Millennium CirculationLinked Patrons
Linked Patrons
The Linked Patron feature allows staff to easily link family member library cards together and move in between the linked patron records. When this feature is enabled a new Tab labeled “Linked Patrons” will display in Circulation Desk mode. Linking patron records does not change the individual patron records in any way.
Viewing Linked Patrons
To view a group of linked patrons:
- Search for any patron record. The number in parentheses will let you know how many patrons are linked together. If the number in parentheses is zero, there is no link to other patrons.
- Select the Linked Patron tab. The patrons within the group will be displayed, along with number of items currently checked out, money owed, patron name, patron barcode, and address.
- Select the patron from the list by checking the box in the All column.
- Select the Go To Patron button.
5. This will take you directly to the patron record that was selected.
Linking Patron Records
To create a group of linked patrons:
- Retrieve one of the patron records you want to add to the group.
- Once you are in the patron record, select the Linked Patrons Tab. If the patron is already part of a group, the list of patrons will display. If the patron does not currently belong to a group, the Linked Patron tab is empty.
- Select the Link button to create a new group containing the current patron.
- The Search for Patron window will open. Search for the patron (by name, barcode, or other standard search options) that you wish to link to the current patron. Select the Search button.
- Millennium Circulation links the two patrons and updates the Linked Patrons tab.
Removing a patron from a group
To remove a patron from a group:
- Retrieve the patron that belongs to the group.
- Select the Linked Patrons tab.
- Select the patron(s) you want to remove.
- Choose the Unlink button.
a. If you selected the currently retrieved patron, Millennium Circulation prompts:
Remove link from current patron?
Choose Yes or No to remove the patron from the group.
b. If you select all or all but one of the group members, Millennium Circulation prompts:
All patrons in this group will be unlinked and the group will be deleted from the system. Continue?
Choose Yes or No to delete the group.
A patron can only belong to 1 group at a time. You must unlink the patron from the existing group before you can link them to a new group. If you attempt you add a patron to multiple groups, the system will display the following warning message:
eiNetwork Training110/11/2018