Student is on a modified comprehensive 90 day art plan to acquaint him with the Elements of Design
Line Goal: Student will experiment with the expressive qualities of line.
- Using tempera pucks, Student will create an abstract painting that fills 75% of the page. He will try to use thick, thin, squiggly and straight lines. Student will focus on mastering 1 of these lines types today.
- Student will use line to complete images of faces (he will draw the mouth) so that they have the correct expression. Student will master a “happy” face today.
- Student will use markers to create thick, thin squiggly and straight lines. He will try to master 2 types of line today.
- Student will dip objects in liquid paint and drag them on his page to create lines today.
- Student will use lines to complete images of faces. Student will master “sad” today.
Space Goal: Student will be able to identify foreground and background.
- Student will develop his fine motor skills by cutting out background pictures, and foreground pictures. He will save these for a later dateStudent will cut 3 shapes by himself.
- Student will arrange pre cut shapes from biggest to smallest on a page.Student will be able to identify which shape is big or small using 2 shapes.
- Student will experiment with collage by cutting out and overlapping images from a magazine. This will enhance his understanding of overlapping shapes. Student will glue 1 shape on top of the other by himself.
- Student will use the cut images from day 1 to create an overlapping picture, placing the background images in the background and the foreground images on top. Student will be able to demonstrate that a tree is in the background.
- Student will colour shapes with wax crayon and paint over top to play with the concept of negative space.
Colour Goal: Student will be able to identify the Primary and Secondary colours. Student will be able to group warm and cool colours.
- Student will identify colours by name. He will master the names of the primary colours today. Student will colour objects using the correct colour and name (they’ll be primary coloured objects).He will be able to identify and colour what colour an apple is by himself.
- Student will attempt to recreate a painting using primary colours. He will be able to identify the different colours in the image.
- Student will identify colours by name. He will master the names of secondary colours today. Student will colour objects using the correct colour and name (they will be secondary coloured objects). He will be able to identify and colour what colour a tree is by himself.
- Student will mix primary (red, yellow and blue) colours to create secondary (orange, green and purple) colours. He will complete 2/3 of these colours (purple, orange or green) with some assistance.
- Student will create a painting using all 6 colours. He will be able to make 1 secondary colour by himself.
Shape Goal: Student will identify and recreate simple geometric shapes.
- Student will identify simple geometric shapes and attempt to draw what he sees. He will focus on drawing squares of different sizes.
- Student will start by sculpting flat shapes using play dough. He will be able to sculpt a square.
- Student will experiment with distortion using the imac photo booth! He will take 10 funny pictures of himself using at least 3 different lenses.
- Student will work on with his fine motor skills to cut out simple shapes using construction paper (we may wish to revisit primary or secondary colours).
- Student will create a simple shape collage using the shapes from the previous step. He will include at least 1 triangle, 1 square and 1 circle.
Form Goal: Student will represent simple geometric shapes using 3D manipulative and explore different sides/faces of objects.
- Student will identify 3D geometric shapes (he may use the shape name, eg square for cube) and attempt to draw what he sees. Student will master drawing circles of different sizes.
- Student will try to sculpt small versions of 3D shapes using play dough. Student will be able to sculpt a sphere.
- Student will use lego to create a unique structure. If we have access to lego like material….? Or Student will attempt to bead a bracelet or necklace. Student will be able to build a structure that is at least 3 blocks high or a necklace with at least 5 beads.
- Student will paper mache a balloon (this may require a lot of assistance and some gloves). Student will be able to apply 25% of the newspaper to the balloon.
- Student will paint the Paper mache balloon with a happy face on it (reference to line lesson).
Value Goal: Student will understand how to make a colour lighter or darker using white and black.
- Student will review his colours by mixing primary colours to create secondary colours. He will be able to create at least one secondary colour.
- Student will arrange images from lightest to darkest. He will glue these down when he is satisfied. Student will be able to identify if an image is light or dark.
- Student will experiment with 2 or 3 colours and discover what happens when you add white. He will create 3 different tints (when a colour is lighter) of a colour.
- Student will experiment with 2 or 3 other colours and discover what happens when you add black. He will make 3 different shades of a colour.
- Student will chose 1 colour and create a monochromatic painting. He will fill 75% of his page.
Texture Goal: Student will acquaint himself with simple textures. He will try to overcome his fear of touching things in the process.
- Student will make a texture collage using images from magazines and newspapers. He will work on his fine motor skills for cutting and pasting. He will fill at least half his page.
- Student will feel different textured surfaces and try to associate names for feelings (smooth, rough, or bumpy). He will be able to describe one object’s texture.
- Student will go on a scavenger hunt for different textures around the school, when he sees on he likes, he will make a rubbing of it using a crayon and paper. He will find 3 textures.
- Student will use scraps of cardboard to create a texture sculpture on a small base. The pieces will be provided for him (he can get more if he likes) but he may need assistance gluing the work down.
- Student will create a leaf rubbing collage on paper using different fall colours. He will rub at least 3 leaves.