Lincolnshire Music and Arts Education Hub
Music Education Plan for Schools
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Action / By whom / Timescale / Monitoring
Communicate the key messages to all headteachers and other stakeholders; the Music Education Plan and the proposed impact as part of existing county forums:
1)Spring Headteacher Breakfast Meetings
2)Lincolnshire Music Service (LMS) Staff Training
3)Lincolnshire Music and Arts Education Hub (LMAEH) Strategic and Partner Meetings
4)CfBT School Improvement Service Consultants / Jennifer McKie (JM) / Launch April2014
Ongoing / Key Objective (KO) 1:John O'Connor (JC)
Action / By whom / Timescale / Monitoring
Strengthen the communication channels between allschools and LMAEH to raise awareness of developments, training and resources:
1)Annual music teacher conferences
2)Autumn teacher network meetings
3)LMS In-Service Training Days
4)Termly LMAEH newsletters
5)Regular website updates
6)Music teacher e-network
7)Alignment with existing CfBT School Improvement Service communication / JM and Rebecca Barmby (RB) / Launch May 2014
Ongoing / KO 1: JM
Develop and implement an online audit for all schools accessed via the LMS online curriculum toolkit resource. / JM and Graham Standley (GS) / Launch June 2014
Ongoing / KO 2: JM
In partnership with CfBT School Improvement Service develop a monitoring programme, of an annual 10% sample, leading to targeted support for schools in most need. / JM / July 2014
Ongoing / KO 2: JC
Assign named hub manager (Area and Operational Managers) to all schools to ensure strong links and connectivity / GS / June and July 2014 / KO 2: JM
Establish schools' working party (including school hub reps) for the development of online resources including video clips of good practice. / JM / April 2014 / KO 3: JC
Action / By whom / Timescale / Monitoring
Develop, implement and launch a password protected Online Music Curriculum Primary Toolkitto supportall schools with:
2)Overview documentation
3)Progression and Assessment
4)Classroom percussion demonstration videos
5)Exemplar units of work including video clips
6)Publisher Partner resources
7)Singing Resources and MP3 files
8)Whole Class Ensemble Teaching resources and impact case studies / Sue Nicholls (SN) + GS / Launch June 2014
Ongoing / KO 3: JM
Monitor levels of access by schools and liaise with CfBT School Improvement Service of schools where engagement is poor / JM / October 2014 / KO 3: JC
Develop, implement and launch Secondary resources to all schools to complement the Primary Music Toolkit / Andrew Hird (AH) / Launch January 2015 / KO 3: JM
Establish links with respected music publishers to align resources to the toolkit e.g. A&C Black / JM / June 2014 / KO 3: JC
Dissemination of online resources and support via the Collaborative Schools Partnership (represents 80% of Lincolnshire Schools) including development of impact case studies / JM / Launch June 2014
Ongoing / KO 3: JC
Training for all LMS managers, tutors, schools and hub partners regarding primary and secondary curriculum music developments and resources available including audit tool. / SN / July and September 2014
Ongoing / KO 4: JM
Training for all school based graduate trainee teachers as part of their programme / JM / July 2014 / KO 4: JC
Music consultancy packages developed and advertised for all schools to access at an affordablerate / JM / May 2014 / KO 4: JC