LinkedIn Job Posting Form

Your advert will be placed on LinkedIN for a fixed-period of 2 weeks at a cost of £100. Our payments process is as follows: costs will be journalled by our Accounts Team after the advert has been placed.

Can you please provide us with confirmation of your acceptance of the cost and complete the box below, so that we have the full correct code for the transfer. Your advert cannot be processed without this information. If payment is from a project please supply the project code AND task number.


Cost: £100

Approved by:


This form should be submitted to the adverts team by your departmental recruitment team

1.  Link to the live advert in Core (Please add the Vacancy I.D. to the end of the URL)

NB - the Core advert must be live before you can complete this form.

Section A: Contact details for queries regarding this posting:

2.  Name

3.  tel/email

4.  Department

Section B: Job Details to be posted to LinkedIn

5.  Job Title

6.  Country:default is United Kingdom. If the job is based in another country please select from the list

7.  Location: default is Oxford. If the job is based in another city/location please input alternative location in the box below, otherwise leave blank

Alternative location:

8.  Type: select one only




9.  Experience level: the options in the drop-down box are LinkedIn default settings and cannot be changed. PLEASE DO NOT SELECT THE ‘Not applicable’ OPTION

10.  Industry: check up to 3 descriptors that apply to the post, to maximise the number of candidates who will be targetted through LinkedIn. NB the list below uses LinkedIn categories: the options are not changeable, and there is no freetext option. If these categories are not appropriate, see the full list of options (drop down list at the end of this list)



☐Civil engineering

☐Computer and network security

☐Computer hardware

☐Computer networking

☐Computer software

☐Education management


☐Events services

☐Executive Office

☐Facilities Services

☐Financial Services

☐Fund Raising

☐Government relations

☐Higher Education

☐Hospital and Health care

☐Human Resources

☐Information Services

☐Information technology and services


☐International Affairs


☐Investment management

☐Legal Services


☐Museums and Institutions

☐Public Relations and Communications


☐Security and Investigations

If the list above does not give suitable descriptors please select from the drop down list.

11.  Job Function: select up to max 3 job functions from the list below. These are LinkedIn categories which are used to match candidates to posts. They are not changeable.

☐ Accounting/Auditing

☐ Administrative

☐ Analyst

☐ Business Development

☐ Consulting

☐ Education

☐ Finance

☐ Human Resources

☐ Information technology

☐ Legal

☐ Management

☐ Other

☐ Public Relations

☐ Purchasing

☐ Project Management

☐ Research

☐ Science

☐ Strategy/Planning

If the list above does not give suitable descriptors please select from the drop-down list. These are LinkedIn categories which are not changeable.

12.  Advert text (please use CORE version approved by the adverts team)

Click here to insert job advert text. NB this will be copied and pasted as it appears: please ensure it has been proof-read

13.  Desired Skills & Experience

Click here to insert summary of selection criteria, as listed in the job description. NB this will be copied and pasted as it appears: please ensure it has been proof-read

14.  Company Description: a standard University description is given below. Add name of department and a link to your departmental, or other relevant, website.

The University of Oxford has an international reputation as a world-class centre of excellence in research and teaching. It employs over 11,000 staff and has a student population of over 22,000. Oxford is one of Europe's most innovative and entrepreneurial universities: income from external research contracts exceeds £478.3m p.a., and more than 80 spin-off companies have been created.
Oxford is a collegiate university, consisting of the central University and colleges. The central University is composed of academic departments and research centres, administrative departments, libraries and museums. There is a highly devolved operational structure, which is split across four academic divisions, Academic Services and University Collections and University Administrative Services. For more information about the University please visit

This job is based in the department of XX for information about the department please visit XXXX

Please email the completed form to

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