Matthew 23
  11. Despite this Jesus doesn’t reject their authority. What does he do instead?
  12. Explain how Jesus relates the destruction of the Temple to the end of the world in Matthew 24-25
  13. List the corporal works of Mercy.
  14. List the 4 times in the Passover celebration that wine is shared.
  15. What point in the Passover does Jesus leave the table to go pray in the garden of Gethsemane.
  16. In Matthew 26:28 Jesus uses the words “this is my blood of the new covenant”. How do we know this is an indication of the establishment of a new covenant.
  17. What does Gethsemane mean? What does Golgotha mean? What does INRI stand for?
  18. Who goes with Jesus to the garden of Gethsemane?
  19. When Jesus begs for God to take this “cup” from him what is he referring to. explain.
  20. What did the Sanhedrin find Jesus guilty of?
  21. Why did they need a Roman official’s support in a conviction against Jesus?
  22. Explain the political difficulty Pilate was placed in when Jesus was brought before him, even though he found him guilty.
  23. Who helps Jesus carry the cross? Who takes Jesus down from the Cross? Who was present at the foot of the cross when he died? Who were the first ones to discover Jesus’ resurrected body?
  24. When does Jesus finally drink the 4th cup of Passover?
  25. Why is it significant that Jesus’ legs were not broken on the cross?
  26. How does the church remember the water and blood that poured from Jesus’ side on the cross?
  27. Explain the significance of the tearing of the veil in the sanctuary.