Life Science Chapter 23 Homework Questions

Name: ______Date: ______

Life Science Chapter 23 Homework Questions

Section Review 23A

1.  What is the main disadvantage in using nonrenewable natural resources?

2.  Why do most hunters in modern America hunt?

3.  What does the term endangered species mean? List three endangered species.

4.  Why should a farmer practice crop rotation?

Section Review 23B

1.  The human population has experienced what kind of growth?

2.  What two substances are in gasohol?

3.  What disease limited the growth of the human population in Europe during the 1300s?

Section Review 23C

1.  What is the difference between biodegradable pollution and nonbiodegradable pollution?

2.  What is used to cover trash in sanitary landfills?

Chapter 23 Review

1.  List one renewable ad one nonrenewable resource.

2.  List one advantage and one disadvantage of using gasohol instead of gasoline.

3.  What two factors affect a population’s growth rate?

4.  What is conservation?

What Did You Learn?

1.  Explain why hunting was responsible for the extinction of passenger pigeons even though hunters did not kill every passenger pigeon.

2.  Explain how a hazardous substance dumped on the ground could contaminate the fish for sale at your local grocery store.